Order Rodentia - Family Dipodidae Author Mary Ellen Holden text 1993 Smithsonian Institution Press Washington and London Editor Don E. Wilson Editor DeeAnn M. Reeder Mammal Species of the World (2 nd Edition) 487 499 book chapter 193480 10.5281/zenodo.7353072 464c8b9e-237c-4dd7-9c94-7033f742d015 1-56098-217-9 7353072 Allactaga firouzi Womochel, 1978 . Fieldiana Zool., 72(5):65 . TYPE LOCALITY: Iran , Isfahan Prov. , 18 mi S Shah Reza (Qomisheh), 2253 m . DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the type locality, a flat plain with a gravel substrate and sparse, mountain steppe vegetation ( Womochel, 1978 ). COMMENTS: Not allocated to subgenus by Shenbrot (1984) . A. firouzi appears to be morphologically distinct from A. euphratica and A. hotsoni ( Womochel, 1978 ) , but its relationship with these and other species of allactagines needs further study. Shenbrot (19914) tentatively synonymized firouzi with A. elater turkmeni , but later (in litt.) examined the type specimen and considered firouzi synonymous with hotsoni .