Two new species in the mycophagous genus Pocadius Erichson, 1843 from China (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae)
Chen, Xiaoxiao
Key Laboratory of Plant Protection Resources and Pest Management of the Ministry of Education, Entomological Museum, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China & chenxiaoxiao @ nwafu. edu. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3390 - 3372
Huang, Min
journal article
Pocadius zhangjiajieensis
Chen & Huang
sp. nov.
Figs. 10–17
Specimens examined.
Hunan Province
Zhangjiajie City
Sangzhi County
Badagongshan National Nature Reserve
Doupeng Mountain
, 1598 m a.s.l.,
Xiaoxiao Chen
: same collection data as holotype
Pocadius zhangjiajieensis
can be distinguished from other species in the genus by its median lobe possessing a V-shaped apex and having prominent lateral subapical angles; ejaculatory rods not fused to basal piece nor to each other, basal piece broad basally, tapering toward apex, sharply narrowed subapically, separated and curving laterally. This taxon is similar to
P. adustus
Reitter, 1888
P. ferrugineus
Fabricius, 1775
but can be distinguished from
P. adustus
by: elytral interspaces smooth and shining; antennae with terminal antennomere slightly longer than previous two antennomeres combined; protibia with shorter apical tooth; male pygidium truncate apically; tegmen with inner row of setae absent and without concavity in apical 0.4; and from
P. ferrugineus
by: long pronotal and elytra fimbriae; head with smaller punctures; antennal club asymmetrical with terminal antennomere slightly longer than previous two antennomeres combined; meso- and metatibia with outer apical process subequal to protibial process and inner apical spine shorter than tarsomere 1–2 combined; tegmen with inner row of setae attaining apex and without concavity in apical 0.4.
Description (male).
3.8 mm
, width
2.3 mm
. Body moderately convex, shiny. Dorsal and ventral surface hazel with disc of pronotum and antennal club darker, lateral margins and terminal 1/3 of elytra dark brown to black. Pronotal and elytral margins with dense and elongate grayish fimbriae. Dorsal and ventral pubescence moderately elongate, gray (
Figs. 10–11
Head surface deeply punctate, vertex with sparse large and small punctures, more densely towards orbits and frontoclypeal region, large punctures 1.2× diameter of eye-facet, small punctures 0.8× diameter; interspaces smooth and shining. Pronotal surface with large, dense punctures same as large punctures on head, interspersed with small punctures, 0.3–0.6× diameter of large ones; interspaces smooth and shining, 0.6–1.3 diameters apart; small punctures with recumbent pubescence. Scutellar shield surface with punctation similar to that on head. Elytral surface with longitudinal rows of large and small punctures in alternate arrangement, large punctures equal to punctures on pronotum, separated by 0.8× diameter, giving rise to recumbent setae; small punctures 0.4× diameter of large punctures, separated by 2.4 diameters, giving rise to semi-erect setae; interspaces smooth and shining; large and small puncture rows separated by 1.4× diameter of small punctures. Pygidium with dense irregular large and small punctures, interspaces microreticulated. Mentum with large, dense punctures at anterior margin, sparsely spaced in middle. Submentum with large punctures regularly arranged. Prosternum with small punctures in middle and large punctures laterally, punctures similar to pronotum, interspaces microreticulate. Mesoventrite with punctures dispersed, interspaces granular. Metaventrite disc slightly depressed, with fine, sparse punctures, 0.5× diameter of large prosternal punctures, lateral margin of metaventrite and metanepisternum with large, moderately dense punctures, interspaces smooth and shining. Abdominal ventrite 1 with punctures same as on prosternum, separated by 0.9–2.4× diameter of punctures, interspaces smooth and shining. Hypopygidium with large dense apical punctures and small punctures at base, interspaces microreticulate.
FIGURES 10–17.
Pocadius zhangjiajieensis
sp. nov.
) Male habitus, dorsal, (
) male habitus, ventral, (
) tegmen, dorsal, (
) tegmen, lateral, (
) median lobe, dorsal, (
) anal sclerite and male eighth abdominal sternite, dorsal, (
) internal sac sclerites of aedeagus, (
) ovipositor, dorsal. Scale bars: A = 1 mm (10–11); B = 0.2 mm (12–17).
Head twice as wide as long. Pronotum widest near base, width 2.2× length, anterior margin nearly truncate, posterior margin more or less undulate, lateral margins anteriorly arcuate. Scutellar shield triangular. Mentum subtriangular with apical angle rounded. Prosternum convex in middle, prosternal process widening and bending toward mesoventrite posterior to procoxae, narrowing subapically. Mesoventrite carinate and extending to anterior 0.6 of mesocoxae. Metaventrite with width 2.6× length. Metanepisternum broad, more or less concave apically, axillary space 0.3× length of metanepisternum. First abdominal ventrite 2.9× longer than ventrite 2; ventrites 2–4 subequal; hypopygidium slightly shorter than ventrite 1.
Antennal scape asymmetrical, slightly hemispherical, longer than pedicel; pedicel almost cylindrical; antennomeres 4 and 5 sub-sphaeroidal; antennomeres 6–8 disc-like; antennal club compact, asymmetrical with terminal antennomere slightly longer than antennomeres 9–10combined, club shorter than antennomeres 2–8 combined. Protibia with apical tooth moderately prominent, shorter than tarsomere 1; outer apical notch with ~130° angle; notch depth shallow, slightly shorter than length of tarsomere 1; inner apical spine shorter than tarsomeres 1–2 combined. Mesotibia and metatibia with numerous dense setae and rows of slender spines on lateral edge, outer apical process moderately prominent, subequal to protibial process; inner apical spine shorter than tarsomeres 1–2 combined.
Male genitalia well-sclerotized.Anal sclerite with long apical fimbriae (
Fig. 15
). Eighth abdominal sternite with long apical fimbriae (
Fig. 15
). Tegmen broadly rounded apically, length twice width, lateral row of setae visible on posterior median fossa to apex, inner row of setae attaining apex, no concavity in apical 0.4 (
Figs. 12–13
). Median lobe with V-shaped apex and prominent, angular lateral subapical angles, length 1.4× width, 0.6× length of tegmen (
Fig. 14
). Ejaculatory rods elongate and not fused to basal piece nor to each other, distal pieces abutting apically, basal piece of internal sac sclerites with one paired structure connected at basal margin (
Fig. 16
Female genitalia moderately sclerotized (
Fig. 17
). Gonocoxa with sclerotized basal border with a deep prominence and elongate baculi extending down median region, 0.5× of gonocoxal extension. Gonocoxal apices with a recurved tooth possessing three long setae subterminally.
Specimens were collected during June from a subtropical forest in northwestern
Hunan Province
The specific epithet is a derivative of “Zhangjiajie”, where the
was collected.