Order Didelphimorphia Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1 3 18 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316519 Didelphidae Gray 1821 Didelphidae Gray 1821 , London Med. Repos., 15: 308 . Genera: 17 genera with 87 species in 2 subfamilies: Subfamily Caluromyinae Kirsch 1977 Genus Caluromys J. A. Allen 1900 (3 species with 16 subspecies) Genus Caluromysiops Sanborn 1951 (1 species) Genus Glironia Thomas 1912 (1 species) Subfamily Didelphinae Gray 1821 Genus Chironectes Illiger 1811 (1 species with 4 subspecies) Genus Didelphis Linnaeus 1758 (6 species with 6 subspecies) Genus Gracilinanus Gardner and Creighton 1989 (9 species with 2 subspecies) Genus Hyladelphys Voss, Lunde, and Simmons 2001 (1 species) Genus Lestodelphys Tate 1934 (1 species) Genus Lutreolina Thomas 1910 (1 species with 2 subspecies) Genus Marmosa Gray 1821 (9 species with 11 subspecies) Genus Marmosops Matschie 1916 (14 species with 3 subspecies) Genus Metachirus Burmeister 1854 (1 species with 5 subspecies) Genus Micoureus Lesson 1842 (6 species with 10 subspecies) Genus Monodelphis Burnett 1829 (18 species) Genus Philander Brisson 1762 (4 species with 4 subspecies) Genus Thylamys Gray 1843 (10 species) Genus Tlacuatzin Voss and Jansa 2003 (1 species with 2 subspecies) Discussion: Placed in the order Polyprotodontia by Kirsch (1977); also see Aplin and Archer (1987) . Does not include Dromiciops ; see Kirsch and Calaby (1977) . Includes Caluromyidae , Glironiidae, and Marmosidae sensu Hershkovitz (1992 a ) .