Mining Flies Of The Genus Ophiomyia (Diptera, Agromyzidae) Of Eastern Ukraine And Adjacent Territories: Review Of The Species Without A Fasciculus Author Guglya, Yu. A. text Vestnik Zoologii 2014 Vestn. Zool. 2014-02-01 48 1 51 66 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0005 2073-2333 6452818 573BA1D2-3494-480E-AC79-0B236E0B9247 Ophiomyia orbiculata ( Hendel, 1931 ) (fig. 38–43) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Pyatichatki , 13.05.2011 , 1 Ơ; near Kuzemin , 23.05.2010 , 28.05.2011 , 13.08. 2011 , 6 Ơ, 1 ♀ ; near Haydary , 04.06.2011 , 2 Ơ; near Rubizhne , 20.05.2012 and 11– 12.06.2011 , 6 Ơ; near Vakalovshchina , 13– 14.06.2010 and 13.06.2013 , 2 Ơ, 1 ♀ ; near Eskhar , 16.07.2010 , 1 Ơ; near Bukino , 20.07.2010 , 1 Ơ; Kharkiv , centre, 09.08.2011 , 1 Ơ; Botanical Garden , 30.06.2012 , 1 Ơ, 2 ♀ ; near Vilshany , 29.05.2011 , 2 ♀ ; near Kamenka , 01.06.2013 , 3 ♀ . R e d e s c r i p t i o n. Head (fig. 38, 39, 41). Orbit strongly projected above eye in profile; 2 orb s, 2 fr s in female and 3 fr s in male; frorb sta reclinate; keel lacking; lunule rounded; ocellar triangle shining, reaching the level of 1st orb s; vibrissa present in both sexes; gena angular; maximal height of eye 6.8× maximal height of gena; 1st flagellomere with slight white pubescence. Wing. Costa reaching M; last section of M 0.8 × as long as penultimate; calypter grey; fringe black. Length of wing 2.5 mm. Mesonotum black, shining (anterior view); 2 strong dc, sometimes 2–3 smaller additional dorsocentrals also present; ac 4 nearest to sctsctl sut and 8 at level of 2nd dc; halter and legs black. Fig. 38–43. O. orbiculata (Hendel) : 38, 39 — male head; 40 — phallus, lateral view; 41 — female head; 42 — egg guide, left blade; 43 — spermatheca. Scale bar 0.1 mm. Рис. 38–43. O. orbiculata (Hendel) : 38, 39 — голова самца; 40 — фаллюс, латеральный вид; 41 — голова самки; 42 — левая лопасть восьмого стернита; 43 — сперматека. Масштабная линейка 0,1 мм. Male genitalia (fig. 40). Phallus 0.21 mm long. “Aedeagus aberrant, distiphallus bowlshaped, fringed with some 12 minute spines, an upturned, elongate bladder behind and two tubules distally” ( Spencer, 1964 , 1976 ). Basiphallus long, each arm bifid with long ventral process. Female terminalia (fig. 42, 43). Both spermathecae equal, oval, narrowest basally with short cylindrical collar, 1.65 × as long as width at widest part. Proximal margin of egg guide truncated and with several rounded teeth. Membrane of medial margin thickly covered with dark scales. D i s t r i b u t i o n. Widespread in much of Northern and Western Europe ( Spencer, 1976 ), ( Pakalniškis et al., 2006 ), Turkey ( Civelek et al., 2009 ), Ukraine ( Guglya, 2011 , 2012 ). H o s t p l a n t. Fabaceae : Pisum sativum L. ( Spencer, 1976 ), Lathyrus ( Benavent-Corai et al., 2005 ) . B i o n o m i c s. Larva feeding in the stem, pupation takes place in the lower stem or root ( Spencer, 1976 ).