Antlions of Hispaniola (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae) Author Miller, Robert B. Author Stange, Lionel A. text Insecta Mundi 2011 2011-05-27 2011 182 1 28 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5161058 1942-1354 5161058 Purenleon woodruffi Miller and Stange , new species (Figures 19, 36, 37) Holotype male , 9 km . north of Villa Elisa , Monte Cristi Province , Dominican Republic , 24.VI.1986 , R. Miller and L. Stange collectors ( FSCA ). Diagnosis. Interantennal area pale brown; pronotum without elongate white bristles at lateral margin (sometimes with black setae laterally which are shorter than those on forecoxa); midfemoral sense hair as long as that of forefemur, about one-half as long as that of midfemur; basitarsus of hindleg 2.5 times longer than greatest diameter, much shorter than pretarsal claws; forewing costal area not suffused, without interconnected crossveins; female ectoproct not upturned. Description. Holotype male : body length 26 mm ; forewing length 30 mm . Coloration : pale brown; face pale brown with reduced dark brown band below antennal fossae, extending narrowly along mesal margin to merge with small dark brown area above antennal fossae; anterior row of vertex markings with sublateral dark band narrowly separated from double mesal mark; middle row of markings fainter, extending weakly to posterior margin, small dark spot at posterolateral margin; mouthparts pale brown except dark brown spot on stipes; antenna pale brown with small anterior mark on scape, dark brown marks on lateral and mesal margins of pedicel; basal dark brown band on flagellomeres (except basal one) before clava, more pronounced on lateral margins; pronotum pale brown with prominent double mark submesally enclosing completely pale area, small sublateral streak on basal one half; mesonotum about equally dark and pale brown with complex pattern; mesoscutellum with large submesal area enclosing pale brown spot, not reaching posterior margin; metanotum predominately dark brown; pleura mostly pale brown except mostly dark brown ventrally; forecoxa with two small dark brown areas near base and subapically; femora with dark brown subapical band, forefemur also with dark streak on lateral face; tibiae with apical dark brown band, foretibia and midtibia also with subbasal and medial bands; tarsus mostly pale brown with tarsomeres III and IV dark brown and distal tarsomere dark brown apically; wing membrane with prominent dark brown streak at rhegma, smaller one at cubitus; stigma whitish preceded by small dark brown area; wing veins and crossveins alternating pale and dark brown; abdomen with tergites mostly dark brown, pale brown on tergite II at anterior and posterior margins, tergites III- VI with double pale stripe at middle extending laterally toward posterior margin; apices narrowly pale brown. Chaetotaxy : pronotum with only inconspicuous setae that measure less than 1/2 length of forecoxal white setae which are restricted to ventral half of lateral margin and which are shorter than coxal width; midfemoral sense hair as long as that of forefemur which is over 3/4 length of femur. Structure : hindwing slightly longer than forewing; forewing with costal area with only one series of cells, those above radial sector higher than wide; forewing radial sector originates about at basal one-third; CuP + 1A runs to posterior margin a little beyond level of origin of radial sector; hind basitarsus about 2.5 times longer than greatest diameter, shorter than pretarsal claws; hindtibial spurs reach beyond apex of tarsomere II; abdomen much shorter than wings, ectoproct simple. Female . About as described for male except for terminalia; ectoproct not upturned, posterior gonapophysis with many fine, light brown hair-like setae. Larva . Head capsule tan colored; labial palpus longer than basal width of mandible; head much longer than wide ( Figure 36 ), with dolichasters; ventral head capsule ( Figure 37 ) with one pair of dark brown sublateral spots; mandible with several pale dolichasters on mesal margin near base; mesothoracic spiracle borne on tubercle. Paratypes . Dominican Republic . Monte Cristi Province : 9 km . north of Villa Elisa , 4.VI.1986 , reared , R. Miller and L. Stange collectors ( 7m , 6f, FSCA , USNM ) ; 3 km . north of Villa Elisa , 1.X.1985 , Woodruff and Stange ( 1m , 3f, FSCA ) . Discussion. This species is structurally similar to P. nunezi but is lighter in coloration. It differs in having the hind basitarsus only 2.5 times longer than greatest width (about three times longer than greatest width in P. nunezi and P . minor ). The simple female ectoproct is different than in P. nunezi and there are small differences in male genitalia. Larvae live under rock overhangs. Etymology . This species is named for Robert E. Woodruff in recognition of his many contributions to our knowledge of the antlions of the Dominican Republic.