Coccolithophores in Polar Waters: HOL Revisited Papposphaera sagittifera HET and Author Thomsen, Helge A. Author Østergaard, Jette B. Author Heldal, Mikal text Acta Protozoologica 2016 55 1 33 50 journal article 10.4467/16890027AP.16.005.4046 1689-0027 10994318 P. sagittifera HOL ( Figs 23–26 ) A selection of complete cells from West Green- land and the North East Water Polynya ( Figs 23–26 ) are illustrated to show the general appearance of the cell with flagella and haptonema. Symmetrical tower-shaped holococcoliths, flaring at both ends (apple-core shaped), radiate from the entire cell surface. A monol- ayer of hexagonal plates of crystallites covers the en- tire surface of the holococcolith often united to form larger scale patterns (e.g. Fig. 26 ). The similarity be- tween cells illustrated here and those included as part of the type description ( Manton et al. 1976b ) is fairly convincing, also when it comes to dimensions there is an overall agreement . The coccosphere diameter is in our material ca. 12 µm, and the diameter of the cell ca. 6 µm. The tow- er-shaped holococcoliths vary in length from roughly 1.5 to 3.5 µm. The minimum width along the tower is 0.4–0.6 µm. Manton et al. (1976a) found that the plates of crystallites in the type material measured 0.15 µm across. When measuring 64 randomly selected individ- ual plates from Fig. 26 (mean value: 0.144 ± 0.018 µm / overall range: 0.09–0.17 µm) the result thus corrobo- rates the observation by Manton et al. (1976b) .