Stylodactylidae and Bathypalaemonellidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea) from the PANGLAO 2004 and 2005 expeditions to the Philippines, with description of a new species of Stylodactylus A. Milne - Edwards, 1881 Author Cleva, Régis text Zootaxa 2008 1813 29 41 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.182835 67839419-f50b-4289-b6f5-90181ff366f6 1175-5326 182835 Parastylodactylus longidactylus Cleva, 1990 a ( Figs. 2A , 3 D) Parastylodactylus longidactylus Cleva 1990a : 125 , figs. 12d, 15a, b, 16 a–d. Material examined. Philippines , Panglao I., stn. CP2343, 9°27.4’N123°49.4’E , 273–302 m , sandy/muddy substrate, 23 May 2005 : 1 ovig. female CL 5.9 mm . MUSORSTOM 2, stn. 83, 13°55.2’N120°30.5’E , 320– 318 m , 0 2 December 1980 : 1 ovig. female 5.5 mm , holotype (MNHN-Na10871); 4 ovig. females 5.0– 6.5 mm , paratypes (MNHN-Na 4333). Japan , R.V. Yoko-maru , stn. F300–3, East China Sea west of Okinawa I., 26°33.8’N127°49.7’E , 302 m , 25 October 1997 , coll. T . Kosuge : 1 female 4.5 mm (CBM-ZC 5401). Comparative material. Parastylodactylus richeri Cleva, 1990a : New Caledonia : BIOCAL, stn. 42, 23°45’S167°12’E , 380 m , 30 August 1985 : 1 ovig. female 4.5 mm , holotype (MNHN-Na10872); 1 male 4.5 mm , 1 ovig. female 5.0 mm, paratypes (MNHN-Na 10873). – BATHUS 1, stn. CP 670, 20°54’S165°53’E , 394–397 m , 14 March 1993 : 1 ovig. female 5 mm (with Bopyridae ) (MNHN-Na14631). – Stn. DW 687, 20°34’S165°07’E , 408–440 m , 16 March 1993 : 1 male 3.0 mm (MNHN-Na 14645). – RFO, 22°33, 41’S– 166°25.74’E , 300 m , 12 September 1994 : 1 ovig. female 4.5 mm , 1 female 3.5 mm (MNHN-Na13221). Vanuatu , MUSORSTOM 8: stn. CP 980, 19°21’S169°25’E , 433–450 m , 22 September 1994 : 1 ovig. female 5.0 mm (MNHN-Na 14468). – Stn. CP 1024, 17°48’S168°38’E , 335–370 m , 28 September 1994 : 1 ovig. female 4.5 mm (MNHN-Na 14470). – Stn. CP 1025, 17°49’S168°39’E , 385–410 m , 28 September 1994 : 1 ovig. female 6.0 mm (MNHN-Na 14469). – Stn. CP 1137, 15°41’S167°02’E , 360–371 m , 11 October 1994 : 1 ovig. female 5.5 mm (MNHN-Na 13222). Remarks. Of the six described species of Parastylodactylus , P. bimaxilllaris ( Bate, 1888 ) , P. tranterae Cleva, 1990 , P. semblatae Cleva, 1990 , P. moluccensis Cleva, 1997 , P. longidactylus Cleva, 1990 , and P. r i c h - eri Cleva, 1990, only the last two, P. longidactylus , from Philippines , and P. richeri , from Indonesia , Vanuatu and New Caledonia display long and slender dactyls on P3 to P5 (specially P3 and P4), these articles being shorter and stouter in the four other species. Parastylodactylus longidactylus can be distinguished from P. richeri by its slenderer P3–P5, with longer dactyls, those of P3 and P4 being devoid of accessory spinules. The propodus/dactylus ratio of the last three pairs of pereopods are: P3: 1.5–1.6; P4: 1.7–1.8; P5: 4.5–4.8 in P longidactylus versus P3: 1.8–3.1; P4: 2.2–3.6; P5: 5.2–7.8 in P. richeri (see Cleva, 1990a : 127, figs. 15c, 16 e– h; Cleva, 1997 : 397, fig. 4 G–H). Observation of the Panglao specimen, unfortunately damaged, combined with careful examination of the photo shows that: the long dactyls are devoid of accessory spinules; the propodus/dactylus ratio of P3 and P4 are respectively 1.5 and 1.5 (estimated from the photo); the propodus/dactylus ratio of P5 is 4.0 (measured on the specimen). The rostrum is 1.25 times longer than the carapace. It bears 25 dorsal spines (six on the carapace proper) and three ventral. FIGURE 2. A, Parastylodactylus longidactylus , ovigerous female 5.9 mm, PANGLAO 2005, stn. CP2343, anterior portion of cephalothorax, lateral view; B, Bathypalaemonella aff. hayashii , male 9.5 mm, PANGLAO 2005, stn. CP2362, anterior portion of cephalothorax, lateral view; C, Bathypalaemonetes brevirostris , ovigerous female 9.9 mm, PANG- LAO 2005, stn. CP2343, anterior portion of carapace, lateral view. One of several specimens from Japan and East China Sea sent by T. Komai appears to belong to P. longidactylus , never recorded before from this area. Colouration. Body pinkish, with some reddish patches. Rostrum translucent with apex pinkish. Pereopods pale pinkish, with some pale reddish stripes; part of ischio-merus of P3 and P4 red. Distribution. Philippines , 273–320 m ; Japan , 302 m . First record for Japan . The PANGLAO specimen represent the second record for the Philippines .