The weevil genera Nyphaeba Pascoe and Pantiala Pascoe and the problems of an unstable nomenclature in orphaned taxa Author Riedel, Alexander text Zootaxa 2017 4244 3 377 389 journal article 36228 10.11646/zootaxa.4244.3.6 5cdbc610-c4d4-47c0-9624-36884f8cf0bc 1175-5326 428731 4FA855F9-D852-44F3-A8AC-11F75079C2EC Pantiala Pascoe Pantiala Pascoe, 1885 : 284 . Type species: Pantiala illusa Pascoe, 1885 : 284 , by monotypy. Redescription . Length 3.80–4.64 mm . Habitus with sides of pronotum and elytra converging to apex; in profile relatively broad, dorsally weakly convex, elytral apex steeply declivous. Integument largely subglabrous, with small patches of scales. Rostrum short, 1.3 X as long as wide before apex; ca. 0.46 X length of pronotum; sides diverging to shortly before apex; in profile weakly curved, weakly widening to shortly before apex; in both sexes dorsal surface without carinae, densely punctate. Antennae inserted at middle. Scrobe leading ventrad, keeping distance from eye. Scape shorter than funicle, subglabrous; funicle with sparse thin setae, articles 6–7 each wider than long. Club subovate. Eyes with subrotund outline, in dorsal position, medially approximate, separated 0.4 X basal width of rostrum. Pronotum 1.06 X wider than long; widest at base, sides subparallel in basal half, markedly converging in apical half; without subapical constriction. Postocular lobe indistinct, with fringe of setae. Scutellar shield distinct, subglabrous. Elytron with 10 distinct striae; stria 10 complete; intervals subglabrous except subapical patch of white scales; base markedly sinuate; subapically on ventral side with stridulatory file. Wings fully developed. Thoracic venter ( Fig. 5b ). Pronotum forming acute process above procoxa. Mesothoracic receptacle ca. 2 X wider than long, cavernous, internally glabrous; ventral rim produced, covered with white erect scales, anterior margin subtruncate. Metaventrite at middle concave; sublaterally with oblique intercoxal ridge continuing in front of metacoxa, forming glabrous cavity. Metanepisternum distinct, squamose unless abraded; anapleural suture complete, without sclerolepidia. Legs. Femora ventrally sulcate; anteroventral ridge with sharp tooth slightly apicad of middle. Tibiae with distinct dorsal carina terminating at subbasal angulation; apically with strong uncus, without premucro. Tarsi with third tarsomere 2.0 X as wide as second tarsomere. Abdominal venter. Ventrite 1 anteriorly concave; intercoxal process subangulate, wider than long; posteriorly markedly convex together with ventrite 2. Ventrite 5 ca. 2.4 X as wide as long. Female terminalia . Tergite VII slightly wider than long, subtrapezoid; basal margin weakly convex; apical margin subtruncate; with one subapical pair of microsetae. Tergite VIII ca. as long as wide; in apical half subangulate, margin simple, not crenulate. Sternite VIII with apical plate wider than long. Styli long, slender. Bursa without sclerite. Spermathecal duct arising on bursa away from junction with oviduct. Male terminalia . Tergite VII wider than long, subtrapezoid; subapically with pair of microsetae surrounded by clusters of other setae. Tergite VIII apically subtruncate, outline subquadrate. Sternum VIII with hemisternites large, medially connected by narrow, weakly sclerotized part. Spiculum gastrale subequal in length to apodemes of penis, straight. Tegmen with parameres very short; apodeme slightly longer than width of tegminal ring. Body of penis subequal to length of apodemes, lanceolate in dorsal aspect. Endophallus without sclerites; without distinct transfer apparatus. Notes . Pantiala has well-developed wings and metanepisterna and therefore it needs to be removed from Tylodina Lacordaire of Cryptorhynchinae Schoenherr and placed in Cryptorhynchinae incertae sedis (new placement). In his original description, Pascoe (1885) stresses the short, thick rostrum and this concept of the genus is consistent with the present lectotype designation. In the phylogeny of Riedel et al. (2016) Pantiala is closely related to Perissops Pascoe and Critomerus Lea , genera that share its subovate body shape.