A review of Chelonian type specimens (order Testudines) Author Iverson, John B. text Megataxa 2022 2022-01-25 7 1 1 85 journal article 20418 10.11646/megataxa.7.1.1 bd1f1932-a0fa-4daf-af9f-cc52c932ed40 2703-3090 5964441 3BD32BFF-0402-47FB-A9EE-FE08E260793D Mauremys reevesii (Gray 1831:73) Syntypes (2): BMNH 1947.3.5.31-32 . Emys vulgaris picta Schlegel 1844:127 Syntypes (3): RMNH 3330 A-B (photographed in Hoogmoed et al. 2010:15 ); the third syntype is not in the RMNH, but might be MNHN 1954 according to Hoogmoed et al. (2010:15) . Emys japonica Duméril & Bibron in Duméril & Duméril 1851:8 Holotype : MNHN 4096. Damonia unicolor Gray 1873:78 Syntypes (4): BMNH 1946.1.22.46-47 (formerly 1876.6.12.1-2), 1947.3.4.11 (formerly 1873.6.21.4), and 1947.3.5.31 . Geoclemys grangeri Schmidt 1925:1 Holotype : AMNH 23481; no paratypes designated. Geoclemys paracaretta Chang 1929:1 Holotype : MBLSSC 134. Chinemys megalocephala Fang 1934:158 Holotype : Not located; originally a living specimen in the MMNHN; illustrated in the original description (p. 159, Fig. 6). Chinemys pani t Tao 1985:45 Holotype : Private collection of Chang-Wu Pan , Tainan , Taiwan ; illustrated in the original description (Figs. 2–4 and 1–3A). NTUM R0001 is a cast of the holotype . Mauremys rivulata (Valenciennes in Bory de Saint-Vincent 1833:Plate 9) Syntypes (6): MNHN 1930, 1930A, 4094, 4095, 9491, and 9492. MNHN 1930 listed as holotype by Fritz & Wishchuf (1997:244). Emys tristami Gray 1869:190 Holotype : BMNH 1947.3.5.37 (formerly 1864.8.23.156); Gray (1873:35) ; Fritz & Wischuf (1997:244) . Emys caspica var. arabica Gray 1870:36 Holotype : BMNH 1946.1.22.48 (formerly 1864.8.25.51; Gray 1873:34 ); Fritz & Wischuf (1997:244) ; although Boulenger (1889:104) listed two syntypes . Emys pannonica Gray 1870:36 Syntypes (3): BMNH 1946.1 .22.29 (formerly 1866.6.15.10), 1946.1.22.37, and 1946.1.22.42 ; BMNH 1946.1 .22.37 designated lectotype by Fritz & Wischuf (1997:244) . Clemmys caspica orientalis Bedriaga 1882:335 Syntypes (2): Not located (apparently originally in Bedriaga’s private collection but apparently lost; Fritz & Wischuf 1997:245 ). Clemmys caspica obsoleta Schreiber 1912:946 Syntypes (number uncertain): Not located (apparently originally in Schreiber’s private collection but apparently lost; Fritz & Wischuf 1997:245 ). Clemmys caspica cretica Mertens 1946:115 Holotype : SMF 36396 ( Mertens 1967:51 ); photographed in the original description, p. 116– 117, Fig. 1–3); paratypes (4), SMF 36392-93 , 36728 , and unnumbered (1).