Bulbophyllum wiratnoi (Orchidaceae), a new species of section Epicrianthes from Indonesian New Guinea Author Saputra, Reza 0000-0003-0454-936X West Papua Natural Resources Conservation Agency (Balai Besar KSDA Papua Barat), Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia. Jalan Klamono KM 16, Sorong, Southwest Papua Province, Indonesia & reza. saputraa 21 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0454 - 936 X reza.saputraa21@gmail.com Author Mustaqim, Wendy A. 0000-0001-9902-830X Program Studi Biologi, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Samudra, Jl. Prof. Dr. Syarief Thayeb, Meurandeh, Langsa Lama, Langsa, Aceh 24416, Indonesia & wendyachmmadm @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9902 - 830 X wendyachmmadm@gmail.com Author Champion, Jeffrey 0000-0003-3508-4040 Rumahku di Awan, Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, 82191, Indonesia & juara _ 53 @ yahoo. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 3508 - 4040 juara_53@yahoo.com Author Schuiteman, Andre 0000-0001-6701-8158 Science Directorate, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, TW 9 3 AB, UK & a. schuiteman @ kew. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6701 - 8158 a.schuiteman@kew.org text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-03-28 589 3 283 288 http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-22-0755-PDN journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.589.3.7 1179-3163 Bulbophyllum wiratnoi Saputra, Schuit., Mustaqim & J.Champ. , sp. nov. ( Figs 1–2 ) FIGURE 1. Morphology of Bulbophyllum johannuli and Bulbophyllum wiratnoi . A. Bulbophyllum johannuli . B–I. Bulbophyllum wiratnoi : B. Plant with inflorescence. C–D. Flower (front view, oblique view). E. Polinator. F–H. Lip (side view, oblique view, front view). I. Petal front view. Scale: B = 5 mm, C–L = 1 mm. Photographs A by Peter Jongejan, C, E, F, G, H, I by Reza Saputra and B, D by Jeffrey Champion. FIGURE 2. Line drawing Bulbophyllum wiratnoi . A. Plant habit. B-D. Lip (adaxial, abaxial, side view). E. Column side view. F. Petal with appendages. G. Dorsal sepal. H. Lateral sepal. I. Polinia. J. Anther cap. All from holotype. Illustrated by Reza Saputra. Type:— INDONESIA . Southwest Papua Province : Kota Sorong , Sorong Nature Recreation Park , elev. 114 m , 6 June 2018 , Reza 268 ( holotype : MAN !, spirit material) . Diagnosis:— This species is similar to Bulbophyllum johannuli Vermeulen (1982: 22–23) in the apically filiform petal appendages but differs in having longer leaves 5.5–5.6 cm [index 2–2.3] (vs. 4.2 × 2.8 cm [index 1.5] in B. johannuli ), larger sepals ( ca. 12 × 4.5–5 mm vs 8 × 3 mm ), petal appendages filiform from a dilated base, ca. 9.7-12 mm long (vs. filiform, 5 mm long, not dilated at the base), with pandurate labellum (vs. spathulate), having longer ( ca. 0.23 mm long) and denser papillae on the abaxial side of the lip (vs. papillae ca. 0.14 mm long). Pendent epiphytic herbs. Roots mostly produced close to the base of the rhizome, to ca. 30 cm long, 1 mm diam. Rhizome pendulous, stem-like, not or sparsely branching, to ca. 46 cm long, 3 mm in diameter, sections between pseudobulbs 1.5–3 cm , rhizome scales persistent. Pseudobulb ellipsoid, 9–13 × 4–5 mm . Leaves mid-green, subsessile, held almost horizontally, convex above, concave below, coriaceous, ovate to oblong, 5.5–5.6 × 2.4–2.8 cm , index 2–2.3; margin entire, glabrous, apex obtuse to acute. Inflorescence ca. 15 mm long, 1–flowered. Peduncle porrect, ca. 7 mm long, peduncle-scales 3, longest ca. 10 mm long. Floral bract tubular at the base, ca. 10 mm , acute to acuminate. Flowers opening widely, smelling like fermented cassava (called tapai in Indonesian), which attracts Musca domestica in cultivation (pers. obs. RS); sepals ochre-yellow densely spotted red-purple; petals with purple appendages that are ash grey in the dilated basal part; lip yellow, more or less suffused with red-purple, the hypochile finely spotted red-purple, the epichile with deep red-purple papillae; column creamy yellow, red-purple below the stigma; anther light yellow, pollinia golden yellow. Pedicel and ovary ca. 8 mm long. Dorsal sepal patent, ovate-lanceolate, ca. 12 × 4.5–5 mm with the widest part at 1/3 from the base, index 2.4–2.6; thick, glabrous, base broadly attached, margins entire, inrolled near the apex, acuminate. Lateral sepals patent, ovate-lanceolate, slightly oblique, ca. 12.8 × 4.3 mm with the widest part near the middle, index 3; thick, glabrous, base broadly attached, margins entire, inrolled near the apex, acuminate. Petals reduced, ca. 0.25 mm long and 2.6 mm wide strip, with 10–12 slender, marginal teeth each carrying a porrect, sessile, immobile, somewhat undulate, filiform appendage dilated and flattened at the base, ca. 9.7–12 mm long, ca. 0.2 mm in diameter in the upper part, ca. 0.7 mm wide at the base. Lip pandurate in outline shape, ca. 3.1 × 1.4 mm , index 2.2 (all without artificial spreading), contracted in middle, divided into a hypochile and an epichile; hypochile subquadrate in outline, ca. 1.3 × 1.2 mm , carnose, glabrous, concave abaxially, at the base with two recurved, uncinate auricles, margins erect, continuing as two ridges on the basal third of the epichile, along the median with two low, parallel, longitudinal keels terminating just below the epichile; epichile ovate, thick-carnose, slightly decurved, ca. 1.8 × 1.1 mm , obtuse, margins entire, adaxial surface almost flat, slightly raised towards the apex, subglabrous with minute, scattered papillae, the thick sides of the epichile and its abaxial surface densely covered with small, globose papillae and longer ( ca . 0.23 mm long) slender papillae, except for a glabrous longitudinal strip along the median on the abaxial side. Column ca. 2.7 mm long, slightly curved, the lateral wings near the apex with a short, wide-angled tooth, stelidia pointing downwards at right angles to the column, narrowly triangular, ca. 0.7 mm long, acute-acuminate, upper margin with a very short tooth; clinandrium margin obscurely 3-dentate; column-foot at right angles to the column, ca. 0.9 mm long. Anther quadrangular, glabrous, at the apex with a large, flat, fishtail-shaped extension, in total ca. 1.4 mm long, of which the extension is ca. 0.7 mm long and ca. 1.2 mm wide. Pollinia 4, strongly unequal in size, the largest narrowly ellipsoid, ca. 0.46 mm long, arranged in two pairs. Fruit not seen. Distribution :— INDONESIA : Papua Barat Daya Province, Bird’s Head Peninsula. Endemic. Habitat and ecology :—Epiphyte on branches of a large tree in lowland rainforest, ca. 114 m asl. Phenology :—Flowering in January and July. Etymology :—The specific epithet honours Wiratno, prominent Indonesian conservation figure and former Director-General of Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, who was responsible for many breakthroughs in Indonesian conservation development. His ideas about new ways to manage conservation areas in Indonesia are already positively impacting the lives of local people, while preserving ecosystems and their biodiversity. Conservation Status: —Data Deficient (DD) following the guidelines from IUCN Standards and Petitions Subcommittee (2022) . Most species of Bulbophyllum section Epicrianthes are rare plants, known from few localities (Vermeulen & O’Byrne, 2008), although a few, such as B. macneiceae Schuit. & de Vogel , are more widespread. Bulbophyllum wiratnoi is only known from the type collection area, Sorong Nature Recreation Park, and from a cultivated specimen of unknown provenance (see below). During several thorough field surveys in five years, we only found one individual in the type locality and one individual from unknown location in Papua . Even though this species occurs in a conservation forest, its habitat in margin of Sorong City is affected by anthropogenic activities such as site disturbance, habitat fragmentation and village expansion, as well as illegal collecting activities by hunters. Notes :—Vegetatively, Bulbophyllum wiratnoi resembles many other species in sect. Epicrianthes , but it is unique in having sessile, filiform petal appendages with a dilated base. The expanded apical part of the anther, forming a small hood, is unusual, but a similar structure is found in B. conchophyllum J.J.Sm. In Bulbophyllum sect. Epicrianthes , far fewer species have been recorded from Indonesian New Guinea than from Papua New Guinea . According to a study of the literature ( Cámara-Leret et al. 2020 , De Vogel et al. 2022 ), prior to the discovery of B. wiratnoi , only three species of Bulbophyllum sect. Epicrianthes had been recorded from the Indonesian part compared to eighteen from the PNG part of New Guinea . These are B. conchophyllum Smith (1912: 133) , B. dijkstalianum Vermeulen et al. (2010: 276) , and B. macneiceae Schuiteman & de Vogel (2005: 365) . A second collection of Bulbophyllum wiratnoi , believed to be from Indonesian New Guinea , is without a precise locality. Additional specimen examined . INDONESIA . Indonesian New Guinea, exact provenance unknown [Jeffrey Champion cult. ‘ Bulbophyllum section Epicrianthes No. 2’].