Revision of Taiwanaenidea Kimoto, 1984 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Lee, Chi-Feng Author Beenen, Ron text Zootaxa 2015 4020 1 153 168 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.1.6 ae334f4c-fae6-466c-94e0-3f1ff6c88c6f 1175-5326 232241 C7270C0B-C858-434B-97E0-012749961DD6 Taiwanaenidea collaris Kimoto, 1984 ( Figs 3 , 24–37 ) Taiwanaenidea collaris Kimoto, 1984 : 52 ; Kimoto, 1989 : 259 (additional records); Kimoto & Chu, 1996 : 87 (list); Kimoto & Takizawa, 1997 : 204 (redescription); Beenen, 2010 : 488 (list). Type locality. Nantou county, Meifeng (ffi), 24°05’N , 121°10’E , 2100 m . Type material. Paratypes : 1♀ ( KMNH ): “Lushan Wenchuan [M] / Natou Hsien / Taiwan / 7.VI.1976 / H. Makihara leg. [p, w] // Taiwanaeindea / collaris / Kimoto, n. sp. [h, w] // PARATYPE [p, b]”; 2♀♀ ( KMNH ): “( Taiwan ) / Huanshan [M] / Hsuenshan Mo [MM] / Taichung Hs. [p, w] // Jun 1. 1971 / K Kanmiya [p, w] / Taiwanaeindea / collaris / Kimoto, n. sp. [h, w] // PARATYPE [p, b] // PHOTO [only one specimen with this label; p, r]”; 1♀ ( KMNH ): “[ TAIWAN ] / Taotsua / nr Hotso [M] / Nantou Hsien [h, w] // 27.VI.1971 / Y . Miyatake [h, w] // Taiwanaeindea / collaris / Kimoto, n. sp. [h, w] // PARATYPE [p, b]”. Additional specimens examined (n= 80). TAIWAN . Hsinchu : 2♀♀, Kuanwu, 19.VIII.2009 , leg. Y .-F. Hsu ( TARI ); 2♂♂, same locality, 30.VI.2010 , leg. M.-H. Tsou ( TARI ); Ilan : 1♀, Suyuan, 29.VIII.2009 , leg. Y .-L. Lin ( TARI ); Nantou : 1♀, Chingching, 27.VII.2013 , leg. W.-C. Liao ( TARI ); 2♂♂, 2♀♀, Hsiaofengkou, 9VIII.2012 , leg. C.-F. Lee ( TARI ); 5♂♂, 1♀, Hsitou, 15.VI.2011 , leg. C.-F. Lee ( TARI ); 1♂ , 1♀, Meifeng, 2-4.VI.1980 , leg. L. Y . Chou & S. C. Lin ( TARI ); 1♂ , same locality, 8.VI.1980 , leg. K. S. Lin & B. H. Chen ( RBCN ); 4♂♂, 1♀, same locality, 24–26.VI.1981 , leg. K. S. Lin & W. S. Tang ( RBCN ); 1♀, same locality, 28–29.VIII.1981 , leg. L. Y . Chou & S. C. Lin ( TARI ); 2♀♀, same locality, 3.VII.2008 , leg. M.-H. Tsou ( TARI ); 1♂ , same locality, 17.VI.2010 , leg. C.-F. Lee ( TARI ); 2♀♀, 25.VII.2014 , leg. J.-C. Chen ( TARI ); 1♀, Shenmu, 17.V.2010 , leg. Y .-T. Wang ( TARI ); 1♀, Tsuifeng, 25-27.VI.1981 , leg. K. S. Lin & W. S. Tang ( TARI ); 17♂♂, 1♀, same locality, 26.VI.2012 , leg. C-F. Lee ( TARI ); 7♂♂, 3♀♀, same locality, 11.VI.2014 , leg. C.-F. Lee ( TARI ); Taichung : 1♀, Henglingshan, 5.VI.2012 , leg. J.-C. Chen ( TARI ); 9♂♂, 6♀♀, Tashueshan, 7.VI.2010 , leg. C.-F. Lee ( TARI ); 1♂ , 1♀, Wuling, 27–29.VI.1979 , leg. K. S. Lin & L. Y . Chou ( TARI ); 1♂ , 2♀♀, Yuantsuishan, 16.VII.2010 , leg. J.-C. Chen ( TARI ). Differential diagnosis. See diagnosis of Taiwanaenidea cheni sp. nov. Males. Length 4.2–4.7 mm , width 1.5–1.6 mm . General color ( Figs 24–25 ) greenish or bluish metallic, antenna and leg yellowish brown, antennomeres III or IV–XI darkened. Discs of head, pronotum, and elytron smooth, without micro-reticulation. Head strongly constricted behind eye. Antenna ( Fig. 30 ) filiform and extremely elongate, as long as body, ratio of length of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.3: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 0.9: 1.2; ratio of length to width from antennomere III to XI about 3.2: 4.3: 4.7: 4.4: 4.4: 4.4: 4.4: 4.0: 4.7. Pronotum 0.9X longer than wide, narrowed at middle. Elytra 2.0X longer than wide, parallel-sided. Tarsomeres I of front and middle legs normal. Median lobe of abdominal ventrite V rectangular, apical margin straight. Penis ( Figs 32–34 ) elongate, widest at apical 1/4, narrowed at middle, deeply bifurcate from apical 1/4 to apex, apically tapering, apex narrowly rounded; tectum well sclerotized, apex widely rounded; apex straight in lateral view, abruptly curved at apical 1/3; endophallus with two pairs of long and curved setae, one shorter and about half of another in length, longer one directed inwards, with a small outer sclerite with two teeth; ventrally covered with one piece of dense setae, dorsally covered with one elongate tube-like sclerite. Females. Length 5.4–6.3 mm , width 2.2–2.5 mm . Similar to male ( Figs 26–27 ), but head slightly constricted behind eyes. Antenna ( Fig. 31 ) as long as body; ratio of length of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.2: 1.2: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.2; ratio of length to width from antennomere III to XI about 3.6: 4.4: 4.4: 3.9: 3.9: 3.9: 3.9: 3.5: 4.2. Apical margin of abdominal ventrite V truncate. Gonocoxae ( Fig. 35 ) slender, and combined together from basal 1/4 to apical 1/4, apex of each gonocoxa widely rounded, with eight long setae; widened at middle and slightly recurved; base wide. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 36 ) well sclerotized; apex wide, apical margin truncate; disc with three pairs of extremely long setae at sides, one row of long setae near apical margin and one row of short setae along apical margin; spiculum long. Spermathecal receptaculum ( Fig. 37 ) strongly swollen, distinctly separated from pump; pump strongly curved; spermathecal duct slender, deeply projecting into receptaculum. Variation. Some females have brown or blackish brown heads and yellowish brown prothoraces ( Figs 28–29 ). Host plant. Alnus formosana (Burkill ex Forbes & Hemsl.) Makino (Betulaceae) . Distribution. Central Taiwan ( Fig. 21 ). Taiwanaenidea collaris is sympatric with T. strigosa in Kuanwu (Hsinchu County), Suyuan (Ilan County), Meifeng and Tsuifeng (Nantou County).