A review of Chinese Scymnomorphus Weise (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) with description of five new species Author Wang, Xingmin Author Ren, Shunxiang text Journal of Natural History 2012 2012-08-08 46 31 - 32 1905 1920 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2012.693958 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2012.693958 1464-5262 5200503 Scymnomorphus cuspidatus sp. nov. ( Figures 2D , 4F–J , 6) Figure 4. (A–E) Scymnomorphus magnopunctatus sp. nov. , (A) abdomen, (B–E) male genitalia, (B) penis, (C) apex of penis, (D) tegmen, lateral view, (E) tegmen, ventral view; (F–J) Scymnomorphus cuspidatus sp. nov. , (F) abdomen, (G–J) male genitalia: (G) penis, (H) apex of penis, (I) tegmen, lateral view, (J) tegmen, ventral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. Diagnosis This species is similar to S. magnopunctatus sp. nov. in male genitalia, but can be distinguished from the latter as follows: body distinctly larger, brown, punctures on elytra fine and apex of penis guide in ventral view pointed ( Figures 2D , 4J ). In S. magnopunctatus , body is yellow brown, punctures on elytra are large and apex of penis guide in ventral view is truncated ( Figures 2C , 4E ). Description TL: 1.28–1.38 mm , TW: 0.8–0.96 mm , TH: 0.60–0.65 mm , TL / TW: 1.43–1.44; PL / PW: 0.52–0.54; EL / EW: 1.18–1.22. Body brown, except mesoventrite and metaventrite dark brown ( Figure 2D ). Body minute, short oval, distinctly convex; dorsum pubescent. Head small, 0.43 times elytral width (HW/EW = 1: 2.31); frons convex, with fine punctures, separated by 0.8–2.0 times their diameter, with short and sparse hairs; eyes small and coarsely faceted, widest interocular distance 0.66 times width of head. Pronotum 0.76 times elytral width (PW/EW = 1: 1.32), pronotal punctures very fine, smaller than those on head, separated by 2.0–4.0 times their diameter. Punctures on elytra moderately large, separated by 0.3–1.0 times their diameter. Surface of proventrite and mesoventrite slightly shagreened. Punctures on metaventrite fine, separated by 0.3–1.5 times their diameter, with short and sparse setae in punctures. Abdominal incomplete or reaching lateral margin smoothly, divided into two lines, with many associated pits and pores ( Figure 4F ). Male genitalia. Penis simple and slender, curved and narrowing toward apex; penis capsule indistinct ( Figure 4G,H ); penis guide in lateral view short and stout, apex pointed; parameres short and indistinct, with four or five long setae ( Figure 4I ); penis guide in ventral view short and cuspate, widest at base ( Figure 4J ). Type material Holotype : 1♂ , China , Tibet : Xiayadong Town , Yadong , 2800 m , 29 September 2009 , Wang XM leg. Paratypes : China , Tibet :, 1♂ 1♀ , same data as holotype ; 1♂ , Hanmi Village , Motuo , 2100 m , 13 October 2009 , Wang XM leg. Distribution China ( Tibet ). Etymology The specific epithet refers to the cuspate penis guide in ventral view.