The immatures of lauxaniid flies (Diptera: Lauxaniidae) and their taxonomical implications
Semelbauer, Marek
Kozánek, Milan
journal article
Sapromyza apicalis
Loew 1847
Living larvae cylindrical and glassy shining. Malpighian tubules moderately inflated to thin, forming typical ventral loop, but it may not be fully developed in some specimens.
robust (
Fig. 23
). Length
0.71–0.75 mm
. Relatively high number (16–19) of well developed ridges, ribs not developed. Chorion tuberculous. Posterior pole flat with few (ca. 10) openings.
FIGURES 111–114.
Sapromyza apicalis
, first instar. 111. Cephalic segment, latero-ventral view. 112. Detail of the ventral organ. 113. Thoracic segments, lateral view. 114. Abdominal segments, lateral view. A, antenna; A1–A2, first and second abdominal segments; CS, cephalic segment; LL, labial lobe; MH, mouth hooks; MP, maxillary palpus; PC, peristomal cirri; SC, scraping cirri; SC1, first row of scraping cirri; T1–T3, first to third thoracic segments; VO, ventral organ.
FIGURES 115–118.
Sapromyza apicalis
, second instar. 115. Cephalic segment, latero-ventral view. 116. Detail of the ventral organ. 117. Thoracic segments, lateral view. 118. Abdominal segments, dorsal view. A, antenna; A3–A5, third to fifth abdominal segments; CS, cephalic segment; LL, labial lobe; MH, mouth hook; MP, maxillary palpus; PC, peristomal cirri; SC, scraping cirri; VO, ventral organ.
First instar
Figs 111–114
). Length
1.02–2.12 mm
. The ventral organ robust, without slender digitiform outgrowths, a large partly immerged sensila developed instead. Only four rows of scraping cirri present. The thoracic segments with wide belts of anterior comb spines.
Cephaloskeleton (
Fig. 172
) strongly build. Length
0.23–0.25 mm
. Mouth hooks strongly sclerotised, apically touching; three strong apical teeth; dental sclerite large and coalescing to basal part of the mouth hook. Labrum not recognisable. The epistomal sclerite anteriorly hyaline. The ventral bridge narrow and pronounced in lateral view. Parastomal bars very strong. Dorsal bridge semilunar from dorsal view.
Second instar
Figs 115–118
). Length
2.15–3.84 mm
. Facial mask narrow (5–8 scraping cirri per row), the scraping cirri with few (3–6) apical papillae. The peristomal cirri robust. The labial lobe massive, with inner hairs. The ventral organ robust and relatively short, as tall as wide. The thoracic segments with broad belts of comb spines. The body segments smooth except of creeping welts.
Cephaloskeleton (
Fig. 187
). Length
0.42–0.43 mm
. Mouth hooks converging, two apical teeth. Intermediate sclerite with dorsal ridge beginning anteriorly to ventral bridge. Subhypostomal sclerites stalked, converging. Rami coarse. Epistomal sclerite narrow and arched in dorsal view. Ventral bridge simple, narrow and prominent in lateral view. Dorsal bridge trapezoid. Ventral cornua with straight dorsal margin and hyaline distal half.
FIGURES 119–124.
Sapromyza apicalis
, third instar. 119. Cephalic segment, lateral view. The mouth hooks are retracted and consequently not visible. 120. Thoracic segments, lateral view. 121. Abdominal segments, lateral view. 122. Abdominal segments, dorsal view. 123. Anal division, postero-lateral view. 124. Detail of the integument of the abdominal segments. A, antenna; A3–A4, third and fourth abdominal segments; AL, ambulatory lobe; CS, cephalic segment; DP, dorsal process; LL, labial lobe; LP, lateral process; MP, maxillary palpus; PC, peristomal cirri; PS, posterior spiracles; SC, scraping cirri; SC1, first row of scraping cirri; T1–T3, first to third thoracic segments.
Third instar
Figs 119–124
). Length
3.75–6.14 mm
. The facial mask narrow (6–11 scraping cirri per row), the scraping cirri with few equal-sized papillae. The peristomal cirri few and robust. The thoracic segments with broad belts of comb spines anteriorly. The laterals of body segments covered by sharp robust spines (indicated also on the second and third thoracic segments and dorsally on last body segments). The anal division with three pairs of processes. The anterior spiracles fan-shaped, with 6 papillae. The posterior spiracles short, stout, with small peristigmatic tufts.
Cephaloskeleton (
Fig. 202
) robustly built. Length
0.67–0.70 mm
. The mouth hooks massive, as long as the intermediate sclerite, converging. The intermediate sclerite with dorsal ridge. The ventral bridge narrow and prominent in lateral view. The epistomal sclerite narrow and arched in dorsal view. The subhypostomal sclerites stalked, converging. Rami and parastomal bars coarse. The dorsal bridge longer than broad. The dorsal cornua as broad as ventral cornua; distal part of the ventral cornua hyaline, dorsal margin slightly concave. Cibarium hyaline.