On the identity of Bithoracochaeta sociabilis Blanchard (Diptera: Muscidae): a new synonym of Atherigona orientalis Schiner Author Patitucci, Luciano Damián Author Mulieri, Pablo Ricardo Author Mariluis, Juan Carlos text Zootaxa 2012 3487 85 88 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.212689 46c25065-11ff-405a-b265-16960756897c 1175-5326 212689 Atherigona orientalis Schiner, 1868 ( Figs 1–4 ) Atherigona orientalis Schiner, 1868 : 295 . Type-locality: “Tellnschong”, Nicobar Is. Coenosia excisa Thomson, 1869 : 560 Type-locality: Ross Is. [Cocos-Keeling Is.]. Atherigona trilineata Stein, 1900 : 157 . Type-locality: Papua New Guinea , Friedrich Wilhelmshafen (= Madang). Acritochaeta pulvinata Grimshaw, 1901 : 42 . Type-locality: Hawaii, Olaa. Atherigona marginipalpis Stein, 1906 : 66 . Type-locality: Cameroun . Atherigona excisa var. flavipalpis Malloch, 1928 : 303 . Type-locality: Sumatra. Bithoracochaeta sociabilis Blanchard, 1937 : 41 . Type-locality: Argentina , Misiones, Loreto. Syn. nov. Lectotype designation for B. sociabilis . All specimens bear labels with original data of locality, date and collector. Blanchard (1937) mentioned as “habitat” of B. sociabilis the localities of Loreto in Misiones province, and Chaco province, but did not provide an explicit mention of the type-locality. To determine which specimens constitute the type series (ICZN 1999: Art 72,4.1.1.), we have taken into account the presence of original labels indicating the type-status. The specimens collected in Loreto bears the labels indicating their type condition. Labels are quoted verbatim, lines separated by slash. Lectotype and paralectotypes were labeled with a red label, accordingly. FIGURES 1–3. Bithoracochaeta sociabilis Blanchard. 1. Male paralectotype, lateral view. 2. Cover slips of lectotype. 3. Original labels of lectotype. LECTOTYPE male (INTA) glued on card ( Fig. 1 ), and legs, wing & terminalia on plastic cards pinned with the specimen ( Fig. 2 ); with the following labels ( Fig. 3 ): “Loreto / 26/XII/1935 / Ogloblin” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “S/ guavita / Eugenia / sp.” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “ Bithoracochaeta / sociabilis / Blnchd. [handwr.] / det. E.E. Blanchard [print.]” on white paper, black frame; “251” handwritten with blue ink, on white paper, black frame; “ Holotypus [print.] / 3 [handwr.]” on red paper; “ Lectotype / Bithoracochaeta sociabilis / Blanchard 1937 / L. D. Patitucci det. 2012” [red label, printed]. PARALECTOTYPES (INTA): One female glued on card, “Est. Exp. Loreto / 193[print.] 5-12-26 [handwr.] / Dr. A. Ogloblin [print.]” on white paper; “S/ guavita / (Eugenia sp.)” handwritten on white paper, black frame; “ Bithoracochaeta / sociabilis / Blnchd. [handwr.] / det. E.E. Blanchard [print.]” on white paper, black frame; “250” handwritten with blue ink, on white paper, black frame; “ Paratypus [print.] / Ƥ [handwr.]” on red paper; “ Paralectotype / Bithoracochaeta sociabilis / Blanchard 1937 / L. D. Patitucci det. 2012” [red label, printed]. One male in good condition, glued on card, “S/ guavita / Eugenia / sp.” handwr. on white paper, black frame; “Loreto / 26/XII/35 / Ogloblin” handwr. on white paper, black frame; “253” handwr. with blue ink, on white paper, black frame; “ Paratypus [print.] / 3 [handwr.]” on red paper; “ Paralectotype / Bithoracochaeta sociabilis / Blanchard 1937 / L. D. Patitucci det. 2012” [red label, printed]. One female glued on card, legs on plastic cards pinned with the specimen; “S/ guavita / Eugenia / sp.” handwr. on white paper, black frame; “Loreto / 26/XII/35 / Ogloblin” handwr. on white paper, black frame; “252” handwr. with blue ink, on white paper, black frame; “ Paratypus [print.] / Ƥ [handwr.]” on red paper; “ Paralectotype / Bithoracochaeta sociabilis / Blanchard 1937 / L. D. Patitucci det. 2012” [red label, printed]. FIGURE 4. Geographic distribution of A. orientalis in Argentina. Black dots: new records; black stars: province new record (inexact data); gray squares: previous distribution. Other material examined. ARGENTINA . CHACO : 8 females , 4 males , Chaco, 1935, Blanchard det. ( INTA ), 2 females , 6 males , El Zapallar [now General José de San Martín]. Zapiola leg. Blanchard det. ( INTA ); CORRIENTES: 2 females , Bella Vista, Corrientes, 8-III-1939 , on tomato. Blanchard det. ( INTA ); FORMOSA : 4 females , 1 male , Formosa , VI-1938 , on cotton. Mallo leg. Blanchard det. ( INTA ); MISIONES: 5 females , Iguazú, X-1998 . Mariluis leg. ( ANLIS ); SALTA : 2 females , Aguaray, 14/ 19-II-1950 . Golbach leg. Snyder det. [as A. orientalis ] ( IFML ); 2 females , 1 male , Santa Rosa, Oran , 24-VI-1948 . Rosillo leg. Blanchard det. ( INTA ); SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO: 2 females , 1 male , Santiago del Estero, 15-II-1954 . Blanchard det. ( INTA ). [All specimens determined by Blanchard as B. sociabilis .] Distribution in Argentina ( Fig. 4 ) : Chaco (General José de San Martín) (new record); Corrientes (Bella Vista) (new record); Formosa (new record); Misiones (Iguazú, Loreto); Salta (Aguaray, Santa Rosa) (new record); Santiago del Estero (new record).