Bolivian Rhinotragini Iii: New Genera And Species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) Author Clarke Abstract, Robin O. S. text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2010 2010-06-30 50 16 239 267 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492010001600001 1807-0205 13308115 Anomalotragus recurvielytra sp. nov. Figs. 1A, 1B Holotype male: 5.4 mm . Deposited at MNKM . Diagnosis: separation of this species from A. morrisi is discussed with the description of the latter. General colour: opaque, chestnut to dark chestnut, and orange to yellow. Mouthparts, and base of antennomeres III-XI incrementally yellow. Head, mandibles (except apex black), scape, scutellum, pronotum and sterna pale chestnut; the following dark chestnut: rest of antennae; broad, semi-circular fascia crossing disc of pronotum; and elytra (these paler on apical lobes). Abdomen mainly dark chestnut; urosternite V paler, and urosternite I translucent yellow. Legs translucent yellowish; apical half of mesofemoral clave, protibia and all tarsi slightly duskier; most of metafemoral clave, meso- and metatibia, dark chestnut. General pubescence: the following with long setae: sides of submentum, antennal segments I-VI, pronotum (mainly on disc), basal two-thirds of elytra, metasternum (sparsely) and metepisternum, and all parts of all legs (except coxae), longer and more numerous on metatibia. The following with dense, recumbent, white pubescence and attendant puncturation: centre of prosternum, sides and basal constriction of pronotum, most of mesosternum, scutellum, sides and hind margin of metasternum, metepisternum, and sides of urosternites. Elytral surface entirely pubescent, the individual hairs with broad shining bases, and lying obliquely to sides of elytra. Surface ornamentation: general puncturation non-alveolate; clypeus, frons, vertex and mesosternum closely and confusedly punctured (with short indistinct pubescence). Area of submentum smooth with dense large punctures. Disc of pronotum smooth and shining with 13-14 scattered large punctures at midline, and a few mixed with smaller punctures towards sides. Elytra almost entirely punctate, only humeri impunctate and humero-apical costa with large, setose punctures with smooth interstices; rest of elytra with contiguous, almost asperate, punctures (caused by heavy microsculpture of interstices), these becoming smaller towards suture and entirely confused on lobes. The following more or less impunctate: front half of prosternum, midline of metasternum and abdomen. Structure. Head: rostrum ( 0.2 mm ) about 2/5 as long as inferior lobes. Clypeus separated from frons by shallow depression. Frons shallowly depressed to middle, frontal suture somewhat short. Inferior lobesof eyes: ratio of interocular distance ( 0.35 mm ) to width of lobe 4:3. Superior lobes of eyes: interocular distance ( 0.35 mm ) four times width of one lobe. Antennomeres IV-X slightly thickened at apex; scape ( 0.40 mm ); antennomere III 0.55 mm , IV 0.35 mm , V and VI 0.50 mm , VII 0.45 mm , the rest gradually shortening to X ( 0.30 mm ), XI more elongate ( 0.40 mm ). Prothorax: cylindrical, sides evenly and weakly rounded, longer ( 1.05 mm ) than wide ( 0.80 mm ); anterior constriction almost absent; basal constriction represented by shallow depression. Pronotum evenly convex, without further depressions or protuberances; apical and basal margins subequal ( 0.70 mm ), the former with narrow smooth border. Mesothorax: elytra flat, 2.1 mm long, 2,3 longer than width of humeri; length of lobe about 0.6 mm ; humeri ( 0.9 mm wide) covering sides of mesothorax, wider than base of pronotum, prominent, slightly projecting, outer angle rounded; sides from just behind humeri narrowing to base of lobes (slightly exposing metepisterna), then curving outwards to middle of lobe; humero-apical costa broad to pre-lobal constriction, leaving epipleur almost vertical for basal half of elytra (and absent for apical half); surface depressed to inside of humeral costa, this depression running from base of elytra to pre-lobal constriction, shallow and narrower at base, deeper, and widening to reach suture posteriorly; sutural margins minutely bordered, slightly raised, straight for basal two-thirds, dehiscent for apical third; dehiscence moderately strong, leaving lobes well separated and projecting outwards; lobes moderately elevated, elongate, widest at middle, not thickened, but longitudinally slightly convex, apices evenly rounded. Legs: length of middle leg 3.6 mm , and hind leg 4.4 mm . Middle and hind tarsi equal ( 0.75 mm ), metatarsomere I ( 0.30 mm ) slightly longer than II + III ( ca. 0.28 mm ). Variation: vertex may have two comma-shaped, dusky fascia between superior lobes. Scape may be darker, pro- and metatibia frequently yellower, and antennomere III may be entirely chestnut. The fascia in the pronotum may be more triangular or reduced to a small oval spot. Underside may be entirely pale chestnut. Antenna may reach apex of urosternite IV . Dehiscence of elytra in some males weaker than in holotype . Female ( Fig. 1A ): apart from characters mentioned under the description of genus, the following differences from the male may be noted: only antennomeres VII-XI narrowly yellow at base; dusky fascia on disc of pronotum smaller; underside may be clouded dusky on metathorax and abdomen; general pubescence golden; abdomen generally smoother and more glabrous; frons flat between inferior lobes, ratio interocular distance to width inferior lobe 2:1; and metathorax slightly wider, with sides more visible behind humeri. Measurements (mm): 16 males / 3 females : Total length 4.50-7.0/5.9-7.4; length of pronotum 0.90-1.30/1.15-1.45; width of pronotum 0.75-1.1/0.90-1.1;lengthofelytra1.90-2.70/2.50-2.90; humeral width 0.80-1.20/1.05-1.30. Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W , 420 m , Hotel Flora & Fauna, 5 km SSE Buena Vista , 21.IX.2007 , R . Clarke/ S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of “ Sama blanca chica” ( MNKM ). Paratypes with same data as holotype : 1 male , 18. IX .2007 ( MZUSP ) , 1 male , 21. IX .2007 ( MNRJ ) , 1 male , 23. IX .2007 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with different data from holotype : Santa Cruz , Reserva Natural , Potrerillo de Guenda , 370 m , 40 km NW Santa Cruz , 17°40’S / 63°27’W : 10 males and 1 female , 16-22.X.2006 , F. & J. Romero ( ACMS ) ; 2 males and 1 female ; 16-22.X.2006 , F. & J. Romero ( RCSZ ) . Santa Cruz , 19°48’76”S/63°39’67”W, 1070 m , Quebrada Angostura , 6 km W Estancia Caraparacito , 1 female , 03.I.2008 , on flowers of Croton sp. A ( RCSZ ) . Santa Cruz , Incahausi , E Muypampa , 1600 m , 2 males , XII.1984 , L.E. Peña ( MZUSP ) . Etymology: recurvielytra refers to the up-turned lobes of the elytra.