Revision of Taiwanaenidea Kimoto, 1984 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Lee, Chi-Feng Author Beenen, Ron text Zootaxa 2015 4020 1 153 168 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4020.1.6 ae334f4c-fae6-466c-94e0-3f1ff6c88c6f 1175-5326 232241 C7270C0B-C858-434B-97E0-012749961DD6 Taiwanaenidea jungchangi Lee and Beenen , sp. nov. ( Figs 38–51 ) FIGURES 38–43. Habitus of Taiwanaenidea jungchangi sp. nov. 38. Male, dorsal view; 39. Ditto, ventral view; 40. Female, dorsal view; 41. Ditto, ventral view; 42. Female, dorsal view, color variation; 43. Ditto, ventral view. Type locality. Taitung county, Hsiangyang (№№), 23°14’N , 120°59’E , 2300 m . Type material (n= 14). Holotype ♂ ( TARI ): “ Taiwan : Taitung (18712) / Hsiangyang (№№) / 01.IV.2011 , leg. J.-C. Chen [p, w]”. Paratypes : 1♂ ( TARI ), same as holotype but with code number “18173”; 1♂ , 2♀♀: “ Taiwan : Taitung / Hsiangyang (№№) / 28.III.2014 , leg. W.-C. Huang [p, w]” ( TARI ); 1♀: “ Taiwan : Taitung (#25185) / Hsiangyang (№№) / 29.III.2014 , leg. J.-C. Chen [p, w]” ( TARI ); 1♀: “ Taiwan : Chiayi (#27306) / Tzuchung [Dd] / 08.V.2015 , leg. J.-C. Chen [p, w]” ( TARI ); 1♀: “ Taiwan : Taichung / Pilu [sª] / 22.IV.2015 , leg. C.-F. Lee [p, w]” ( TARI ); 1♀: “ TAIWAN : Hualien, Guanyuan (DZffi), alt. / 2200~ 2300m , 07.V.2006 , / 24°11’12”N 121°20’00”E , leg. Y .-F. Hsu [p, w]” ( TARI ); 5♀♀: “ Taiwan : Kaoshiung (#26840–26844) / Tienchih (⋏E) / 01.IV.2015 , leg. C.-F. Lee [p, w]” ( TARI , RBCN ). FIGURES 44–51. Diagnostic characters of Taiwanaenidea jungchangi sp. nov. 44. Antenna, male; 45. Antenna, female; 46. Penis, dorsal view; 47. Penis, lateral view; 48. Penis, ventral view; 49. Gonocoxae; 50. Abdominal ventrite VIII; 51. Spermatheca. Differential diagnosis. Taiwanaenidea jungchangi sp. nov. , is similar to T. strigosa with micro-reticulation on head and pronotum, but T. jungchangi sp. nov. has shining elytra that lacks micro-reticulation. This is different from T. strigosa which has micro-reticulation on the elytra. In addition, the aedeagus of T. jungchangi sp. nov. shows a number of differences from that of T. strigosa including the dorsally hook-like apices of aedeagus (straight apices in T. strigosa ), endophallus with baso-lateral apophyses and short dorsal tube-like sclerite (lacking basolateral apophyses and long dorsal tube-like structure in T. strigosa ), dorsally covered without any sclerite (short sclerite with two teeth in T. strigosa ); two lateral, short, curved sclerites (sclerite lateral, elongate with two tapering apices in T. strigosa ); absence of basal sclerite (presence of basal flat sclerite in T. strigosa ). Males. Length 3.8–4.5 mm , width 1.4–1.6 mm . General color ( Figs 38–39 ) bluish bronze, antenna and leg yellowish brown, sometimes antenna darkened. Discs of head and pronotum with micro-reticulation. Head strongly constricted behind eye. Antenna ( Fig. 44 ) filiform and 0.9X long as body, ratio of length of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.4: 1.1: 1.0: 1.1: 1.2: 1.2: 1.1: 1.4; ratio of length to width from antennomere III to XI about 3.4: 4.4: 3.5: 3.2: 3.4: 3.7: 3.7: 3.6: 4.1. Pronotum as long as wide, narrowed at middle. Elytra 1.9X longer than wide, parallel-sided. Tarsomeres I of front and middle legs swollen. Median lobe of abdominal ventrite V rectangular, apical margin slightly concave. Penis ( Figs 46–48 ) elongate, widest at apical 1/4, narrowed at basal 2/ 5, deeply bifurcate from apical 1/4 to apex, apically tapering, apex acute and curved upwards; tectum well sclerotized, apex widely rounded; apex straight in lateral view, abruptly curved at apical 1/3; endophallus with one short, longitudinal, tube-like sclerite, with baso-laeral apophyses; laterally covered with two short setae, one much longer than the other, apex hook-like; ventrally covered with one flat sclerite. Females. Length 4.8–5.2 mm , width 1.8–2.0 mm. Similar to male ( Figs 40–41 ), but head slightly constricted behind eyes. Antenna ( Fig. 45 ) 0.8X as long as body; ratio of length of antennomeres III to XI about 1.0: 1.3: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.1: 1.0: 1.4; ratio of length to width from antennomere III to XI about 3.5: 4.6: 3.9: 3.9: 4.0: 4.0: 3.9: 3.7: 4.6. Apical margin of abdominal ventrite V truncate. Gonocoxae ( Fig. 49 ) slender, and combined together from basal 1/3 to apical 1/5, apex of each gonocoxa widely rounded, with eight long setae; abruptly widened at basal 1/3; base wide. Ventrite VIII ( Fig. 50 ) well sclerotized; apex wide, apical margin rounded; disc with three extremely long setae at each side, one row of long setae near apical margin and one row of short setae along apical margin; spiculum long. Spermathecal receptaculum ( Fig. 51 ) strongly swollen, distinctly separated from pump; pump strongly curved; spermathecal duct slender, deeply projecting into receptaculum. Variation. One female has yellowish bronze body but with dark brown head except frontal area and antenna ( Figs 42–43 ). Host plant. Alnus formosana (Burkill ex Forbes & Hemsl.) Makino (Betulaceae) . Distribution. Central and south Taiwan ( Fig. 22 ). Taiwanaenidea jungchangi sp. nov. is a rare but widespread species. It is sympatric with T. strigosa in Kuanyuan (Hualien County). Etymology. This new species is named after Mr. Jung-Chang Chen, who is a member of TCRT and the first to collect this new species.