Taxonomic notes and redescriptions of some Japanese erythroneurine leafhoppers (Hemiptera, Cicadellidae, Typhlocybinae) Author Ohara, Naomichi text Zootaxa 2013 3731 2 243 254 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3731.2.5 5ba29e21-92e9-4a9e-b377-32c06ba68147 1175-5326 224126 76480454-B0FB-43BF-9BA6-EBDC93B9F26B Anufrievia akazu (Matsumura, 1932) ( Figs. 1–2 , 8–16 ) Zygina akazu Matsumura, 1932 , Ins. Mats., 6 (2): 108 [ Japan (Honshu)]. Anufrievia akazu : Dworakowska 1970 , Bull. Acad. polon. Sci. [II], 18: 763. Anufrievia vilbastei Dworakowska, 1970 , Bull. Acad. polon. Sci. [II], 18: 763 [ Korea (Myohyang Mts)]. syn. nov. FIGURES 1–7. Male dorsal habitus. 1–2, Anufrievia akazu (Matsumura) ; 3, Anufrievia ciconia Dworakowska ; 4, Empoascanara bisignatella (Matsumura) comb. nov. ; 5, Empoascanara kotoshonis (Matsumura) ; 6, Empoascanara sonani (Matsumura) [specimen from Taiwan]; 7, Anzygina honiloa (Kirkaldy) . Body length: 1, 3.1 mm; 2, 3.0 mm; 3, 3.0mm; 4, 3.0 mm; 5, 2.7 mm; 6, 2.5 mm; 7, 2.4 mm. FIGURES 8–16. Anufrievia akazu (Matsumura) . Male abdominal sternal apodemes (8), ♀ 7th abdominal sternite (9) and ♂ genitalia (10–16). — 10, Pygofer in lateral view; 11, dorsal pygofer process in lateral view; 12, subgenital plate in ventral view; 13, apex of style in lateral view; 14, connective in ventral view; 15–16, aedeagus in lateral (15) and caudal (16) views. Scales: 0.05 mm (11, 14), 0.1 mm (13, 15–16), 0.2 mm (8–10, 12). Body pale ochreous, occasionally ivory white. Vertex often tinged with orange to pale red centrally, occasionally bearing pair of irregular whitish fascia anteriad. Mesonotum with basal triangles brown to black; fore wing semitransparent, ivory white; hind wing transparent. Dorsum of abdomen infuscated to black; male subgenital plate and female ovipositor (3rd valvulae) infuscated to black. Head triangular, blunt apicad, slightly narrower than pronotum, 0.9 times as wide as pronotum; vertex 1.9 times as wide as dorsal median length, 0.6 times as long as pronotum; coronal suture distinct, extending middle of dorsal mid-line. Pronotum twice as wide as median length, slightly longer than mesonotum. Male abdominal sternal apodemes short, not reaching posterior margin of 3rd sternite, truncate apically. Female 7th abdominal sternite trapezoidal, with posterior margin notched near middle, swollen and bearing numerous short setae posteriorly. Body length (mean): ♂, 2.8–3.1 mm (3.0 mm); ♀, 2.9–3.1 mm (3.0 mm). Male genitalia. Pygofer rounded caudally, with dorsal process bifurcated near apex, bearing short macrosetae at lower basal angle. Subgenital plate quadrilateral, widened subbasally, bearing 3–4 basal macrosetae in triangular group and distinct marginal subbasal setae forming continuous row. Style slender, bifurcated apically, with apophysis long; apical dorsal branch longer than ventral one. Connective U-shaped. Aedeagus arcuate, with dorsal apodeme elongate, provided with pair of apical processes and ventral process; apical process short and thin, ca. 0.2 times as long as aedeagal shaft, gently curved cephalad; ventral process oblong basally, strongly narrowed at basal 2/5, with apex pointed, 0.6–0.7 times as long as aedeagal shaft; shaft straight, weakly bent dorsad and narrowed at apical 1/3, with apex rounded; preatrium long; gonopore subapical on ventral surface. Specimens examined. Holotype : ♀, “Harima Iguchi | Matsumura”, “ Zygina akazu (handwriting) | det. Matsumura (printed)”, “ Type Matsumura” (red printed label), “ Zygina akazu Matsumura , Type ”, “55” (SEHU). [Honshu] 2♂ 2♀, Hayashi, Shibayama, Chiba Pref., 11. IV. 2009 , H. Ishii leg.; 1♂ 1♀, Magarita, Minami-bôsô, Chiba Pref., K. Yoshida et al .; 1♀, Kamitomi, Miyoshi, Saitama Pref., 11. V. 1985 , M. Hayashi et al .; 1♂ 2♀, same data except 6. VI. 1996 ; 2♂ 5♀, same data except 5. X. 1996 ; 4♂ 3♀, same data except 1. VIII. 2003 ; 1♂ , Sadamine ( 240 m ), Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 29. VIII. 1994 , M. Hayashi et al .; 1♀, same data except 12. VII. 1996 ; 14♂ 16♀, Shirako, Hannô, Saitama Pref., 2. IX. 2010 , N. Ohara leg. (ELKU); 1♂ 3♀, Narao, Minano, Saitama Pref., 5. XI. 1996 , M. Hayashi et al .; 1♂ , Nagatoro, Nagatoro, Saitama Pref., 6. IX. 2007 , M. Hayashi et al .; 1♂ , Kiroko, Ogawa, Saitama Pref., 2. IX. 2005 , M. Hayashi et al .; 1♀, Ôike, Yokohama, Kanagawa Pref., 30. IV. 1997 , M. Ozaki leg.; 1♀, Kiriyama, Makinohara, Shizuoka Pref., 27. III. 2008 , N. Ohara leg.; [Kyushu] 1♀, Hasamahônoki, Yufu, Ôita Pref., 28. V. 2006 , N. Ohara leg.; 1♂ 1♀, Kokubu-kiyomizu, Kirishima, Kagoshima Pref., 26. V. 2006 , N. Ohara leg.; 2♀, Mizobe-minawa, Kirishima, Kagoshima Pref., 31. V. 2009 , N. Ohara leg. (ELKU); 1♂ 2♀, Mt Chôya-zan, Minami-satuma, Kagoshima Pref., 19. IV. 2009 , N. Ohara leg. (ELKU). Distribution. Japan (Honshu, Kyushu*); Korea *. Remarks. The male of this species is described here for the first time. Because characters of the male genitalia distinguishing this species and A. vilbastei Dworakowska, 1970 were not found, A. vilbastei is synonymized with this species. This leafhopper resembles A. zelta (Dworakowska, 1977) described from northern India (Dehra Dun), but it is distinguishable by the following characters of male genitalia: pygofer dorsal process bifurcated apically; ventral process of aedeagus shorter and straight (not curved). Bionomics. Many specimens have been found on Desmodium podocarpum DC. ( Fabaceae ), which must be the host plant. This species normall inhabits shady edges of temperate forests.