Review of world Parapanteles Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae), with description of fourteen new Neotropical species and the first description of the final instar larvae
Valerio, A. A.
Central American Institute of Biological Research and Conservation (CIBRC). P. O. Box 2398 - 2050 San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica. E-mail: avalerio _ 13 @ hotmail. com
Whitfield, J. B.
Department of Entomology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA. jwhitfie @ life. uiuc. edu.
Janzen, D. H.
journal article
Parapanteles tessares
Valerio and Whitfield
n. sp.
Figs. 4B
. Body length =
2.10–2.60 mm
Body color:
Hind and fore leg (except coxae, tibial dorsal area of mid leg as telotarsomeres and tarsal claws) yellow as palpi (except distal segment of maxillar palpi brownish yellow), ocelli; hind tarsomeres, hind femur basal tip, hind tibia basal 2/3, mandibles (except distal pit); basal 1/4 of hind basitarsus as hind tibial spurs whitish yellow and interpleural membrane at basal 1/3 of metasoma; scape; antenna light yellow as metasomal terga at basal 1/3 of it; first and second metasomal terga dark brown but remainder of metasoma (except basal 1/3) with lighter brown color as hypopygium; propleuron, fore and hind coxae, ventral area of mesopleuron as mesosternum and head reddish brown; remainder of body dark brown. Wings hyaline; forewing veins yellow except pterostigma and C+SC+R with brighter yellow color; hind wing with transparent tubular veins.
. Head height/width = 1.14–1.35; compound eye height/width = 1.63–1.8; intertentorial pit distance =
0.16–0.18 mm
; tentorial pit distance/distance tentorial pit to compound eye = 2.80–3.50; width of face at dorsal clypeal edge =
0.30–0.35 mm
; clypeus width/height = 2.28–4.00; vertex width/distance between anterior ocelli and edge of torulus = 2.57–2.90; length of first flagellomere =
0.16–0.18 mm
; first flagellomere length/width = 2.16–2.50; length of first flagellomere/length of second flagellomere = 1.07–1.08; length of first flagellomere/length of third flagellomere = 1.08–1.15; terminal flagellomere length =
0.11 mm
; terminal flagellomere length/penultimate flagellomere length = 1.28–1.50; terminal flagellomere length/width = 2.25–2.3; malar space height/basal width of mandible = 1.00–1.11; ocell-ocular distance/lateral ocelli distance = 0.80–1.22. Clypeus with fine inconspicuous punctate sculpture; face with punctate sculpture more evident and defined than clypeus at lateral 1/3, medial 1/3 almost nitid except for with few punctate sculpture, upper 1/5 of face with dense fine punctate sculpture; frons with scrobal areas nitid, deep and narrowing distally, lateral areas with dense fine punctate sculpture, distal area with puncticulate sculpture as anterior area of vertex; vertex with posterior area and lateral area with dense punctate sculpture and gena and postgena at junction area with gena, remainder of postgena as ocular ring nitid.
Mesosoma length =
0.8–1.02 mm
; mesosoma length/width = 1.14–1.24; mesosoma height =
0.58–0.74 mm
. Propleuron in lateral view with most of lateral area and distal edge with fine and dense punctate sculpture, upper medial 3/5 of lateral area nitid; pronotum lateral area with anterior 1/2 and most of ventral groove with smooth scrobiculate sculpture, distal 1/4 of ventral groove nitid but sometimes totally covered by smooth scrobiculate sculpture, upper groove nitid, area between lateral grooves nitid, area close to distal edge with few confused rugose sculpture, upper groove 0.22 and ventral grove 0.35 times as width as posterior edge height; mesonotum with dense punctate sculpture which becomes slightly less dense towards scutellar groove; scutellar groove with 7 to 9 costulae which are not well defined; axilla through mesonotum with well defined and smooth transversal ridges at anterior edge of lunulae which are 1/2 of its width, remainder of area nitid; scutellum with well defined and conspicuous scattered punctate sculpture throughout, lateral areas with narrow costulate sculpture which become slightly wider and elongated at distal one; metanotum with anterior area triangular in shape and nitid, middistal area with two big costulae present; axilla through metanotum with 2 to 3 thick and well defined transversal ridges; propodeum costula not present at anterior 1/2 but posterior 1/2 well cristate and evident as areolar and transversal carinae, anterior 1/2 of propodeum with punctate sculpture mainly at areas close to transversal and areolar carinae but remainder of area nitid, posterior lateral areas mainly nitid but few thick and short carina extending from the carinae, surrounding it; areola with rugulose sculpture at distal 1/2 and making the posterior lateral carinae less evident and cristate, remainder of area inside areola nitid; mesopleuron anterior 1/5 with shallow big punctate sculpture as ventral area, dorsal edge with well defined scrobiculate sculpture except anterior 1/3 with more spaced and less defined scrobiculate sculpture, distal edge with few short and thick transversal ridges, sternaulus present as a nitid depression and almost as long as mesopleuron length, remainder of mesopleuron nitid; metapleuron with anterior 1/2 nitid, medial pit present, dorsal edge with big spaced transversal ridges and punctate sculpture present at area next to it, distal edge with 1 medial big and conspicuous transversal carina and area surrounding distal edge with confused smooth rugulose sculpture.
Hind femur length =
0.50–0.66 mm
; hind femur length/width = 2.63–2.94; hind tibia length/hind femur length = 1.14–1.20. Fore telotarsus with set of 4 large and strong setae at midventral area of it and internolateral area without hooklike setae, telotarsus shorter in length than basitarsus; hind telotarsus normal, not modified.
Forewing length =
2.10–2.60 mm
; 1RS length =
0.10–0.40 mm
; 1CUa length/1CUb length = 0.73–0.92; length RS+Ma =
0.30–0.40 mm
; length M+CU =
0.66–0.87 mm
; 1M length/ m-cu length = 2.14–2.33; pterostigma length/height = 1.00–1.42. Hind wing: 1M length =
0.35–0.41 mm
; 1M length/2M length = 1.83–2.00; 1M length/M+CU length = 1.00–1.85; length r-m/length cu-a = 0.75–1.00; 1RSa length/ 2r-m = 1.25–1.71; 1A length =
0.16–0.25 mm
. First tergum basal width =
0.18–0.23 mm
; first tergum length/distal width = 1.00–1.10; second tergum length/distal width = 0.38–0.47; third tergum length/distal width = 0.36–0.46; hypopygium length =
0.53–0.75 mm
. First metasomal terga with medial area with confused rugulose sculpture on 2/3 of tergum length, remainder of area with confused foveate sculpture present, basal 1/5 with few confused and smooth rugulose sculpture; second metasomal tergum with smooth longitudinal lineate sculpture mixed with confused foveate sculpture; remainder of terga nitid; third to fifth terga with middistal area desclerotized and looking roughly sub-circular in shape in dorsal view; hypopygium slightly divided at posterior edge; ovipositor almost as big as hind tibia length.
Some individuals with propodeal costulae complete and well defined.
Material examined.
, female, "
Costa Rica
, ACG,
Sendero Arenales
1080 m
: 10.92471
: -85.46738,
, Col.
. Franco, 98-SRNP-2099"
19 females
Costa Rica
, ACG,
San Cristóbal,
Sendero Perdido
620 m
317818N 384686E,
, G.
, ACG,
San Cristóbal
Sendero Corredor
640 m
N 317800 E 384100,
G. Sihezar, one same data except date
; (3)
, ACG,
Del Oro
Quebrada Raíz
280 m
, 334363N 373751E,
, L. Ríos; Guanacaste, ACG, Sector Cacao, Sendero Arenales,
1080 m
322861 N 375817E, 19/I/98
; (2)
, ACG,
Sector Cacao
Sendero Arenales
1000 m
N 322500 E 375850,
: one same data except date and collector:
& gusaneros; (3)
, ACG,
Sector Cacao
Estación Cacao
1150 m
, 323104N
, M. Pereira, one same data except date and collector:
and gusaneros; (4)
, ACG, Sector Cacao, Estación Cacao,
1120 m
, N 323150 E375650,
, Col.
. Moraga;
All material deposited at
except for
two female
deposited at
. Similar to female.
Rearing records.
Hylesia continua
feeding on
Prunus annularis
Trema micrantha
Croton schiedeanus
Heliocarpus appendiculatus
Allophylus psilospermus
Myrica splendens
Acalypha diversifolia
Hampea appendiculata
Voucher numbers: 01-SRNP-11549, 01-SRNP-7482, 01-SRNP-7483, 01-SRNP-7484, 01-SRNP-7487, 01-SRNP-7489, 01-SRNP-7632, 01-SRNP-7639, 02-SRNP-14124.34, 02-SRNP-23526, 02-SRNP-23527, 02-SRNP-23528, 02-SRNP-23529, 02-SRNP-23570, 02-SRNP-23571, 02-SRNP-23572, 02-SRNP-4849, 02- SRNP-4851, 02-SRNP-4854, 02-SRNP-4855, 02-SRNP-4856, 02-SRNP-4857, 02-SRNP-4859, 02-SRNP- 4860, 02-SRNP-4861, 02-SRNP-4865, 02-SRNP-4866, 02-SRNP-4868, 02-SRNP-4871, 02-SRNP-4872, 02- SRNP-4874, 02-SRNP-4875, 02-SRNP-4877, 02-SRNP-4879, 02-SRNP-4881, 02-SRNP-4882, 02-SRNP- 4883, 02-SRNP-4885, 02-SRNP-4886, 02-SRNP-4887, 02-SRNP-4888, 02-SRNP-4889, 02-SRNP-4890, 02- SRNP-4892, 02-SRNP-4893, 02-SRNP-4894, 02-SRNP-4895, 02-SRNP-4896, 02-SRNP-4899, 02-SRNP- 4900, 02-SRNP-4902, 02-SRNP-4903, 02-SRNP-2844, 02-SRNP-2853, 02-SRNP-2213, 02-SRNP-2234, 02- SRNP-3255, 02-SRNP-2264, 02-SRNP-2514, 02-SRNP-2215, 02-SRNP-2501, 04-SRNP-35131, 04-SRNP- 3010, 03-SRNP-1948, 03-SRNP-3417, 03-SRNP-3417, 03-SRNP-6195, 03-SRNP-6387, 94-SRNP-10591, 97-SRNP-664.23, 97-SRNP-664.31, 97-SRNP-664.47, 97-SRNP-664.74, 97-SRNP-664.89, 97-SRNP- 664.99, 98-SRNP-2064.10, 98-SRNP-2099, 98-SRNP-7678.18, 99-SRNP-5377, and 99-SRNP-5378.
The following sex ratio was observed: 5/25, 0/1, 11/10, 9/4, 3/8, 3/10, 2/6, 1/10, 8/21, 5/25, 8/21.
Gender, neutral. This species is named after the four large, strong setae on the midventral area of the fore telotarsus; “tessares” in Greek means four.