New synonymies in Chinese Oxyinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Author Huang, Jianhua Author Zheng, Zhemin Author Huang, Yuan Author Zhou, Shanyi text Zootaxa 2009 1976 39 55 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.185158 c8c824e6-0061-4668-86f1-18ab48bd8382 1175-5326 185158 Genus Yinia Liu & Li, 1995 Yinia Liu & Li, 1995 : 104 . Caryandoides Zheng & Xie, 2007 : 92 . New synonym Type species: Yinia hunanica Liu & Li, 1995 . Generic diagnosis. Body medium-sized. Head shorter than pronotum. Vertex short, with widely rounded anterior margin and slightly depressed dorsum, lateral foveolae and median longitudinal carina absent. Antennae filiform, longer than combined length of head and pronotum. Frons oblique in profile view; frontal ridge distinct, extending almost to clypeus, longitudinally sulcate throughout, with lateral carinae nearly parallel. Eyes large, subellipsoid. Pronotum subcylindrical, median carina very weak, lateral carinae absent, metazona much shorter than prozona. Prosternal process conical with pointed or rounded apex. Mesosternal interspace much longer than wide. Tegmina reduced, not touching or slightly touching each other along median dorsal keel. Tympanal organs developed and oval. Hind femora slender, upper carina smooth, upper genicular lobes rounded, lower genicular lobes spined. Hind tibiae not expanded to form lamellate margins at apical half but with only carinate margins, external apical spine present. Furcula absent in terminal abdominal tergite. Subgenital plate in male with nearly truncate apex, in female having hind margin with subapical teeth. Epiphallus with divided symmetrical bridge, two pairs of lophi and unique dorsal lobe, anterior projection not distinctly protruding beyond the anterior margin of bridge, ancorae absent. Phallic complex with apical valves of penis and valves of cingulum broadly lamellated. Remark. The genus is obviously a member of the subfamily Oxyinae that has been reviewed by Hollis (1975) , and most similar to Oxya Audinet-Serville. However , it can be easily distinguished from Oxya by: hind tibiae not expanded to form lamellate margins at apical half; tegmina much reduced, only reaching posterior margin of the second abdominal tergite (cf. O. minuta Carl , the only species of Oxya with shortened wings, tegmina hardly reaching middle of abdomen but touching each other along median dorsal keel ( Hollis, 1971 , 1975 )); epiphallus with anterior projection not distinctly protruding beyond the anterior margin of bridge, phallic complex with apical valves of penis and valves of cingulum broadly lamellated. The genus is also very similar to Caryanda Stål , but differs from the latter in: posterior margin of pronotum without emargination in the middle, the terminal abdominal tergite of male without furcula; epiphallus with unique dorsal lobes and without ancorae. The genus Caryandoides was established to contain the species Caryandoides maguas . As a result of our study, Caryandoides maguas is recognized as a new junior synonym of Yinia hunanica , the type species of the genus Yinia . Thus we regard the genus Caryandoides as a new junior synonym of the genus Yinia .