Taxonomic review of Tipula (Vestiplex Bezzi) crane flies (Diptera: Tipulidae) in Mongolia Author Starkevich, Pavel 0000-0002-0746-0398 Author Podenas, Sigitas 0000-0002-2597-566X Author Gelhaus, Jon K. 0000-0003-1249-6739 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-08-24 4837 1 1 88 journal article 8729 10.11646/zootaxa.4837.1.1 9dd1d834-3114-4f1d-bcde-53d3783f4567 1175-5326 4454726 001B5DF8-A24D-4353-8BEA-8B181BE9D279 Tipula ( Vestiplex ) leucoprocta Mik ( Figs 9 , 23 , 86–95 ; Map 6 ) Tipula leucoprocta Mik, 1889: 107 . Tipula ( Vestiplex ) leucoprocta : Alexander, 1934b: 406 ; Savchenko, 1960: 205 ; 1964: 199 ; Oosterbroek & Theowald, 1992: 156 . Tipula ( Vestiplex ) hedini Alexander, 1936a: 4 ; Savchenko, 1960: 205 (synonymy). Type material examined. Tipula ( Vestiplex ) leucoprocta Mik : HOLOTYPE : KYRGYZSTAN , Asia Kirgis. St. (Schrenk) Mik, T. leucoprocta Mik ; Type male Tipula leucoprocta Mik det. M.P. Riedel; I 126; Tip . ( Vestiplex ) leucoprocta Mik Mannheims vid. 1949; Holotypus ( NHMV ). Additional material examined. CHINA . 1 ♂ , Xinjiang , Tienshan , Ürümqi , Tiencie , 3– , W. Mey ( ZMHB ) . MONGOLIA . Uvs Aimag : 1 ♀ , Sagil Soum , Borshoo Gol , 29 km NNE Sagil , N50.57615 , E91.77029 , 1281 m , 15–16.vii.2010 , S. Podenas , MAIS2010071502 ; 1 ♂ , Zuungovi Soum , Nariin Gol , 30 km NE Zuungovi , N50.05245 , E94.15410 , 923 m , 18–19.vii.2010 , S. Podenas , MAIS2010071802 . Elevation range in Mongolia . Adults were collected at altitudes ranging from 900 m to 1300 m . Period of activity. Adults are active in mid-July. Known distribution. China ( Xinjiang ), Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , Russia ( Altay ), Tajikistan . Recorded here for the first time from Mongolia ( Map. 6 ). Redescription. Male. Body length 20.6 mm , wing length 21.3 mm . General body coloration brownish yellow. Head . Brownish, vertex and occiput light gray with brown narrow median line. Rostrum brownish yellow and gray pruinose with nasus short and stout. Antenna 13-segmented, if bent backward reaching base of abdomen. Scape, pedicel and first flagellomere yellow, succeeding flagellomeres bicolorous. Each flagellomere, except first one, with weak basal enlargement and moderately incised. Verticils as long as or slightly longer than corresponding flagellomeres. Palpus brownish yellow. Thorax . Brownish dusted with gray. Pronotum brownish yellow, light gray pruinose with brown median line. Prescutum and presutural scutum light brown with 4 longitudinal stripes bordered by brown. Intermediate pair light brown separated anteriorly and fused posteriorly. Lateral stripe grayish. Interspace between median and lateral stripes yellowish with light setae starting from numerous dark pores. Postsutural scutum grayish, scutal lobe with 2 spots bordered by brown. Scutellum brown, postnotum dusted with grey, with brown median line. Pleura brown, sparsely dusted with gray. Coxae gray pruinose. Trochanters, femora and tibiae brownish yellow. Tarsal segments passing into dark brown. Distal part of femora and tibiae darkened. Tarsal claws without tooth. Wing distinctly patterned with brown. Halter with pale stem and dark brown knob. Abdomen . Brownish yellow, with brown dorsal stripe interrupted at caudal borders of tergites with lateral stripe. Lateral margins of tergites pale. Tergite and sternite 1 sparsely dusted with gray. Succeeding sclerites brownish yellow. Hypopygium . Brownish yellow, at base slightly broader than abdomen. Tergite 9 forming large concave crescent sclerotised saucer ( Fig. 86 ). Main body of tergal saucer brownish yellow with blackened rim. Posterior margin of tergal saucer broadly emarginate with median U-shaped notch broad and shallow, with 2 blackened teeth and small denticles on either side. Lateral angle of tergal saucer shaped as short obtuse projection. Anterior and lateral portions of tergal saucer raised into sclerotised lightly wavy border. Border anteriorly inconspicuously toothed, laterally produced into short obtuse tooth directed caudad and situated under lateral angle of tergal saucer. Gonocoxite unarmed ( Fig. 87 ). Outer gonostylus flattened, distal part nearly oval ( Fig. 88 ). Inner gonostylus large, claw-shaped curved plate with 2 mid-dorsal teeth, posteriorly with indistinct extension, beak extended into elongate, obtuse rostrum ( Fig. 89 ). Gonocoxal fragment large with lateral and medial sclerites well-developed ( Fig. 90 ). Medial sclerites fused, anterior apodeme long and broad, posterior part flat and arched. Lateral sclerite large and bilobed. Aedeagal guide shaped as long slender tube ( Fig. 91 ). Sperm pump with central vesicle small and flattened ( Fig. 92 ). Compressor apodeme with median incision. Posterior immovable apodeme much longer than compressor apodeme, large and extended laterally into broad plate. Anterior immovable apodeme in shape of rounded plate. Aedeagus shaped as very long tube, similar to T. ( V. ) coronifera and T. ( V. ) kiritshenkoi with distal part ventrally membranous, shovel-shaped. FIGURES 86–92. Hypopygium of male T. ( Vestiplex ) leucoprocta . 86. Tergite 9, dorsal view; 87. Gonocoxite, lateral view; 88. Left outer gonostylus, lateral view; 89. Left inner gonostylus, lateral view; 90. Gonocoxal fragment, dorsal view; 91. Aedeagal guide, lateral view; 92. Sperm pump, dorsal view. FIGURES 93–95. Ovipositor of female T. ( Vestiplex ) leucoprocta . 93. Ovipositor, left lateral view; 94. Sternite 8 with hypovalvae, ventral view; 95. Sternite 9, furca and bursa copulatrix, dorsal view. Scales of 93 = 0.8 mm, 94–95 = 0.5 mm. Female. Body length 27.0 mm, wing length 19.4 mm . Generally similar to male. Antenna short, flagellomeres cylindrical. Ovipositor ( Figs 93–95 ). Tergite 10 shiny, brownish yellow. Cercus brownish yellow, slender, slightly longer than tergite 10, with tip narrowed and curved dorsally, outer margin with indistinct serration ( Fig. 93 ). Hypovalva in shape of pale yellow, elongated and slender filament, with short trichia at tip ( Fig. 94 ). Median incision between hypovalvae deeper than posterior margin of sternite 8. Lateral incision relatively deep and narrow (about twice as deep as maximal width). Lateral angle of sternite 8 obtusely rounded. Sternite 9 with anterior part lightly broadened, posterior part short ( Fig. 95 ). Furca anteriorly narrowed, posteriorly broad. Bursa copulatrix with spermathecal ducts sclerotised at base, in shape of lightly curved dark brown process. Wall of bursa copulatrix on connection site with spermathecal ducts partially sclerotised, sclerotisation extended short distance along wall. Cul-de-sac of bursa copulatrix curved. Spermatheca nearly pear-shaped, distinctly broadened at base ( Fig. 27 ). Remarks. Tipula ( V. ) leucoprocta is listed here as a new record for the Mongolian fauna. Chinese material, published by Oosterbroek (2009) as T. ( V. ) coronifera , was examined and re-identified as T. ( V. ) leucoprocta and listed here, thereby T. ( V. ) coronifera is exluded from the list of Chinese fauna.