A taxonomic revision of the genus Drassodex Murphy, 2007 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) Author Hervé, Christophe Author Roberts, Michael J. Author Murphy, John A. text Zootaxa 2009 2171 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189206 60cbb643-8df2-44b2-b799-b8b1fe7b61a2 1175-5326 189206 Drassodex hypocrita ( Simon, 1878 ) Figs 2–9 Drassus hypocrita Simon, 1878 : 120 , pl. 15, fig. 8 (male syntypes , examined). ? Drassus heeri Bösenberg, 1902 : 291 , 292, 295, fig. 433. Drassodes hypocrita Lessert, 1905 : 191 , figs 7–9; Simon, 1914 : 121 , 132, 207, figs 216–218; Reimoser, 1919 : 161 ; Reimoser, 1937 : 12, figs 27, 31; Roewer, 1954 : 387; Bonnet, 1956 : 1568; Tyschchenko, 1971 : 95, fig. 169; Grimm, 1985 : 114 , figs 120, 126 –127; Heimer & Nentwig, 1991 : 418, fig. 1103; Roberts, 1998 : 108, figs unnumbered ; Canard, 2005 : 190. Drassodex hypocrita Murphy, 2007 : 41 , 55, figs p. 232–233; Platnick, 2008 . Type material: Syntypes : 2 males from France , no specific locality (“ Gallia ”), Simon collection n° 23804 ( MNHN AR 9438). Remarks. Among the tubes labelled D. hypocrita by Simon in the MNHN collection, only four, labelled “ D. hypocrita , Gallia ” (MNHN AR 9430, AR 9436, AR 9438, AR 9442) potentially contain type material of this species; others are dated after 1878 and only cited in 1914 ( Simon 1914 ). Regarding the significant number of female specimens, it is difficult to know whether the author used all or only a part of them for the description, mixing later collections with the type series. The latter case is more likely, because some specimens collected from other localities ( Simon 1914 ) were not found in the MNHN collection, implying that Simon combined material from several localities under the label “ Gallia ”. In consequence, tubes MNHN AR 9430, AR 9436, AR 9442 must be considered as containing a mixture of type and non-type material. The two males in tube MNHN AR 9438 are probably both syntypes : in a letter addressed to Simon dated June 3, 1905 , Kulczynski wrote concerning D. hypocrita that ʽit is a little surprising that you possess a great quantity of females and two males only’. Other material examined. FRANCE . No specific locality: 169 Ƥ, “ Gallia ”, Simon collection n° 24937 ( MNHN AR 9430); 5 Ƥ, “ Gallia ”, “pattes postérieures anormales, épines supplémentaires”, Simon collection n° 23827 ( MNHN AR 9436); 10 Ƥ, “ Gallia ”, “pattes antérieures anormales, épines supplémentaires”, Simon collection n° 23829 ( MNHN AR 9442); 14 Ƥ, “ France ”, Dalmas collection n° M68 ( MNHN AR 9441). Alpes-de-Haute-Provence : 1 Ƥ, Entrevennes, Haut Vaudonnier, 659 m , pitfall trap, March 31 to Apr. 16, 1999 , J.-F. Cornic, Cornic collection. Alpes-Maritimes : 11 Ƥ and 4 3, Dalmas collection n° M68bis ( MNHN AR 9424); 1 Ƥ, Menton ( MNHN AR 9429); 1 Ƥ, La Bollène-Vésubie, Malagratta, about 800 m , Aug. 17, 2006 , C. Rollard ( MNHN ); 1 Ƥ, Saorge, Vallon d’Abième, about 700 m , Aug. 19, 2006 , C. Rollard ( MNHN ). Bouches-du-Rhône : 6 Ƥ and 1 3, Forêt de Vitrolles, Nov. 1913 , La Bonde, “tibias ant. biaculeatis”, E. Simon, Simon collection ( MNHN AR 9437); 1 Ƥ, Bois de Carry, 1913, “prolifération à gauche”, Simon collection n° 25181 ( MNHN AR 9440); 1 3, Petite Camargue, Oct. 17, 1989 , P. Poot, Bosmans collection. Va uc lu s e : 1 Ƥ, Avignon, La Durance, 1913, “prolifération interne et externe”, E. Simon, Simon collection ( MNHN AR 9428); 1 3, Oct. 0 3 to 17, 1 3 , Aug. 23 to Sept. 0 6, Bonnieux, La Garenne, 434 m , pitfall trap, J.- F. Cornic, Cornic collection; 1 3, Auribeau, Les Estruguets, 990 m , pitfall trap, Oct. 0 5 to 19, 2001, J.-F. Cornic, Cornic collection; 1 Ƥ, Auribeau, Vallon La Fayette, 1008 m , May 0 7, 2002, J.-F. Cornic, Cornic collection; 1 Ƥ, Caumont-sur-Durance, 72 m , pitfall trap, May 11 to 20, 2004 , J.-F. Cornic, Cornic collection; 1 3, Grambois, Les Trois Oliviers, 507 m , pitfall trap, Oct. 0 6 to 28, 2003, J.-F. Cornic, Cornic collection; 1 3, Lauris, bord de Durance, 136 m , pitfall trap, Oct. 0 6 to 28, 2003, J.-F. Cornic, Cornic collection. Va r : 10 Ƥ and 2 3, Agay, Mar. 1917 and Callian, 1924, L. Berland, Berland collection ( MNHN AR 9435); 1 Ƥ, Agay, Mar. 1917 , L. Berland, Berland collection ( MNHN AR 9214); 1 Ƥ, Callian, L. Berland, Berland collection ( MNHN AR 9244). Hérault : 1 Ƥ, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Apr. 1909 , L. Berland, Berland collection ( MNHN AR 9443). Diagnosis. D. hypocrita can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the combination of the following characters: the shape of the superior prong of the RTA, abruptly rising from the tibia and then straight to the narrowed tip ( Figs 5, 9 ), the long and styliform tip of the coil ( Figs 4–5, 8–9 ), the huge basal tubercle of the terminal apophysis projecting forward ( Figs 8–9 ), the finger-shaped membranous coils and the singular shape of the distal part of the coiled ducts ( Figs 3, 7 ), often easily visible through the abdominal tegument ( Fig. 6 ). Description. Male dimensions ( syntype ): total length 8.90. Carapace 3.90 long, 2.82 wide. Leg I: femur 3.21, patella 1.74, tibia 2.94, metatarsus 2.49, tarsus 1.57, total 11.95. Leg II: femur 2.76, patella 1.57, tibia 2.23, metatarsus 1.96, tarsus 1.32, total 9.84. Leg III: femur 2.43, patella 1.32, tibia 1.72, metatarsus 1.76, tarsus 1.13, total 8.36. Leg IV: femur 3.15, patella 1.55, tibia 2.61, metatarsus 2.66, tarsus 1.32, total 11.29. Leg spination: femora: I d1-1-0; III r0-1(0)-1; tibiae: I v0-1p-0; IV v1 p(2)-2-2; metatarsi: III, IV p0-2-2, r0-2- 2. RTA bifid, superior prong abruptly rising from the tibia and then straight to the end, inferior prong large and blunt ( Figs 5, 9 ); median apophysis pointing inwards; embolar coil looped around twice, spiralling upwards along two axes, with a long and curved terminal apophysis, a strong tubercle emerging from its base ( Figs 5, 9 ); tip of the coil long and styliform, easily visible in ventral view ( Figs 4, 8 ). Female dimensions (min.–max. MNHN AR 9441): total length 8.09–12.36. Carapace 4.14–5.38 long, 3.14–4.19 wide. Leg I: femur 3.07–3.90, patella 1.74–2.28, tibia 2.52–3.23, metatarsus 2.32–2.92, tarsus 1.52–1.90, total 11.17–14.23. Leg II: femur 2.80–3.64, patella 1.62–2.09, tibia 2.29–2.85, metatarsus 2.11–2.60, tarsus 1.40–1.67, total 10.22–12.85. Leg III: femur 2.60–3.28, patella 1.43–1.79, tibia 1.86–2.29, metatarsus 1.91–2.32, tarsus 1.24–1.49, total 9.04–11.17. Leg IV: femur 3.62–4.34, patella 1.67–2.10, tibia 3.02–3.56, metatarsus 3.07–3.69, tarsus 1.43–1.74, total 12.81–15.43. Leg spination: femora: I d1-1-0; III r0- 1(0)-1; tibiae: I, II v0-1p(2)-0; IV v1 p-2-2; metatarsi: III, IV p0-2-2, r0-2-2. Atrium small, subpentagonal in ventral view ( Fig. 6 ) or transverse oval when viewed from behind ( Fig. 2 ), often very much wider than high (0.37–0.52 wide, 0.23–0.32 high, ratio 1.37–1.91); lateral margins converging anteriorly, to a small triangular tongue not projecting posteriorly ( Figs 2, 6 ); copulatory openings large and slightly separated; coiled ducts looped around twice and following outer contour of finger-shaped membranous coils ( Figs 3, 7 ). Distribution. France , Switzerland , Germany , Belgium , Netherlands , West Russia .