A review of the genus Rhyparus in the Philippines, with descriptions of two new species from Mindanao (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Aphodiinae) Author Anichtchenko, Alexander Institute of Life Sciences and Technologies, Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, Latvia beetl2000@mail.ru Author Minkina, Łukasz os. Polana Szalfarska Author Vasiljeva, Anastasija Institute of Life Sciences and Technologies, Daugavpils University, Daugavpils, Latvia Author Medina, Milton Norman D. Institute of Biodiversity and Environment, Coleoptera Research Center, University of Mindanao, Davao City, Philippines text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2021 2021-03-16 61 1 99 111 http://dx.doi.org/10.37520/aemnp.2021.006 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2021.006 1804-6487 5037544 7A927D20-F3B3-4611-BDC3-7EC99A131B69 Rhyparus helophoroides Fairmaire, 1893 ( Figs 4a–c , 10 , 16 , 22 , 28a–b ) Material examined. PHILIPPINES : Lඎඓඈඇ: 1 J, Camirines Sur, Lagonoy, ii.2019 , local coll. ( CNCW ). Mංඇൽൺඇൺඈ: 3JJ 1♀ , Araibo, Pantukan, Compostela Valley , Candalaga Mts., 7°16′35.3″N 126°10′12.8″E , 900 m , 15.–20.x.2019 , Anichtchenko A. leg. ( DUBC ); 4 JJ 4♀♀ , New Bataan , Cagan, 7°16′25″N 126°13′23.7″E , 18.–21.x.2019 ,Anichtchenko A. leg.ʼ ( DUBC ). 1 ♀ , Maragusan, Marangig Falls, Candalaga Mts., 7°20′28.4″N 126°10′19.8″E , 700 m , 3.–4.v.2019 , A. Anichtchenko leg. ( DUBC ). 1 ♀ , S Cotobato, Lake Holon, 5.–10.x.2019 , Anichtchenko A. leg.( DUBC ). 1 ♀ , Bukidnon , Kitanglad Mt., 8°03′24.8″N 125°00′22.9″E , 1200 m , 23.–24.x.2018 , Medina MND. leg.( UMCRC ); 1 ♀ , Davao City, Marilog Mts., Marilog, 7°27′16.2″N 125°14′52.7″E , 1357 m , 15.–17. vii.2018 , Medina MND. leg. ( UMCRC ); 1 J, Dominorog, Bukidnon , iv.2019 , local coll.” ( LMCN ). Diagnosis. Small species: body length 3.4–4.5 mm ( Figs 4a–c ). Head as depicted in Fig. 10 ; epipharynx as in Fig. 16 . Intermediate lobes of pronotum slightly larger than anterior one; median intercosta with dense punctation medially; second and third intercostae without or only with simple punctation basally. All intercostae of elytra with two rows of large punctures. Internal and median protrusion of caudal bulbs connected ( Fig. 22 ); external protrusion weakly developed (see also TIJඣ*©ං & Bඈ*©ൽൺඍ intervals 1–4; anterior part of pronotal costae with minute 2012). Aedeagus as in Figs 28a–b . appressed microsetae as described below, but otherwise Distribution. Australia (introduced): New South Wales , glabrous; black, except for dark brown antennae and mouth Queensland ; Indonesia : Central Java , West Kalimantan , parts ( Figs 5a–c ). West Papua ; Japan : Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Ryukyus; Head, as observed dorsally and frontally ( Figs 5c and 11 , Malaysia : Sabah ; New Caledonia ; Papua New Guinea : respectively), with anterior clypeal emargination with weak, Central Province, Eastern Highlands , Morobe : the Philippi- very obtuse tooth on each side, distinct lateral emargination nes: Luzon, Negros; Vanuatu ; Taiwan ; ʻBornéoʼ (Mൾඇർඅ sinuate before widely rounded lateral angle; clypeal margin et al. 2013). First record from Mindanao Island. with upper and lower edges: upper edge concave, sharp and Fig. 4. Habitus of Rhyparus helophoroides Fairmaire, 1893 : a – dorsal view; b – right dorsolateral view; c – right lateral view. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. distinct, lower edge obsolete and not observable from above; Rhyparus mindanaoensis sp. nov. clypeal disc very convex, ringed by deep groove, with pair ( Figs 5a–c , 11 , 17 , 23 , 29a–b ) of small rounded tubercles. Frons with four relatively long, Type material. Hඈඅඈඍඒඉൾ:J, labelled: ʻPhilippines, Mindanao, Maragu- sharp, longitudinal ridges of equal length; lateral ridges san, 700m , Marangig Falls, Candalaga Mts., 7°20′28.4″N 126°10′19.8″E , slightly less elevated; distance between median and lateral 3–4.v.2019 , A. Anichtchenko leg.ʼ (DUBC). Pൺ*©ൺඍඒඉൾඌ: 1J, labelled: ridges slightly larger than that between two median ones. ʻPhilippines, Mindanao, Bukidnon , Kalatungan, ix.2016 , local coll.ʼ Head between genae almost as wide as pronotum; genae (LMCN). 1 ♀ , labelled: ʻPalawan (Central), Sabang, 50- 100m ., via very large and strongly protruding. Head irregularly punc- Underground River, I. Lobl, 30.xi.[19]95ʼ (ISEA). tate, more sparsely so in frons, punctures large, separated Description. Male holotype : Moderately large species, by about 1.5–2.0 times their diameter and bearing minute, body length 5.5 mm ; robust, matt, except for shiny tops of pale, relatively thin microsetae. Epipharynx as in Fig. 17 . Fig. 5. Habitus of Rhyparus mindanaoensis sp. nov. , male, holotype: a – dorsal view; b – right dorsolateral view; c – right lateral view. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Pronotum transverse, 1.26 times as wide as long; opaque, convex, anterior margin weakly bisinuate; disc with eight costae, six central costae sharp and well delimited. Costae 1 (paramedian pair) continuous, very highly elevated anteriorly and posteriorly, in anterior part forming elevated, elongate tubercles ( Fig. 11 ); costae slightly and evenly convergent in central part. Costae 2 high and well delimited, flattened in transverse depression, anterior part short but very high; fossae of transverse depression small and caviform, with two coracoid processes hanging over fossae. Costae 3 continuous, distinctly elevated, weakly sinuous in anterior third. Costae 4 incomplete, flattened and low but distinct in median part, interrupted in apical third by two deep punctiform fossae, and effaced in basal third; one deep punctiform fossa situated at base of anterolateral pronotal process. Median intercosta densely covered with large punctures, punctures not confluent in median line and sparser in anterior half. Lateral intercostae 1 and 2 each with four large punctures in apical part; intercostae 2 and 3 with only few large punctures. Lateral margin with two lobes, anterior lobe large, relatively narrow and with pointed apex, median lobe subangulate. Elytra ( Figs 5a–c ; 17 ) elongate, 1.65 times as long as wide. Humeral callus with large punctures separated by about one puncture diameter. Each elytron with five strong costae. First costa (sutural) straight, flattened on disc and slightly elevated in apical third, without apical tooth. Second costa sharp, very strongly elevated from base to apical bulbous area, and terminated as strong swelling with dense brown trichome at apex. Third costa slightly incurved, sharp, extending from base to a little before end of costa 2, apex slightly swollen and with brown elongate tubercle. Fourth costa high, of almost same length and width as costa 3, shortly curved at base and slightly sinuous near apex, with relatively long brown tubercle and dense trichome. Fifth costa sinuous, elevated, extending from base to apex, with apical portion strongly swollen and forming bisinuate transverse protrusion with three large tubercles in dorsal view. Elytral intercostae very weakly and transversally corrugated, matt, except for very shiny and impunctate apical parts of intercostae 1–4. Intercostae 1–4 with two longitudinal rows of large and deep punctures of almost equal size, extending from base to near apex, distances between neighboring punctures relatively uniform, about 1.5–2.0 times puncture diameter. Caudal bulbs distinctly developed. Internal and median protrusion of caudal bulbs well developed; external protrusion moderately developed. Fig. 6. Habitus of Rhyparus philippinensis Arrow, 1905 , syntypes: a – dorsal view; b – right dorsolateral view; c – right lateral view. Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Pygidium with semicircular elevated area at base connected by narrow ridge with pygidial apex and by deep groove with basal margin, with areas on each side of ridge strongly depressed. Legs. Profemora wide, with large punctures throughout. Protibiae thin at base; with slightly sinuate inner margin up to relatively large and slightly inward bent inner apical tooth, weakly dilated apically, with moderately arcuate and then emarginate inner margin in front of large outer tooth. Mesofemora with 4–5 tough, fairly long, sharp, pale microsetae along apical half of anterior edge; posterior margin bilobed, with deep groove, its surface punctate throughout, punctures of half size of those on profemoral surface. Mesotibiae narrow at base, inner margin strongly widened from base to about third of its length and then almost parallel to apex, with short, pale, decumbent setae on inner surface and rows of longer, pale, semierect setae on edges; apex with backward directed inferior spine and inward bent tooth. Metafemora long, narrow, posterior margin slightly bilobed, punctation smaller and sparser than on mesofemora. Metatibiae with outer margin concave, setation less developed than on mesotibiae; inferior apical tooth large and directed inward in male. Venter matt, black. Prosternum with long anterior process with rounded apex and hastate posterior process. Mesoventrite with shallow setigerous punctures. Meso- -metaventral plate with distinct, moderately deep medi- an impression, surface with small setigerous punctures medially and larger punctures laterally. Abdomen with ventrites 1–5 with small, shallow and sparse setiferous punctures, punctures along apical and basal margin crenate; ventrites 3–5 triangularly grooved on each lateral broadened area, groove distinctly larger on ventrite 5; ventrites 5 and 6 fused, ventrite 6 with large transverse groove with 16 large punctures. Figs 7–12. Head of Rhyparus species , frontal view: 7 – R. barclayi Masumoto, Ochi & Ho, 2019 ; 8 – R. flavohirtus sp. nov. ; 9 – R. gracilis Arrow, 1905 ; 10 – R. helophoroides Fairmaire, 1893 ; 11 – R. mindanaoensis sp. nov. ; 12 – R. philippinensis Arrow, 1905 . Scale bar = 1.0 mm. Male genitalia. Aedeagus as in Figs 29a–b . Differential diagnosis. Based on the moderately elongate habitus with elytra widest in basal third, body length 5.5–6.0 mm, anterior lateral lobes of pronotum wider than intermediate ones, very high costae of pronotum and elytra with deep intercostae, presence of two rows of punctures in all intercostae of elytra, distinctly divided median and internal protrusion of caudal bulb of elytra with distinct external protrusion, the new species is very similar to Rhyparus denticollis Fairmaire, 1893 . However, R. mindanaoensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from the former species by median intercosta of pronotum somewhat narrower and with denser punctation, second and third intercostae of pronotum with sparse/very sparse, irregularly distributed punctation in basal part (versus moderately dense punctation, rather evenly distributed, with similar density to punctation in median furrow), sinuation between internal and median protrusion of caudal bulb of elytra more distinct and tibiae relatively slender. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from Min- danao Island , where the holotype of the new species was collected; the name is an adjective. Figs 13–18. Epipharynx of Rhyparus species : 13 – R. barclayi Masumoto, Ochi & Ho, 2019 ; 14 – R. flavohirtus sp. nov. ; 15 – R. gracilis Arrow, 1905 ; 16 – R. helophoroides Fairmaire, 1893 ; 17– R. mindanaoensis sp. nov. ; 18 – R. philippinensis Arrow, 1905 . Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Distribution. Species known so far only from the Philippines : Mindanao and Palawan islands.