Redescription of the forgotten New Caledonian weevil genus Callistomorphus Perroud, 1865 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Eugnomini) with descriptions of eight new species Author Mazur, Milosz Adam text ZooKeys 2019 821 45 83 journal article 1313-2970-821-45 2EF1F944B9FF4CFD9DD75F47808CB7B8 Callistomorphus farinosus Perroud, 1865 Figs 1, 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76, 85, 94, 101, 108, 115, 122, 127, 132, 135, 140 Callistomorphus farinosus Perroud, 1865: 170, pl. 1, fig. 7 Diagnosis. The largest member of the genus. Last three antennomeres of funicle wider than long. Apical margin of pronotum widely concave medially in dorsal view. Elytra with characteristic whitish spot in the area from medial tubercles to 7th intervals, not reaching apical part. Penis body distinctly, regularly narrowed from base to apex in lateral view. Parameroid lobes of tegmen slightly divided apically. Female abdominal tergite VIII with maximum width near middle. Redescription. Body length (lb) - 12.80-14.70 mm. Body colour and vestiture (Fig. 13). As stated in diagnosis, whitish spot on elytra is clearly visible on generally darker ground coloration. Some specimens with T- or X-shaped blackish spot on elytra, extending from base to medial tubercles. Pronotum with distinct, light, oblique lines. All studied additional specimens also with distinctly lighter hind legs than lectotype. Darker area at apical part of elytra sometimes with transverse stripe of paler scales. Figures 13-21. Dorsal habitus colour photographs of New Caledonian species from the genus Callistomorphus : 13 C. farinosus Perr., lectotype, female with original labels 14 C. fundatus sp. n., male, holotype 15 C. gibbus sp. n., holotype, male 16 C. malleus sp. n., paratype, female 17 C. minimus sp. n., holotype, female 18 C. rutai sp. n., holotype, male 19 C. szoltysi sp. n., holotype, female 20 C. torosus sp. n., paratype, female 21 C. turbidus sp. n., holotype, male. Scale bar = 5 mm. Head (Figs 1, 4, 58, 67, 76). Subquadrate to slightly longer than wide (hw/hl ♂: 1.07; ♀: 1.00-1.10). Frons as wide as 2 x width of eye in dorsal view. Eyes approximately as long as half-length of head (eyl/hl ♂: 0.50-0.53; ♀: 0.47-0.53), not protruding above margin of head in lateral view. Rostrum slightly longer than pronotum (rl/pl ♂: 1.09-1.12; ♀: 1.03-1.11), 3.50-4.10 x as long as width of rostrum apex; distinct, polished carina on entire length; regularly curved in lateral view. Scape shorter than rostrum (scl/rl = ♂: 0.74-0.78; ♀: 0.82-0.83). First funicle segment ca 1.8 x as long as 2nd, and almost as long as 2nd and 3rd taken together; 3rd shorter than 2nd; from 4th to 7th funicle segments as long as wide or little longer. Club almost as long as 2 x maximum width; as long as last four funicle segments combined. Pronotum (Figs 40, 49). Subquadrate (bpw/pl ♂: 0.97-1.03; ♀: 0.97-1.00). Base slightly sinuate; approximately 1.50-1.60 x as wide as apical margin (bpw/apw ♂: 1.46-1.52; ♀: 1.55-1.64); apically with single tubercle at angles, medial portion widely incised. Width of medial constriction in relation to apical and basal margin: mpw/apw ♂: 0.71; ♀: 0.70-0.73, mpw/bpw ♂: 0.47-0.49; ♀: 0.45-0.49. Medial tubercle on pronotal disc wide and glabrous, sometimes weakly developed. Apical area beyond medial tubercles lies distinctly lower than base (clearly visible in lateral view); in lateral view apical margin medially extended forward with rounded apex. Elytra (Figs 22, 31). Approximately 1.5 x as long as its width (el/bew ♂: 1.52; ♀: 1.48-1.58). Distinctly narrowed from humeral calli to apical part. Medial tubercles distinct, narrow, wider than width of 3rd interval; hind angle with higher elevation than fore, furnished with bundle of dense setae. Striae with single line of suboval punctures. Variable tubercles on odd intervals obtuse. Scutellum subtriangular. Abdomen (Figs 85, 101). Abdomen slightly longer than wide (al/aw ♂: 1.04-1.06; ♀: 1.02-1.06). Pygidium as in Fig. 101, distinctly narrowed before apical part. Last ventrite short, more than 2 x wider than long (lvw/lvl ♂: 2.20-2.50; ♀: 2.33-2.55). Male terminalia (Figs 94, 108, 115). Penis body little longer than apodemes; in dorsal view slightly narrowed to rounded apex; in lateral view distinctly curved at base; regularly narrowing apicad; apodemal bridge weakly sclerotised. Endophallus everted without visible sclerites. Parameroid lobes of tegmen divided apically, with similar length as apodeme. Spiculum gastrale with hooked basal piece. Hemisternites on spiculum gastrale irregular, small, strongly sclerotised. Female terminalia (Figs 122, 127, 132, 135, 140). Apodeme of sternite VIII with separate basal part; apical lobe with characteristic shape of sclerotisation occupying medial area. Abdominal tergite VIII slightly broadened from base to more or less middle of length, remainder of tergite VIII distinctly narrowed to rounded apex; lateral margin with elongate setae. Spermatheca as in Fig. 132. Pygidium with maximum width at base, distinctly narrowed to rounded apex. Ovipositor with relatively small gonocoxite; apical setae short; vagina stout. Measurements. ♂: al 4.80-5.00, apw 2.10-2.40, arw 0.90, aw 4.60-4.70, bew 5.80-6.00, bpw 3.20-3.50, el 8.80-9.10, eyl 0.70-0.80, frw 0.70-0.80, hl 1.40-1.50, hw 1.50-1.60, lb 13.60-13.70, lvl 0.90-1.00, lvw 2.20-2.30, mpw 1.50-1.70, pl 3.30-3.40, rl 3.60-3.80, scl 2.80. ♀: al 4.70-5.40, apw, 2.00-2.20, arw 0.90-1.00, aw 4.40-5.20, bew 5.30-6.40, bpw 3.10-3.60, el 8.40-9.50, eyl 0.70-0.80, frw 0.60-0.70, hl 1.50, hw 1.50-1.65, lb 12.80-14.70, lvl 0.90-1.00, lvw 2.10-2.40, mpw 1.40-1.60, pl 3.20-3.60, rl 3.30-4.00, scl 2.70-3.30. Type material. Lectotype, 1♀ (here designated, see Remarks) - " Callistomorphus farinosus , Perroud Kanala" - handwritten; "type" - handwritten; "♀" - printed; small red circle; Lectotype Callistomorphus farinosus Perroud, 1865; Museum Paris, coll. B. Perroud (MNHN). Additional material. 1♀ - New Caledonia (S); 22°01.9'S , 166°28.0'E , Dzumac Mts 900 m (Mt Ouin road junction), 28.12.2006 night collecting, leg. M. Wanat & R. Dobosz (MNHW). 1♂ - New Caledonia (N), 20°57'19.1"S , 165°17'27."E, Pic d'Amoa (Povilla), 18.11.2010 450 m, end 0.5 km of road, leg. M. Wanat, R. Ruta (MNHW). 1♂ - New Caledonia (S), 22°02'13.6"S , 166°29'44.5"E , Mt. Dzumac (base), 1.5-3 km E of Ouin rd jct., 6.12.2010, 800 m, rainforest, leg. M. Wanat, R. Ruta (MNHW). 1♀ - New Caledonia (N); 20°57'23.7"S , 165°17'27.7"E , Pic d'Amoa (Povila), 450 m, end 0.5 km of road, 22.11.2008, leg. M. Wanat (MNHW). Remarks. Kuschel selected a female specimen from Perroud's original series as a syntype in 2004 but this action was never published. To ensure stability in nomenclature and to clarify identity of this species I herein designate the same female specimen as the lectotype. I take this action under the article 74.1 of the Code (ICZN).