Rubi Capenses: a further contribution to the knowledge of the genus Rubus (Rosaceae) in South Africa Author Beek, Abraham Van De text Phytotaxa 2021 2021-08-19 515 1 1 71 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.515.1.1 1179-3163 8061143 25. Rubus allegheniensis Porter (1896: 153) . Lectotype (designated by Bailey 1944: 522 ):— USA . Pennsylvania : ‘ Rubus villosus , Ait. , var. montanus , mihi Pocono Summit. Monroe Co, Penns . Aug. 15/89 ’, Porter s.n., ( lectotype NYBG 5990 []; isolectotype PH00040760) Pictures: — Primocane erect, diam. 4–7 mm , angular, furrowed, pilose at tip, later becoming glabrous, with numerous sessile and subsessile glands; prickles 1–4 per 5 cm , up to 3–5 mm long; stipules linear-lanceolate, 8–12 mm , with some stipitate glands. Leaves 5-foliolate, adaxially hairy, abaxially soft, with long hairs on veins; serrature narrow, very acute with straight or slightly curved teeth; petiole 6–9 cm , moderately hairy, with 2–8 weak declining or curved prickles; central leaflet 83–118 mm long, from cordate base, broad ovate-elliptical rather abruptly attenuate into long tip, width–length index 0.51–0.76, length of petiolule 28–53% of length of leaflet. Flowering branch rather densely hairy, with sessile, subsessile and stipitate glands; prickles few, acicular, 1–2 mm long. Inflorescence racemose, leafy only at base, hirsute and glandular, with few weak prickles; pedicels ascendant, 10–30 mm , hirsute, with 0–3 weak pricklets and 25–50 unequal, mostly short stipitate glands. Flowers : sepals 7–8 × ± 3 mm , loosely reflexed, green with white margin, ± appressed pilose, glandular; petals white, elliptic or obovate; stamens longer than greenish styles; anthers and ovaries glabrous; receptacle glabrous or with scattered hair. Ecology: —Grassland. Distribution in South Africa : —Hogsback ( Eastern Cape ), at the same field as R. laudatus . Specimen:— SOUTH AFRICA . Eastern Cape : Hogsback , 21 October 2018 , Beek 2018.116 ( L ) .