Bolivian Rhinotragini Iii: New Genera And Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) R O. S. C Abstract Author Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S. text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2010 2010-06-30 50 16 239 267 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492010001600001 1807-0205 Antennommata gen. nov. Type species: Antennommata costata sp. nov. (here designated). Diagnosis: general form Ommata ( Ommata ) -like: rostrum short (0.4 length of inferior lobes); eyes large and convex, moderately contiguous in males, widely separated in females; prothorax subcylindrical, procoxal cavities closed; elytra elongate, narrowed to apex, the latter rounded, not reacing apex of abdomen, basal third convex adjacent to suture, not dehiscent, distinctly pubescent along suture and all of apical third; abdomen relatively short, cylindrical, and parallel-sided in male, tapering from base to apex in female; legs strongly pedunculate-clavate, metatarsomere I as long as II + III ; colours generally opaque, not metallic. Separates from this subgenus by: antennae with heavy, 4-segmented club, without strongly colour-contrasted segments apically; pronotum densely punctured throughout; elytra with strongly keeled humero-apical costa, not vitreous, nor hardly translucent, and relatively heavily punctured throughout; hind legs relatively short (twice length of front legs), apex of femora just reaching apex of elytra in male, shorter in female. Description: moderately small, subcylindrical and graceful, forebody 1,2 longer than abdomen; antennae with large club; antennae, elytra and legs moderately long. Elytra with keeled humero-apical costa. Body and elytra almost entirely pubescent; elytra densely punctate. Head with eyes as wide as pronotum; male rostrum short, about 1/5 length of inferior lobes of eyes (two-thirds in female). Mandibles acute at apex, cutting edges with weak tooth; palps small, apical palpomeres fusiform, truncate at tip. Eyes finely faceted, large and convex, obliquely placed; distal margin of inferior lobe of eyes almost at sides of gena, proximal margin rounded and oblique, lobes moderately contiguous in males (widely apart in females); superior lobes of eyes small. Antenna long, passing tip of elytra at base of antennomere X in males (in females shorter, not quite reaching apex of elytra), with wide, 4-segmented club; antennomeres III-VI filiform, VII regularly widened to apex, VIII-XI greatly enlarged, VIII quadrate, IX and X transverse, XI slightly elongate and acuminate at apex; scape subcylindrical, much shorter than antennomere III ; III the longest, 1.3 longer than IV ; V slightly longer than IV , shorter than VI . Prothorax: subcylindrical, longer than wide, sides rounded; anterior constriction almost absent; basal constriction moderately strong but narrow. Prosternal process arched, base laminar, apex triangular, concave at centre, apical corners rounded, apical margin slightly excavate. Procoxal cavities narrowly notched at sides, closed behind; proepimeron narrow and depressed, exposing hind part of coxae. Procoxae obliquely placed. Pronotum convex, without protuberances (but see midline under species’ description) or further depressions. Mesothorax: mesosternal declivity inclined but not abrupt, mesosternal process wide and parallel-sided, about half width of coxal cavity, apex truncate, apical margin excavate; side of coxal cavity narrowly open to mesepimeron. Scutellum scutiform, apex blunt. Elytra closely punctured on disc, entirely covered by short, recumbent pubescence; long, reaching middle of urosternite V ; not dehiscent; narrowing from behind humeri to middle, widening slightly towards apex where epipleur is markedly explanate; humero-apical costa complete and strongly raised into narrow keel ( Dihammaphora -like) from apex of basal third to centre of apex; apices separated by slight gape and obliquely truncate. Metathorax: metasternum moderately strongly convex, longitudinal suture reaching middle of sternum, narrow, deeply inset; metepisternum subrectangular, base not much widened, apex only modestly acuminate. Abdomen: relatively short, cylindrical and parallel-sided in male (tapering from base to apex in female); urosternites subequal; urosternite V undifferentiated; abdominal process modestly inclined to abdomen, narrow, deeply inserted between metacoxae, long ( 0.3 mm ), apical two-thirds acuminate, apex more horizontal. Legs: ratio of length from front to hind leg 1.0:1.5:2.0; pedunculate-clavate. Femoral peduncles moderately short and narrow, claves elongate. Apex of metafemoral club reaching apex of elytra in male (slightly shorter in female). Metatibia without specialised pubescence or long setae. Metatarsomere I equal in length to II + III . Etymology: combination to draw attention to its exceptionally heavy club on the antennae (Antenn…) and its relationship to the genus Ommata .