A synoptic revision of the Malagasy species of Scolopia Schreb. (Salicaceae, Scolopieae) Author Applequist, Wendy L. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 - 0299 (USA) wendy.applequist@mobot.org Author Schatz, George E. Missouri Botanical Garden, P. O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166 - 0299 (USA) george.schatz@mobot.org text Adansonia 2016 2016-06-24 38 1 99 115 journal article 10.5252/a2016n1a6 e3701c0f-ee96-4a2e-87a2-538a560a6fc3 1639-4798 4598915 6. Scolopia madagascariensis Sleumer Repertorium Specierum Novarum RegniVegetabilis 45: 14 (1938) . — Type: Madagascar , s.l., fr., Gerrard 34 ( holo- , K [ K000231288 ], photo seen; fragment, L , photo seen) . ADDITIONAL MATERIAL EXAMINED. — Madagascar . Prov. Antsiranana , Sahaenjika , Ambodiazovola , Ampanavoana , Vinanivao , Antalaha , Parc Masoala , 15°41’33”S, 50°13’30”E, 12-100 m , 15.IX.1996 , fr., Bernard 301 (MO, P). Fiv. Vohémar , fir. Tsarabaria , fok. Manakana , Abondrombe , 13°42’58”S, 50°05’37”E, 3 m , 24.X.2002 , fr., Rabenantoandro et al. 1013 (MO, P). Parc National de Masoala , Fampotakely , piste vers Vinanivao , 15°35’S, 50°25’E, 0 m, 21.IX.1994 , fr., Rahajasoa et al. 504 (MO, P). Parc National de Masoala , Andrombazaha , 15°16’S, 50°29’E, 4.X.1994 , fr., Rahajasoa et al. 755 (MO, P). [ Maramangy ( Masomamangy ?), Ambohi (tra)lalana?], district Antalaha , 4.IV.57, fl., Réserves Naturelles 9117 (P). Antalaha-CR Vinanivao , Péninsule Masoala , 15°56’S, 50°13’E, 10 m , 10.IX.2003 , Wohlhauser et al. 491 (MO). Prov. Toamasina . fiv.Maroantsetra, comm.Anjahana, fok.Ambanizana , 2 km E Ambanizana , 15°37’15”S , 49°50’55”E , 190 m , 18.VI.2002 , fl., Antilahimena et al. 1124 ( G , MO , P ) . Fiv. Maroantsetra, comm. Anjahana, fok. Masindrana , 15°30’00”S , 49°53’30”E , 10 m , 26.VII.2002 , fr., Antilahimena et al. 1258 ( G , MO , P ). Préfecture Maroantsetra , “Gemeinde” [commune] Ambanizana ; pente au-dessus du Tampolo, près de la limite du Parc National Masoala, 15°42.524’S , 49°57.770’E , 21.I.2005 , fr., Aridy & Mora 490 ( MO , P ). Same loc., 15°44.785’S, 49°58.671’E, 22.I.2005 , fr., Aridy & Mora 504 (P). Préfecture Soanierana Ivongo , commune rurale Manompana , forêt de Tanambao Ambodimanga ,station forestière Andronon’i Poeta ,16°45’10”S, 49°43’24”E, 11 m , 10.VI.2004 , post-fl., Ludovic et al.826 (MO) Forêt d’Analalava, 8 km W of Foulpointe , 17°42’33”S, 49°26’49”E, 60 m , 26.X.1996 , fr., Miller et al. 8827 (MO×2). Prov. Andasibe , près d’Antanambe PK 8, 4.XII.1989 , fr., Morat et al. 8634 (P×3). Antalavia, Ambanizana, Maroantsetra , presqu’île de Masoala , 15°47’S, 50°01’E, 23.XI.1994 , fr., Rabe 166 (MO, P). Analanjirofo , rive gauche de Tampolo , 17°17’S, 49°23’E, 12.X.2001 , fr., Rabevohitra et al. 3900 (MO, P). Manambia , Parc National de Masoala , 15°45’41”S, 49°59’40”E, 0 m, 21.XI.1994 , fr., Rajahasoa et al. 959 (MO, P). Comm . Foulpointe , forêt d’Analalava à 7 km à l’W [de la] commune, 17°42’S, 49°26’E, 35 m , 19.V.2004 , fr., Randrianarivelo et al. 4 (MO). Fénérive-Est , Tampolo Station Forestière , 17°17’S , 49°23’30”E , 10 m , 29.VI.1995 , fr., Razafimandimbison 155 ( G , K , MO , P , USMS ). Fivondronana Tamatave II, firaisana Ampasimbe , station forestière de Mahatsara , 17°38’13”S, 49°29’03”E, 2 m , 7.VII.2011 , post-fl., Razakamalala et al. 160 (MO). Maroantsetra , Parc National de Masoala ,piste deTampolo à l’ICOS II ( Ambodiforaha ), bord de mer, mission Radeau des cimes, 22.XI.2001 , fr., Sauquet et al. 60 (P). 5-12 km SW of Maroantsetra along Route Nationale 5, 15°30’S, 49°39’E, 10 m , 28.XI.1987 , fr., Schatz et al. 1801 (MO, P). Antetezana , Tamatave , 27.VI.1952 , fr., Service Forestier 5542 (P). J[ardin] B[otanique] 17 Maroantsetra , 4.X.1952 , fr., Service Forestier 6155 (P×2). Same loc., 25.III.1953 , fr., Service Forestier 7241 (P). Environs de Rantabe ( Maroantsetra ), IV.1954 , fr., Service Forestier 9170 (P). Farankaraina, Maroantsetra , 20.XI.1954 , Service Forestier 12083 (P). Antetezana , Tamatave , 1.V.1955 , fr., Service Forestier 14498 (P). Forêt d’Analalava, à l’W de Foulpointe , 22.V.1969 , fl., Service Forestier 28882 (P). DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. — Scolopia madagascariensis occurs in littoral forest along the northern part of the eastern coast of Madagascar, with most collections coming from Masoala ( Fig. 6 ); it has been reported on sand and laterite. A single collection from the province of Fianarantsoa ( Service Forestier 14753, Ambodilafakely, Ampasinambo, Nosy-Varika, 22.X.1954 , fr.; P×2) resembles S. madagascariensis , but as it is both outside the otherwise-known geographic range and probably from a locality well inland, its identity is questionable; it might be a highly aberrant specimen of S. hazomby . REMARKS Scolopia madagascariensis belongs to the group of littoral species with usually greenish-drying leaves. It is distinguished by its large, broadly elliptical to elliptical leaves, which are usually less than twice as long as broad and usually have a cuspidate apex and broadly convex to rounded base. It is most similar to S. orientalis , a widespread species that has proportionately narrower, sometimes somewhat oblong leaves with attenuate to cuneate or convex bases; leaf apices in S. orientalis are highly variable but only seldom cuspidate. Scolopia madagascariensis also bears a superficial resemblance to the typically broad-leaved S. manongarivae , a species of humid forests, often found at high elevation; that species has pubescent sepals that are noticeably accrescent in fruit. At the time of Sleumer’s (1972a) revision few specimens of S. madagascariensis as herein circumscribed were available, and most of the specimens that he placed within S. madagascariensis are herein transferred to S. hazomby . Scolopia hazomby has narrower, often somewhat oblong, usually acuminate leaves, which usually dry brown; it generally occurs in low- to mid-elevation humid forests. VERNACULAR NAMES Angavoady ( Service Forestier 14753 ); Hompalahy ( Service Forestier 5542 ); Lombiro zahana ( Bernard 301 ); Masoavela ( Service Forestier 6155, 7241 ); Ravinavetro ( Antilahimena et al. 1258 ); Sofindambo ( Service Forestier 14498 ); Voasorindrina ( Rabevohitra et al. 3900 ); Zelotsihy ( Réserves Naturelles 9117 ) CONSERVATION STATUS Scolopia madagascariensis is known from seventeen locations and has an Extent of Occurrence of 22 166 km 2. However, it is restricted to littoral forest, a highly threatened ecosystem of which only fragments remain, and has a small minimum Area of Occupancy of 88 km 2 . The degree of fragmentation suggests that S. madagascariensis be assigned a preliminary assessment of Vulnerable (VU B2ab(iii)). The species is fairly common in the Protected Area of Masoala.