Description of Potophila verrucosa, gen. n. et sp. n. (Diptera: Psychodidae: Psychodinae) from the West Usambara mountains, Tanzania Author Kvifte, Gunnar M. text African Invertebrates 2014 2014-12-30 55 2 413 413 journal article 10.5733/afin.055.0203 2305-2562 7918724 Potophila gen. n. Etymology: From Greek poton (πόΤΟΣ) , “drinking-bout”, and philos (φίΛΟΣ) , “friend”, referring­tO­the­first­flagellOmere,­whOse­shape­resembles­a­wine­bOttle.­The­gender­Ofthe new genus is feminine. Type species: Potophila verrucosa sp.n. DiagnOsis:­ EYebridge­ Of­ three­ rOws­ Of­ facets,­ flagellOmeres­ nOdifOrm­ with­ pairedascOids,­first­ flagellOmere­ with­ nOdal­ part­ strOnglY­ elOngated,­mOre­ than­ three­ timeslength of internode ( Fig. 1A ). Wing ovoid with costal node swollen ( Fig. 1B ). Aedeagus asymmetrical through 90° inversion of distiphallus; with two parameres, and these carrying a rugose morphoventral projection ( Fig. 1C ).