Revision of the myrmicine ants of the Adelomyrmex genus-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Author Fernández, F. text Zootaxa 2003 361 1 52 journal article 20236 10.5281/zenodo.32035 Adelomyrmex grandis Fernandez NEW SPECIES (Figs. 34, 75) Worker measurements. Holotype (Paratype). HL 1.0 (0.98) HW 0.96 (0.90) SL 0.67 (0.63) EL 0.13 (0.11) WL 1.0 (0.94) GL 1.3 (1.23) TL 4.2 (3.90) CI 96 (90) SI 70 (72). Worker diagnosis. Mandibles with 6 teeth decreasing in size from the apical teeth. Last flagellomeres more or less gradually decreasing in size, so there is not a conspicuous club of two segments. Eyes relatively big, with more than 30 facets. Hypostomal tooth very small. Promesonotum convex, metanotal groove distinct. Propodeum sloping with two short spines directed upward, outward and backward. Petiole high, campaniform with anterior side sloping and posterior side slightly concave. Postpetiole with posterior face concave. Dorsum of head and promesonotum longitudinally striated/rugulose. Propodeal dorsum irregularly rugulose, with longitudinal trend. Propodeal declivity smooth and shining interrupted with more or less curved transverse rugulae between propodeal spines. Sides of petiole and postpetiole irregularly rugulose. Anterior face of petiole smooth and shining. Posterior surface of petiole with strong transverse striation. Hairs yellowish, long and flexuous on the body, more short and appressed on antennae and legs. Body brown to dark brown. Some long rugulae on mandibles. Tip of clypeal plate, clypeal teeth and mandible teeth black. Queen and male: Unknown. Holotype worker: COLOMBIA , Narino , Barbacoas, vereda Berlin , El Diviso, 520m , 22.viii. 94 , F. Escobar leg. No.294 . Deposited in ICN . Paratypes : 2 w, same data as holotype, deposited in IAvH , MCZ . Comments: This is the largest species known for the genus. Besides size, A. grandis can be separated from congeners by mesosomal shape and petiole height (Fig. 34). A. grandis resembles A. myops , but can be distinguished by body size and mesosomal dorsal sculpture.