Synopsis of the tribe Platynini in New Zealand (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Author Larochelle Collection, Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Prosphodrus waimana Larochelle Author Larivière, Marie-Claude - Landcare Research, Private Bag 92170, Auckland Larochelle and Larivière, new species text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-04-30 2021 864 1 96 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5041813 1942-1354 5041813 DF505A18-63A1-44BB-BF5D-13887FAE0DAD Key to species of Prosphodrus 1. Pronotum subquadrate; elytra oblong; antennae moderately long; eyes moderately large and convex; larger, body length 23.0– 26.2 mm ; Fig. 42 . [Northern North Island (ND, AK, CL)].......................................... Prosphodrus mangamuka Larochelle and Larivière , new species — Pronotum cordate or trapezoidal; elytra subovate; antennae very long; eyes small, strongly convex; smaller, body length 20.1 mm or less.................................................... 2 2(1). Pronotum strongly cordate; eyes small, very convex; tempora strongly inflated, very long; mentum with six long setae; Fig. 43 . [Body length 17.0– 20.1 mm ; mostly western North Island (AK–CL to WI)]........................................................... Prosphodrus waltoni Britton — Pronotum trapezoidal or subcordate; eyes larger, moderately convex; tempora moderately inflated, moderately long; mentum with two long setae................................................ 3 3(2). Pronotum subcordate and narrow, sides moderately sinuate posteriorly, anterolateral angles angulate; antennae, palpi, and legs reddish; microsculpture of elytra isodiametric; Fig. 44 . [Body length 14.0– 16.1 mm ; southern North Island (RI–HB to WN–WA)]....................................................................... Prosphodrus sirvidi Larochelle and Larivière , new species — Pronotum trapezoidal and wide, sides not sinuate posteriorly, anterolateral angles rounded; antennae and palpi reddish brown, legs dark brown; microsculpture of elytra moderately transverse..... 4 4(3). Pronotum feebly wrinkled medially and laterally, posterior bead complete; Fig. 45 . [Body length 16.1– 18.0 mm; eastern central North Island (BP, TO, GB ( East Cape area ))]....................................................... Prosphodrus waimana Larochelle and Larivière , new species — Pronotum deeply wrinkled throughout, posterior bead obsolete medially; Fig. 46 . [Body length 16.3– 19.0 mm; eastern central North Island (RI, HB, GB )]............. Prosphodrus occultus Britton