On the Authorship of the Genus-group Name Curtipleon (Crustacea: Tanaidacea: Metapseudidae) Author Kakui, Keiichi Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060 - 0810, Japan E-mail: keiichikakui @ gmail. com & Corresponding author keiichikakui@gmail.com Author Nakano, Takafumi Department of Zoology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606 - 8502, Japan text Species Diversity 2019 2019-07-25 24 179 180 journal article 3232 10.12782/specdiv.24.179 9a9b8054-6fff-4cff-9daa-108780bea8a4 2189-7301 5738313 Genus Curtipleon Sieg, 1983 Curtipleon Bǎcescu, 1976b: 51 ( nomen nudum , without a type species fixation); Larsen 2002: 146 ; Guţu 2006: 16 ; Stępień and Błażewicz-Paszkowycz 2013: 569 ; Kakui and Naruse 2015: 146 ; Larsen et al . 2015: 297 ; Anderson 2017: 176 ; Heard et al. 2018: 302 . Curtipleon Sieg, 1983: 137 . Diagnosis. See Stępień and Błażewicz-Paszkowycz (2013) . Type species. Synapseudes carinatoides Bǎcescu, 1976 , fixed by original designation ( Sieg 1983 ). Etymology. The generic name is a compounded noun, and treated as neuter under Article 30.1.2 of the Code. This name was possibly derived from the Latin words, curtus (short) and pleon [pleon, from the Ancient Greek words πλεων or πλεΟν ( Jaeger 1972 ); neuter], and refers to the fused and short pleon of S. carinatus and S. carinatoides (see Bǎcescu 1976b ). Included species. Curtipleon carinatoides (Bǎcescu, 1976) ; Curtipleon carinatum ( Makkaveeva, 1971 ) ; Curtipleon chadi Stępień and Błażewicz-Paszkowycz, 2013 ; Curtipleon heterochelatum Larsen, 2002 ; Curtipleon loerzae Bamber, 2008 . Remarks. When he proposed this genus, Bǎcescu (1976b) cited one of the included species with a masculine ending, in the combination Curtipleon carinatus . However, Sieg (1983) treated Curtipleon as a noun of neuter gender and accordingly adopted the spelling carinatum for the specific name. Larsen (2002) judged the gender of Curtipleon to be neuter, only referring to Bǎcescu (1976b) . Since Sieg (1983) , who is the correct author of Curtipleon , treated this generic name as neuter, its gender is unquestionably determined as it was established in the original description.