A genus in disguise. Revision of the genus Salcedia Fairmaire, 1899 with descriptions of nine new species (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae, Salcediini)
Balkenohl, Michael
journal article
Salcedia elongata Alluaud, 1932
Figs 6a
, 12
, 30
, 46
, 56
, 71
, 84
Salcedia elongata
Alluaud, 1932: 3;
Burgeon 1935
: 159;
Csiki 1933
: 641;
Reichardt 1975
: 103;
Dostal 1993
: 121; 1932,
Lorenz 2005
: 155.
Type material.
♂, with labels and data: white, printed and handwritten
DU CONGO Katanga: Lufira 13-IV-1925 Ch. Seydel" / red, glued
/ white printed and handwritten "R.
. 2019 ol" / white, black framed, handwritten and printed "
Salcedia elongata
All. Alluaud det. 1931" / red, black framed
: 1 spec., same data as holotype but "R.
. 2019 e" and red, black double framed
; 1 spec., same data but
DU CONGO Katanga: Kangele 4-IV-1925 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT).
In the paratype from Lufira the pronotum and head is missing.
Additional material.
2 ♂, 1 ♀, 4 specs., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville
1940 H.J.
(MRACT); 5 specs., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville II/V-1949 Ch. Seydel" / black framed "A la
(MRACT); 6 specs., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville (
) XI. 1951 - II. 1952 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT, CBB); 6 specs., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville (a la
) 1.III-52/30-IX-1953 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT); 4 specs., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville (a la
) 1953/1955 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT); 28 specs., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville, A la
XI-50/VI-51 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT, CBB); 1 spec., "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville IX-1958/V-1959 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT); 1 spec.,
DU CONGO Katanga: Lufira 13-IV-1925 Ch. Seydel" (MRACT). 1 spec. "COLL. MUS. CONGO Elisabethville (
) XII-1952 H. Bomans" (MRACT); 2 ♀, "COLL. MUS. CONGO Tanganika: Musosa, 980 m. (a la
) XI-1953 H. Bomans" (MRACT); 1 ♀, 2 specs., "I.R.S.A.C.-MUS. CONGO Kivu: Kavimvira (Uvira) (a la
) II/III-1955 G. Marlier" (MRACT); 2 specs., MUS. ROY. AFR. CENTR. Lualaba: Zilo (
) 124 13-II-1960 Dr. V. Allard (MRACT); 4 specs., COLL. MUS. CONGO Lulua: Kapanga V/VII-1958, IV/IX-1958, V/VII-1959, V/VII-1959, J. Allaer (MRACT, CBB); 1 ♂, 3 ♀, 1 spec., Congo Belge, P.N.G. Miss. H. De Saeger Mabanga, 25-III-1952 H. De Saeger. 3220; 3411; 3114;3339; 3883 (MRACT, CBB); 2 ♀, Congo Belge, P.N.G. Miss. H. De Saeger Pidigala, 24-IV-1952 H. De Saeger. 3325 (MRACT); 1 ♀, Soil-Zoological Congo-Brazzaville Kindamba,
settlement / 9.11.1963, No 147 by lamplight leg.
(CBP); 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 4 specs., ZAMBIA NORTHERN PROVINCE 15 km NE LUWINGU 03.-04.2008 1400 M A.KUDRNA JR LGT (CBP); 1 ♀, ZAMBIA c., Northern pr. CHIPONA FALLS, 5-8.xiI 30 km S of Chinsali leg. F. + L. Kantner 2002 (CBP); 1 ♀, Angola: Nzargi-Andrada VIII/XII-1952 A. de Barros Machado (MRACT); 1 ♂, 3 specs., UGANDA NC. 20km NE of GULU PATIKO env. 5.12.2001 Lgt.M.
A large species, with oblong-elongate parallel outline of the elytra with maximum width at middle and the pronotum with three additional carinae of which the inner and outer lateral carinae are distinctly shortened. The pseudohumerus is nearly rectangular with indistinct tooth. The antennomeres are moniliform. Distinguished most clearly from the similar species
S. africana
by the pronotum with anteriorly projecting angles and with shortened inner and outer lateral carinae. Moreover, in
S. africana
the antennomeres are sub-elongate, interneur four of the elytron is running up to the base, and the front tibia shows five lateral teeth instead of four. The second similar species,
S. procera
sp. nov. is much smaller, its antennomeres are sub-moniliform, and the elytra are super-elongate with the lateral outline slightly concave.
Measurements in Table
Colour and surface:
Piceous, areas between carinae and pits shiny; lateral fifth of pronotum translucent fuscous; mandibles, legs, and antennae fuscous, palpi leoninous.
Four-fifths of the pronotum width. Outline pentagonal shaped. Clypeus wide, straight anteriorly, fused with clypeal wings, separated from supra-antennal plates by distinct notches, with convex field at middle, separated from frons by deep transverse furrow. Frons with two raised paramedian carinae, joining anteriorly, prolonged anteriorly into a central distinctly erected tubercle, with two small rounded glossy teeth bilaterally anterior to central tubercle, with two parallel carinae paralaterally near base; frons and clypeus separated from supra-antennal and supraorbital plates by deep broad furrows, each furrow with deep slightly longitudinal pit between supra-antennal plate and clypeus; supra-antennal and supraorbital plates distinctly margined, margin raised, carina-like, indistinctly crenulated, supra-antennal plates slightly vaulted. Base emarginated at middle, distinctly but obtuse angled laterally (angle 135-136°). Eyes large, convex, with transverse-pentagonal shape in lateral view, with small part just visible in dorsal view; genae slightly convex. Antenna with segments five to ten moniliform (L/W 1.02), densely pubescent, segments two to four scarcely pubescent, scapus, and pedicellus with longitudinal reticulation. Labrum slightly pointed anteriorly. Mandible moderately short, wide, slightly arcuate at apex. Apical segment of maxillary palpomere moderately long. Mentum small, epilobes wide, projecting and distinctly angled anteriorly, completely margined, surface covered with pits.
): Outline rectangular, transverse, a quarter wider than long. Lateral margin straight and parallel at middle, maximum width at middle, slightly converging at anterior and posterior angles. Lateral margin distinctly crenulated, with twelve to thirteen tubercles, with anterior angles right-angled projecting, with moderate emargination at posterior angles. Base straight laterally, without keel at middle. Disc with two raised paramedian carinae parallel to median line and diverging posteriorly, with few slight notches, with median line narrow but longer and ending in pits anteriorly and posteriorly, with four additional shorter carinae bilaterally, the paralateral ones joining with the paramedian carinae at base and forming tooth-like tubercle pointing posteriorly, extended anteriorly as less raised paralateral carina. With two very short and less raised inner and outer lateral carinae, the inner one connecting the paralateral with the small outer lateral carina. All carinae sub-crenulate. Lateral margin and space between lateral margin and paralateral carina wing-like bent up, with six large transverse pits.
): Flattened in anterior half (lateral view), regularly convex in frontal view. Oblong-elongate, margin straight, parallel, maximum width at middle. Pseudohumerus nearly rectangular, indistinctly dentate. Apex rounded, acutely and small denticulate at suture. Disc with interneur six crenulated, interneur two running up to apex as parallel line, conspicuously raised; interneur four in parallel at middle, convex towards apex, not reaching apex, nearly reaching base. Interneur five nearly not visible due to transversally connected pits. Pits approaching very close to interneur six.
Hind wings:
Fully developed.
Lower surface
): Antennal channel of pronotum with isodiametric reticulation. Pseudoepipleura with two rows of serial pits, one of the rows becoming indistinct apically, lateral margin of elytron smooth. Metepisternum distinctly elongated, with broad longitudinal groove. Last visible sternum with longitudinal carina laterally and a longitudinal blunt carina at middle.
Profemora dorsally with a pit and isodiametric reticulation. Protibia stout, with short moderately curved terminal spine, laterally with four teeth of decreasing size, dorsally and ventrally with two carinae. Movable spur short, length a quarter of first tarsomere. Meso- and metafemora of moderate length, slender, slightly dilated basally. First tarsomeres distinctly elongated, almost as long as tarsomeres two to five together.
External sexual dimorphism:
The longitudinal central blunt carina at middle of sternum six is more distinctly developed in females.
Male genitalia
): Median lobe elongated, slender, in dorsal view moderately arcuate in basal two thirds, distinctly bent at beginning of apical third, apex straight, in lateral view bisinuate, with fine pili at middle to apical third, apex stick-like in cross section sub-ovoid, round directly at apex. Oroficium large. Endophallus with two groups of microtrichia, a broader elongated one with length of one fifth of median lobe, a second shorter group at the opposite side. Dorsal parameres long, slender, sinuate, with lateral and basal apophysis narrow, slightly distorted; ventral one inconspicuous.
Female genitalia
): Coxostylus broadened, distinctly curved, with distinct carina dorsally in apical third, at end of basal third with one fine small seta, one strong and five slender nematiform setae laterally, SSO with two microtrichia.
In some of the specimens the elytra are indistinctly depressed in anterior half in lateral view. Protibia in some specimens with five teeth laterally. In specimens from Luwingu (Zambia) the lateral margin of the elytron is not exactly straight but indistinctly curved and the lateral margin of the pronotum shows eleven to twelve tubercles.
). The species occurs in the south-west and the south of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in the north of Uganda. Finds were also made in the north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the Lufira and Luabala River. Many specimens were collected at light. The historic name Elisabethville refers to the city today called Lubumbashi, that of Brazzaville to Kinshasa.