Revision Of The Nearctic Species Of The Genus Amiota Loew (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Author Jones, Lance E. Author Grimaldi, David A. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2022 2022-09-15 2022 458 1 181 journal article 218234 10.1206/0003-0090.458.1.1 9aaee2d0-a89e-47d4-8578-cdd525f7ebfb 0003-0090 7400026 Amiota fulvitibia , sp. nov. Figures 61A–B , 62A , 63 , 93A DIAGNOSIS: Small to medium-sized fly (ThL 1.12–1.29 mm ), dark brown and glossy, ventral half of head medium brown, dorsal half of frons black; femora medium brown, tibiae and tarsi yellow; outer paraphysis composed of two, asymmetric lobes: left lobe long, linear, tapered to a point, with a middorsal, perpendicular spine; right lobe shorter, strongly curved, with 2 upward-curving spines; inner paraphysis lost. DESCRIPTION: Small to medium-sized fly (ThL 1.12–1.29 mm ), dark brown, uniformly so, glossy. Femora medium brown, tibiae and tarsi light yellow. Ventral half of frons medium brown, dorsal half black. Cheek dark brown. Palp dark brown. Arista: Very short, plumose; longest branch D2; A.R. 0.17; 3 short dorsal, 0 ventral branches; none pointed mediad/laterad; arista trunk with medium-length microtrichia along entire length. Male genitalia: Epandrium fused at midline, margins distinct from surrounding membrane; ventral lobes densely hairy, middle portion without long setae. Cercus long, pendulous; not grading into surrounding membrane. Surstylus long, armlike; ventral half with setulae; 3 long prensisetae, apices blunt; 2 long setae on interior margin of apex, pointed medially. Subepandrial sclerite moderately sclerotized, C-shaped in lateral view; with broad, squarish inner portion; subepandrial appendage well developed, heart shaped in posterior view, wide at base, tapering to long, narrow point. Outer paraphysis asymmetrical, composed of 2 lobes; left one long, tapering to a point; small, dorsal spine perpendicular to axis; right lobe smaller, rounded, curved; 2 dorsal spines, each pointed upright and curving slightly medially. Inner paraphysis lost. Aedeagal apodeme nearly equal in length and width; curved 90°in lateral; distal end widely flared, with a very shallow emargination. Hypandrium deeply notched at apex, nearly level with base of hypandrium, accommodating outer paraphyses; lateral arm with prominent winglike gonopod, pointing ventrally. Ejaculatory apodeme 0.6× length of epandrium. Head and thorax measurements: (n = 5; Am 537, 577, 589, 599, 600) FL/FW 0.72 (0.63–0.82), EL/ EW 1.26 (1.21–1.34), EL/CW 13.72 (11.80–15.25), FML/FMW 0.23 (0.20–0.29), PR /RR 0.43 (0.33– 0.60), ThL 1.21 (1.12–1.29 mm). TYPE MATERIAL : Holotype : male: ONT [ Ontario ]: Algonquin Prov. Pk. Swan Lk. Stn. , Scott Lk Survey , [ 45.489399 , -78.715496 ], shore C1 Mal. [malaise],, [no collector stated, presumably E. Barr and S. Marshall ], Am 587, [glued to paper point, dissected]. Deposited in the University of Guelph ( DEBU ) . Paratypes : ONT [ Ontario ]: Algonquin Prov. Pk. Swan Lk. Stn. , Scott Lk Survey , shore, C1 Mal. [ Malaise ].,, E. Barr / S.M. , 1♂ ( Am 599*, DEBU ) ; ONT [ Ontario ]: Algonquin Prov. Pk. Swan Lk. Stn. , Scott Lk Survey, C 1 shore, Maltp. [ Malaise trap ], , [no collector stated, presumably E. Barr and S. Marshall ], 1♂ ( Am 596*, DEBU ) . OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED : Canada : Ontario : Algonquin Park , Swan Lake Station , Scott Lake , 1993-05-08 through 1993-05-19 , leg. Larson , Marshall and Barr , malaise A1 lakeshore, 2♂ ( Am 534*, 535*, DEBU ) ; 1993-05-19 through 1993-05-31 , leg. Larson , Marshall and Barr , malaise A1 lakeshore, 2♂ ( Am 531*, 537*, DEBU ) ; 1994-05-19 through 1994-05-26 , [collector unknown], C1 Shore malaise trap , 1♂ ( Am 588*, DEBU ) ; 1994-05-19 through 1994-06-26 , leg. E. Barr and S.A. Marshall , A3 Malaise , Sphagnum , 1♂ ( Am 600*, DEBU ) ; 1994-05-19 through 1994-06-26 , leg. E. Barr and S.A. Marshall , C1 Malaise , shore, 1♂ ( Am 598*, DEBU ) ; 1994-05-19 through 1994-05-27 , [collector unknown], C1 shore, malaise trap , 1♂ ( Am 589*, DEBU ) ; 1995-05-29 through 1995-06-16 , leg. S.A. Marshall , D1 shorepans, 1♂ (580, DEBU ) ; 1995-05- 29 through 1995-06-16 , leg. S.A. Marshall , fresh stump emergence, [dissection lost] 1♂ ( Am 577*, DEBU ) . Tennessee : Sevier Co. , Great Smoky Mtns. N.P., Roaring Fork Creek and Trillium Gap Trails , 1999-05-28 , leg. J.M. Cumming , ex. Blossoms Chrysanthemum , 1♂ ( Am 1301*, CNC ) . ETYMOLOGY: Formed from Latin fulvus for “brown” and tibia for “leg,” in reference to the brown femur on the legs of this species. DISTRIBUTION: This species is primarily known from Ontario , although one specimen has been collected from Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee , suggesting a much wider distribution. Southern extensions of the distribution may be along higher altitudes. COMMENTS: Amiota fulvitibia is very superficially similar to A. albilabris (Roth) in Bächli et al. (2004) in regard to the brown femora as well as genitalic structure (in lateral view), however, close inspection shows that the “three-pointed structure” in each is composed of very different structures (paraphyses in Amiota fulvitibia vs. the hypandrium and dorsal arch of A. albilabris ). All known specimens of this species have been collected via pans, malaise, and emergence traps. It is unknown whether it is attracted to the face and eyes as is common in other Amiota .