A synoptic revision of the Malagasy species of Scolopia Schreb. (Salicaceae, Scolopieae) Author Applequist, Wendy L. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 - 0299 (USA) wendy.applequist@mobot.org Author Schatz, George E. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 - 0299 (USA) george.schatz@mobot.org text Adansonia 2016 2016-06-24 38 1 99 115 journal article 10.5252/a2016n1a6 e3701c0f-ee96-4a2e-87a2-538a560a6fc3 1639-4798 4598915 9. Scolopia montana Sleumer Blumea 20: 56 (1972) . — Type: Madagascar . Prov. Toamasina [?], forêt orientale des cimes, massif du Beanjada ( N de la presqu’île Masoala ), vers 1000 m d’alt., XII.1953 , fl., Service Forestier 8824 ( holo- , P [ P00077432 ]! ; iso- , K [ K000231289 ], L ×2[ L0011247 , L0011248 ], TEF [ TEF000249 ], photos seen). ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Madagascar . Prov. Antsiranana , fiv. Sambava , commune Anjangoveratra , fkt. Ambodisambalahy , forêt d’Andohan’Ifosy, 14°04’59”S, 50°01’38”E, 190 m , 26.XI.2000 , fr., Randrianaivo et al. 608 (MO, P). Préfecture d’Antalaha , souspréfecture d’Andapa, commune rurale de Bealampona, quartier de Befingotra, SW d’Andapa , Réserve Spéciale Anjanaharibe-Sud , village de Mandritsarahely , suivant la rivière de Andranomenabe de la route nationale approchant la chaîne d’Anjanaharibe-Sud [sic], 14°43’10”S , 49°27’12”E , 1700 m , 14.II.1995 , fr., Ravelonarivo & Rabesonina 667 ( G , MO , P ). Prov. Toamasina . Réserve Naturelle Intégrale de Betampona , entre les points kilométriques 1 et 2, 17°55’S , 49°13’E , 300-400 m , 5.X.1994 , fr., Andrianarisata et al. 214 (MO, P). Parc National de Zahamena, Antanandava , piste entre Ankosy et Antenina , 17°29’03”S , 48°44’48”E , 900 m , 13.VII.2000 , fr., Rakotondrajaona et al. 124 ( G , K , MO , P ). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. — Scolopia montana is mostly known from low- to mid-elevation humid forests ( Fig. 2 ); the highestelevation collection ( 1700 m ) was said to be on laterite. REMARKS Scolopia montana has small, oblanceolate to narrowly oblong leaves, with rounded to obtuse (or rarely cuspidate) apices and cuneate to convex bases, that dry greenish-brown to olive adaxially and brownish abaxially. The pedicels are short in flower; they remain under 2.5 mm in most fruiting specimens but reach 7-8 mm in one. The perianth is probably somewhat accrescent in fruit, but available material does not suffice to confirm this. CONSERVATION STATUS The preliminary assessment of the conservation status of Scolopia montana is Near Threatened (NT). Collections are known from only five locations, but these include the Protected Areas of Anjanaharibe-Sud, Betampona, Masoala, and Zahamena, which reduces the risk that it will be endangered in the near future. Its Extent of Occurrence is 24 078 km2, and although its minimum Area of Occupancy is 20 km 2, the estimated potential maximum Area of Occupancy based on likely suitable habitat within the Extent of Occurrence exceeds 2000 km 2.