A Taxonomic Revision of Weevils of the Genus Panscopus Schönherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Tropiphorini) Author Spanton, Timothy G. Author Anderson, Robert S. Canadian Museum of Nature Entomology, P. O. Box 3443, Station D Ottawa, ON, CANADA K 1 P 6 P 4 text The Coleopterists Bulletin 2016 mo 15 2016-12-18 70 1 86 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-70.mo4.1 1938-4394 4908700 7B6ECA8F-2F31-48AC-A990-C70991BF32E9 Panscopus ( Nocheles ) bakeri Buchanan, 1936 ( Plate 3 , Figs. 15 , 41 , 64 , Map 16 ) Panscopus ( Nomidus ) bakeri Buchanan 1936: 17 . Blackwelder 1939: 66; Bousquet et al . 2013: 345. Panscopus bakeri ; Hatch 1971: 291; O’ Brien and Wibmer 1982: 63; Bright and Bouchard 2008: 255. Type Material. ( Holotype male ( USNM No. 50649): “Electron, Washington VI.28.1933 Wm. W. Baker , Coll. “ Paratypes : Electron , Washington , various dates ( June & Sept. , 1933, Wm. W. Baker (5, CASC ; 2, CMNC ; 4, OSAC ); CNC type #4194 (4, CNCI ); USNM type #50649 (8, USNM ); WSU type #248 (8, WSU ). Specific Epithet. A patronym based on the surname of the collector of the type series of specimens, William W. Baker. Diagnosis. The subgeneric characters noted above, plus the following will distinguish specimens of P. bakeri from congeners: alternate elytral intervals elevated; elytral setae more numerous on alternate intervals, scape setose and squamose, integument of scape completely covered or nearly so. Redescription. Females: Length 6.95–8.57 mm ( n = 10); width across elytra 3.1–3.61 ( n = 10). Males: Length 5.97–7.27 mm ( n = 10), width across elytra 2.41–3.1 mm ( n = 10). Color: dark grey-brown overall, scales cinereous with areas of beige scales on elytra; integument, where visible among scales, black or nearly so on elytra, pronotum, and frons, rufescent on antennae and distal articles of legs. Head: Transverse concavity at base of frons, rostrum and frons apparently discontinuous in profile, small, dark puncture medially at base of frons; thin median longitudinal carina through most of rostral length; indistinct lateral carinae barely visible through vestiture in some specimens; nasal plate clearly distinguished from rest of rostrum, glabrous, shiny integument finely rugulose and with v-shaped carina, not acute; vestiture of frons and rostrum of dense, overlapping, appressed, striate scales and scattered, decumbent, flattened setae; with group of 8–10 setae supraorbitally. Antennae: Scape short, extended to anterior quarter of eye only; vestiture of dense, appressed scales and scattered setae, integument obscured over most of length; funiculus (antennomeres 2–) with long primary setae on distal portion of each article, and smaller, appressed secondary setae scattered over surface, integument visible. Pronotum: Approximately 1/5 wider than long in females, slightly narrower in males; coarsely rugosetuberculate; integument visible at apices of tubercles; median longitudinal sulcus broad, deep, length of pronotum, deeper and broader in anterior half; vestiture of appressed, round striate scales and scattered, decumbent, flattened striate setae. Elytra: Combined width approximately 1/2 wider than pronotum, approximately 3/4 length of elytron in females; in males, slightly narrower, combined width of elytra approximately 2/3 length; declivity rounded, posterior margin vertical in lateral view in males, reflexed in females; alternate intervals elevated, each with irregular row of decumbent, flattened setae; even intervals flat, without setae; serial pits each with round scale, larger than surrounding scales; vestiture elsewhere of dense layer of overlapping, appressed, striate scales. Legs: Tibiae 1 and 2 with a few amber-colored spines on ventral margin in apical half; corbellar area of tibia 3 indistinctly closed. Abdomen: With 5 ventrites in males and females; medial concavity of ventrite 1 in males, convexity of ventrite 1 in females less obvious than in other species of Panscopus . Genitalia: Females ( Figs. 15 , 41 ): Sternum VIII much as in other species of Panscopus , coxites angular; vagina long, membranous, pair of sclerites in anterior portion of vagina thin, crescent-shaped; spermatheca sickle-shaped, thick in basal half, narrowed apically. Males ( Fig. 64 ): Aedeagus slightly decurved in lateral view, broadly rounded apically, with hint of apical acuity medially; manubrium of tegmen slightly shorter than median lobe; median struts slightly longer than median lobe; internal sac membranous, finely granulate posteriad belt of tegmen, with field of fine denticles posterior to belt of tegmen; pair of v-shaped sclerites in anterior portion (in inverted sac). Plate 3. Panscopus bakeri , dorsal habitus. From Bright and Bouchard (2008), used with permission. Map 16. Geographical distribution of Panscopus bakeri . Life History. Most adults were collected during the period April–July. Only four specimens were seen that had been collected in September and three in October. Geographical Distribution. Weevils of this species are known from the Puget lowlands of Washington State and extreme southern British Columbia ( Map 16 ). Chorological Affinities. See this topic for P. johnsoni above. Material Examined. In addition to the type specimens listed above, approximately 160 specimens were examined. CANADA : British Columbia : Aspen Grove , 3.VII.1933 , H. Richmond (1, SMDV ) ; B.X. Mi ”, 2.VI.1931 , R. Hopping (1, CASC ) ; Trinity Valley , 31.V.1929 , J.R. Howell (1, CASC ; 2, CNCI ) ; Voght Valley , V.1921 , R. Hopping (1, CASC ) . USA : Washington : Pierce Co. , Electron , 31.V.1933 , J. Wilcox (3, CASC ; 15, OSUC ) ; Electron , 31.V.1933 , S.E. Crumb (1, OSUC ) ; Electron , 2.VI.1933 , J. Wilcox (1, CASC ; 1, UNSM ; 31, OSUC ) ; Electron , 2.VI.1933 , S.E. Crumb (1, CASC ; 36, OSUC ) ; Electron , 23. VI.1933 , J. Wilcox (1, OSUC ) ; Electron , 23.VI.1933 , S.E. Crumb (4, OSUC ) ; Electron , 28.VI.1933 , J. Wilcox (14, OSUC ) ; Electron , 24.VII.1934 , S.E. Crumb (5, OSUC ) ; Electron , 29.X.1934 , W.W. Baker (2, OSUC ) ; Electron , 21.VII.1935 , Van Dyke collection (2, CWOB ) ; Electron , 15.VII.1936 , W.W. Baker (1, OSUC ) ; Electron , 21.VII.1936 , Van Dyke collection (30, CASC ) ; Electron , 24.IV.1937 , W.W. Baker (3, OSUC ) .