The Peruvian Amazonian species of Epirhyssa Cresson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Rhyssinae), with notes on tropical species richness Author Gómez, Isrrael C. Author Sääksjärvi, Ilari E. Author Puhakka, Liisa Author Castillo, Carol Author Bordera, Santiago text Zootaxa 2015 3937 2 311 336 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3937.2.4 b66a4a8e-cd41-4362-ba56-cff77ff8adcc 1175-5326 243111 46253C57-B237-4A7C-B110-49F79290CAE9 Epirhyssa isthmia Porter 1978 ( Figs 2 G, 4E) Diagnosis . This species can be distinguished from all other Neotropical Epirhyssa by the combination of the following characters: 1) occipital carina absent; 2) tergite II about 1.3 times as long as posteriorly broad; 3) yellowish annulus over antennal segments 7–11; and 4) apex of fore wing strongly blackish. Distribution . Ecuador , Panama , Peru . Material examined . Ecuador : Female ( USNM ), Dept. Orellana, Onkone gare, 216 m . , Erwin et al. leg., fogging 0° 39’ S , 76°27’ W , II.1995 . Female, as above. Male, as above but II.1996 . Peru : Female ( MEKRB ), Dept. of Madre de Dios, Los Amigos, 240 m . , Isrrael Gómez leg., Malaise, 7–14.VIII.2008 . Female ( ZMUT ), Dept. Loreto, Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, 3°58’29” S , 73°25’46” W , 124 m . , I. Gómez & Sääksjärvi leg., net, 1–8.VIII.2011 . Female ( ZMUT ), Dept. Loreto, Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, 3°58’29” S , 73°25’46” W , 124 m . , I. Gómez & Sääksjärvi leg., net, 7–13.XI.2011 . Female ( ZMUT ): as above but Malaise, 4.XII.2011 . Biological notes . This species is possible present in most of lowland Amazonia and reach north till Panama . It is recorded for the first time from Ecuador and Peru . Epirhyssa lamolinensis Gómez & Sääksjärvi sp. n. ( Figs 6 C, 7E) Type material. Holotype female ( MEKRB , currently on loan to ZMUT ). Peru : Dept. of Madre de Dios, Los Amigos, 284 m . , Isrrael Gómez leg., Malaise, 26.VI–3.VII.2008 . Female ( Fig. 6 B). Fore wing length about 15 mm . Head with occipital carina present laterally strong, interrupted dorsally, not joining hypostomal carina; posterior ocellus separated from eye by about 1.5 times its diameter; mandibles stout, lower tooth clearly longer than upper one; clypeus with central part concave, lateral corners angularly produced, centrally with a small rounded apical tubercle; lower face polished with sparse yellowish setae, transverse, about 1.25 times as broad as medially long; antenna slender with 34 flagellar segments; gena polished with strong setae, longer ventrally. Mesosoma with strong epomia close to anterior margin of pronotum; mesoscutum with central lobe clearly overhanging pronotum, transverse rugae long and sharp with fairly sparse short pubescence; mesopleuron polished, with long setiferous punctures; subalar prominence strongly inflated; epicnemial carina ventrally reaching above level of lower corner of pronotum; hind coxa in profile about 2.8 times as wide as deep; fore wing with cu-a slightly distal to Rs&M ; first subdiscal cell broadened distally, its width near outer end about 1.8 times its basal width; abscissa of M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu about 0.6 times as long 2rs-m ; Rs weakly and evenly bowed; propodeum short and stout, polished with sparse long setae and with median longitudinal depression; submetapleural carina present anteriorly, evanescent posteriorly. Metasoma with tergite I about 1.5 times as long as posteriorly broad, dorsally smooth and highly polished ( Fig. 7 e); tergite II about 1.0 times as long as posteriorly broad with close pubescence, posteriorly with sparse hairs; tergites III+ with finer and more uniformly short, dense pubescence; ovipositor projecting beyond apex of metasoma by about 5.4 times length of hind tibia. Coloration. A primarily blackish species; with yellow band behind ocelli and eyes, face except centrally, flagellum segments 2–5. Mesopleuron posteriorly and propodeum yellow. Metasoma blackish, only first tergite yellow apically, ovipositor sheath brown. Coxae and femora blackish with yellow areas ventrally, tibiae and tarsi yellowish. Wings yellowish with strong brownish band along costal area; pterostigma brownish. Male . Unknown. Diagnosis . This species can be distinguished from all other Neotropical Epirhyssa by the combination of the following characters: 1) tergite I stout and polished; 2) propodeum short and polished with long sparse setae; and 3) mesoscutum overhanging pronotum and with transverse rugae long and sharp. Epirhyssa lamolinensis sp. n. is similar to E . peruana Porter. However , the shorter and polished tergite I and angulate carina between the scutellum and postscutellum differentiate E. lamolinensis sp. n. Biological notes . Only one specimen is known from Southern lowland Peruvian Amazonia, nothing is known about its hosts. Etymology. The name lamolinensis refers to the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, the Peruvian “home” university of the first author. Distribution. Peru . Epirhyssa lutea Gómez & Sääksjärvi sp. n. ( Figs 3 E, 7A) Type material. Holotype female ( UNSM ): Peru , Dept. of Madre de Dios, Los Amigos, 280 m . , Isrrael Gómez leg., Malaise, 12–19.VI.2008 . Paratypes : Female ( UNSM ), Peru , Dept. Loreto, Reserva Nacional Allpahuayo Mishana, 3°58’ S , 73°25’ W , 124 m . , I. Gómez & Sääksjärvi leg. Malaise, 14–20.XI.2011 . Female ( ZMUT ), as above but, 12–18.IX.2011 . Female ( ZMUT ), as above but, Sääksjärvi et al. leg., Malaise, H1(14), 17.X.2000 . Female ( Fig. 3 E). Fore wing length about 9 mm . Head with occipital carina weakly discernible only laterally; posterior ocellus separated from eye by about 1.5–1.7 times its diameter; mandibles stout, lower tooth slightly longer than upper one; clypeus trapezoidal with margin concave centrally with a very small apical tubercle; lower face about 1.1–1.2 times as broad as medially long, polished with sparse yellowish setae; antenna slender with about 31 flagellar segments; gena highly polished with sparse setae. Mesosoma with epomia close to anterior margin of pronotum; mesoscutum with central lobe not overhanging pronotum, transverse rugae sharp, with short dense pubescence; mesopleuron highly polished, with scattered setiferous punctures; subalar prominence inflated; epicnemial carina ventrally reaching well above level of lower corner of pronotum; hind coxa in profile about 2.4–2.6 times as wide as deep; fore wing with cu-a distal to Rs&M ; first subdiscal cell broadened distally, its width near outer end about 1.8–2.0 times its basal width; abscissa of M between 2rs-m and 2m-cu about 0.3 times as long 2rs-m , Rs weakly and evenly bowed; propodeum short, highly polished laterally with long setae; submetapleural carina complete. Metasoma with tergite I about 1.5–2.3 times as long as posteriorly broad, wrinkled basally ( Fig. 7 A); tergite II about 1.0–1.2 times as long as posteriorly broad, highly polished, tergites III+ highly polished; ovipositor projecting beyond apex of metasoma by about 4.2–4.5 times length of hind tibia. Coloration. An entirely fulvous yellow species, blackish on mandibular teeth, antennae, last tarsal segments and ovipositor sheaths. Wings hyaline apically with strong black band over both fore and hind wings; pterostigma blackish. Male . Unknown. Diagnosis . This species can be distinguished from all other Neotropical Epirhyssa by the combination of the following characters: 1) coloration entirely fulvous yellowish; 2) tergite I rather short, polished basally with longitudinal wrinkling; 3) propodeum highly polished, without any trace of a median longitudinal depression; and 4) submetapleural carina clearly defined and complete. Epirhyssa lutea sp. n. resembles E . xoutha Porter in size and coloration but it can be distinguished from the latter by the presence of the occipital carina and shorter tergite I. Biological notes . The species is only known to occur in lowland Peruvian Amazonia, nothing is known about its hosts. Etymology. The name lutea refers to the orange yellowish coloration of the species. Distribution. Peru .