<strong> Phylogeny and revision of <em> Messatoporus </ em> Cushman (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with descriptions of sixty five new species </ strong>
Santos, Bernardo F.
Aguiar, Alexandre P.
journal article
Messatoporus nigriangulatus
sp. nov.
Figs 59
Fore wing
6.88 mm
. HEAD: Mandible densely covered with long hairs; MLW 2.09; MWW 0.41; dorsal tooth in front view projected upwards, much longer than ventral tooth; ventral tooth triangular. MSM 0.34. Clypeus slightly and more or less uniformly convex, centrally straight; CHW 2.06; CWW 1.78; apical area medially straight, laterally with distinct triangular lobes, its margin regular, not raised. Antenna with 27 flagellomeres; flagellum uniform; apex of apical flagellomere much narrower than base, distinctly tapered. Supra-antennal area shiny, scarcely punctate, not striate near antennal sockets, ventrally and around ocelli slightly concave, median line distingishable only as a weakly smoother area. Occipital carina dorsally distinctly bell-shaped, fading out at distance about as long as basal width of mandible from the hypostomal carina. Temple and gena narrow, gena regular (as in
Fig. 260
THORAX: Pronotum centrally glabrate, moderately pilose at dorsal margin, shiny, impunctate, with strong wrinkles at ventral half of posterior margin; epomia weak, complete, short, ending far from dorsal margin of pronotum, after diverging from pronotal collar distinctly curved. Mesoscutum moderately and uniformly convex, ovoid, 1.3 × as long as wide, anteriorly densely pilose, posteriorly sparsely pilose, shiny, anteriorly densely punctate, posteriorly almost impunctate; notaulus reaching about 0.74 of mesoscutum length, weakly impressed, surface over notaulus not wrinkled; scuto-scutellar groove shallow, without wrinkles. Subalar ridge moderately projected; epicnemial carina reaching about 0.7 of distance to subalar ridge, more or less uniformly curved; sternaulus moderately strong, wide and shallow at posterior 0.25, strongly sinuous, with weak vertical wrinkles; scrobe moderately deep; mesopleural suture ventrally with weak longitudinal wrinkles, wrinkles dorsally vestigial. Mesosternum medially with short transverse wrinkles; median portion of posterior transverse carina of the mesothoracic venter short, distinctly arched forwards. Transverse sulcus at base of propodeum very wide, about 1.2 × as long as anterior area of propodeum, posteriorly with longitudinal wrinkles; metapleuron moderately punctate, posteriorly also weakly rugulose, without transverse wrinkles, dorsally sparsely pilose, ventrally moderately pilose; juxtacoxal carina represented by very short ridges. Fore tibia weakly swollen. Mesal lobe of t4 with 3–4 bristles. Hind coxa foveolate-areolate, interior face rugulose.
PROPODEUM: 1.15 × as long as wide, shiny, sparsely pilose; anterior area scarcely punctate; spiracle elliptic, SWL 2.5; anterior transverse carina medially straight. Propodeal wrinkles anteriorly weak, posteriorly strong, closely spaced, anteriorly complete, posteriorly mostly incomplete and overlapped, anteriorly more or less straight, posteriorly slightly arched forwards; posterior transverse carina entirely absent.
WINGS: Fore wing vein 1-Rs+M distinctly sinuous, with bulla placed on basal 0.25; crossvein 1m-cu more or less uniformly curved, totally continuous with 1-Rs+M; vein 1M+Rs anteriorly straight, posteriorly curved; fore wing crossvein 1 cu-a basad of 1M+Rs by 0.29 of its own length; vein 2Cua 0.31 × as long as crossvein 2cu-a; bulla of crossvein 2m-cu placed mostly on posterior half; cell 1+2Rs small, APH 0.52, subquadratic, about as high as wide, AWH 1.09; crossvein 3r-m fully spectral, 2r-m and 3r-m subparallel, about same length; vein 3-M about as long as 2-M; 4-Rs distinctly sinuous; 4-M spectral, slightly curved backwards. Hind wing vein 1-M forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua; vein 2-Rs tubular, apically spectral, reaching wing margin; HW1C 1.08; vein Cub distinctly convex on posterior half, forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua (not curved); vein 2-1A reaching 0.77 of distance to posterior wing margin.
METASOMA: First tergite moderately long, about 0.42 × as long as T2–8, somewhat depressed, ventrolaterally rounded, dorsally glabrate, laterally sparsely pilose; T1LW 4.64; T1WW 1.1; spiracle on 0.5 of its length, distinctly prominent; median depression absent; lateral and median posterior depressions absent; ventrolateral carina absent, but traceable as limit between lateral and ventral portions. T2LW 1.74; T2WW 2.09; thyridium much longer than wide, without small circular depression just behind it; T2–8 densely punctate and minutely and weakly coriarious, densely and uniformly pilose. OST 0.67; ovipositor slender, slightly sinuous, basally cylindric, apically distinctly depressed; dorsal valve without ridges; ventral valve apex with 9 teeth, apical teeth progressively more closely spaced; surface anterior to first tooth not rugulose.
Head black and whitish, mesosoma black, orange, whitish and pale yellow, metasoma black and pale yellow. Head: black; clypeus, mandible except apex, mouthparts, malar space, supra-clypeal area, scape ventrally and complete orbital band, pale yellow (238,219,156); f8–15 entirely white, f7 with small white mark. Mesosoma: mostly pale yellow, slightly darker than head (229,207,121); mesoscutum except subcircular spot, scuto-scutellar groove, scutellar carina, posterior 0.15 of scutellum, postscutellum, dorsal 0.4 of epicnemium and dorsal margin of mesopleuron, black; ventral 0.6 of epicnemium, transverse sulcus medially, metapleuron and propodeum orange (214,104,038), propodeum darker anteriorly (150,067,036); fore second trochanter, femur ventrally, tibia and t1–4, light fuscous; fore femur dorsally brownish, tibia with dorsal brown mark; t5 blackish; mid coxa, trochanters and femur light orange; mid tibia dorsally whitish, ventrally blackish on basal 0.8; mid tarsus blackish; hind coxa, trochanters and basal 0.6 of femur (dorsally 0.8) bright orange; apical 0.2–0.4 of hind femur, apical 0.75 of tibia and basal 0.3 of t1, blackish; basal 0.25 of hind tibia, apical 0.7 of t1 and t2–5, white. Metasoma: black; T1–7 with posterior whitish stripes; T1 dorsally whitish at anterior 0.5; S1 whitish; S2–6 dark brown, with posterior whitish stripes; T8 laterally whitish.
Similar to
sp. nov.
, from which it can be differentiated by having pronotum entirely yellowish (vs. with distinct posterior blackish mark); anterior area of propodeum entirely orange (vs. mostly blackish); transverse sulcus of propodeum very wide, 1.20 × as long as anterior area (vs. moderately wide, 0.62 × as long as anterior area); hind femur blackish on apical 0.4 (vs. entirely orange, though apically darker); and fore wing veins 2r-m and 3r-m subparallel (vs. distinctly convergent).
. From the latin words
, meaning “black”, and
, meaning “angle”, “corner”; in reference to the mesopleuron with only the anterior margin blackish.
Material examined.
El Copé, P.N
. Torrijos,
, yellow pans, ASantos (
). Pinned. Apical two thirds of left antenna missing; otherwise in good shape.
Recorded only from the
locality, in
Fig. 346