Phylogenetic reconstruction based on COI reshuffles the taxonomy of hyalosphenid shelled (testate) amoebae and reveals the convoluted evolution of shell plate shapes Author Anush Kosakyan Author Daniel J. G. Lahr Author Matthieu Mulot Author Ralf Meisterfeld Author Edward A. D. Mitchell Author Enrique Lara text Cladistics 2016 32 606 623 journal article 10.1111/cla.12167 b1b40acc-a139-4224-b746-a4229d457dbf 238712 Nebela (Leidy 1874) sensu Kosakyan, Lahr, Mulot, Meisterfeld, Mitchell and Lara Updated diagnosis. Test rounded, ovoid-pyriform, or wide-pyriform, rarely with a keel (partial or complete) or other lateral expansions, with or without wavy lateral margins. Pseudostome ranging from linear to strongly curved, bordered by a ± thin organic lip (rim, collar or fringe). Test hyaline or slightly yellowish, reinforced with circular to elongated shell plates apparently recycled mostly from euglyphid testate amoeba prey, sometimes also including fragments of diatom frustules or other small mineral elements. Type species. Nebela collaris (Ehrenberg 1848) Leidy, 1879 . Included taxa. Nebela collaris , N. tincta , N. guttata , N. gimlii , N. pechorensis , N. aliciae , N. flabellulum and all the closely related species sharing the same characters (i.e. N. acolla , N. carinatella , N. dydevallei , N. rotunda and N. pulchra ).