Cave millipeds of the United States. X. New species and records of the genus Pseudotremia Cope. 2. Species from Virginia, USA (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Cleidogonidae) Author Shear, William A. text Zootaxa 2011 3109 1 38 journal article 45917 10.5281/zenodo.279260 ffbcaa56-6a77-4df4-b944-508fb074171f 1175-5326 279260 Key to Pseudotremia in Virginia, based on males 1a. Depigmented, troglomorphic, usually with less than 12 ocelli................................................... 2 1b. Pigmented, with 15–25 ocelli........................................................................... 10 2a. Heads enormously swollen (figs. 34, 35); about 6 reduced, depigmented ocelli; Giles Co................. peponocranium 2b. Heads normal; fewer or more depigmented ocelli............................................................ 3 3a. Metazonites evenly covered with regular, small, wart-like tubercles (fig. 91); Lee Co.......................... piscator 3b. Metazonites otherwise.................................................................................. 4 4a. Four or fewer ocelli, or appearing eyeless; Allegany Co................................................. cerberus 4b. About 10–12 ocelli.................................................................................... 5 5a. Gonopod LAP divided (fig. 69); Wise Co............................................................. hubbardi 5b. Gonopod LAP entire................................................................................... 6 6a. Gonopods with a ventral colpocoxite process................................................................ 7 6b. Ventral colpocoxite process absent........................................................................ 8 7a. Gonopod MAP with subapical spine (fig. 99); Lee Co.................................................... culveri 7b. Gonopod MAP without subapical spine (fig. 116); Lee Co............................................. inexpectata 8a. Gonopod colpocoxites reduced (fig. 76); Scott Co....................................................... ryensis 8b. Gonopod colpocoxites of normal size...................................................................... 9 9a. Row of 4–6 distinct tubercles across posterior margin of anterior metazonites; Lee Co.......................... nodosa 9b. No such tubercles; Giles Co....................................................................... orndorffi 10a. About 1.5 mm wide, 14–20 mm long; metazonites smooth or nearly so.......................................... 11 10b. More than 2.0 mm wide, more than 25 mm long; metazonites smooth or with rugae or tubercles...................... 12 11a. About 20 ocelli; segmental shoulders prominent (fig. 88); Lee Co........................................... valga 11b. About 15 ocelli; segmental shoulders weak; Montgomery Co.......................................... cavernarum 12a. Metazonites smooth or nearly so......................................................................... 13 12b. Metazonites roughened with tubercles or rugae............................................................. 15 13a. Ventral branch of LAP erect, forked; MAPs much reduced, without subapical or apical spines; Giles and Montogomery Cos................................................................................................ sublevis 13b. Ventral branch of LAP not erect, not forked; MAPs of normal size, with subapical spines............................ 14 14a. Gonopod MAPs with apical spine (fig. 43); Patrick Co................................................... glaber 14b. Gonopod MAPs without apical spine (fig. 22); Botetourt Co............................................. pomarium 15a. Gonopod MAPs lacking spines.......................................................................... 16 15b. Gonopod MAPs with at least one set of spines.............................................................. 18 16a. Width about 2.3 mm ; Bath Co....................................................................... loomisi 16b. Width 2.7 mm or greater............................................................................... 17 17a. Gonopod LAPs twisted; VCP large, two-pronged; DCP absent (figs. 106–108); Lee Co....................... salfodina 17b. Gonopod LAPs curved, not twisted; VCP small, toothed; DCP grapple-like; Tazewell Co.................... tuberculata 18a. Apical spine present on gonopod MAPs................................................................... 19 18b. Apical spine absent from gonopod MAPs.................................................................. 22 19a. Metazonites covered with many small tubercles; gonopod LAPs undivided; VCP absent; Allegany and Bath Cos...... alecto 19b. Metazonites otherwise; gonopod LAPs divided; VCP present.................................................. 20 20a. Width about 2.3 mm ; VCP very large, harpoon-like (figs. 55–57); Washington Co...................... jaculohamatum 20b. Width greater than 2.5 mm ; VCP otherwise................................................................ 21 21a. Gonopod VCP as two large, hooked blades (fig. 63); Wise Co............................................. fremens 21b. Gonopod VCP single, curved, acute; Lee Co..................................................... johnholsingeri 22a. Gonopod LAPS large, broad, much divided, antler-like (fig. 50); Smyth Co................................. fergusoni 22b. Gonopod LAPs not antler-like.......................................................................... 23 23a. Twenty-five ocelli; width 3.0 mm; gonopod LAPs twisted; VCP an upright, blunt rod, DCP absent (figs. 12,13); Bath Co.................................................................................................. contorta 23b. Seventeen to 19 ocelli; width 2.8 mm or less; gonopod LAPs curved, not twisted; VCP absent or small; DCP present..... 24 24a. Gonopod VCP grapple-like, ending in retrorse hooks; metazonites with posterior row of tubercles; Smyth Co........ momus 24b. Gonopod VCP saber-like, without hooks; subapical spines of MAPs very long; metazonites with low rugae; Allegany Co. south to Lee Co................................................................................... hobbsi