Two new genera and one new species of Pantheinae from East Asia (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae: Pantheinae). Revision of Pantheinae, contribution XI Author Behounek, G. Author Han, H. L. Author Kononenko, V. S. text Zootaxa 2015 3914 3 331 338 journal article 42264 10.11646/zootaxa.3914.3.6 b209763c-cc3a-45bc-86c1-12d2f711acea 1175-5326 242451 322791F0-0E7F-4D37-8C34-0BB55D0CE232 Pantheaforma ihlei sp. n. ( Figs. 1, 5, 6 , 11, 12 , 17) References. Kononenko & Pinratana 2013 : 279, Pl. 37, fig. 26 (Genus & sp. unidentified). Type material . Holotype . THAILAND : male, Chiang Mai Prov. Doi Phahompok Mt., 2100 m , 23 24.v.2011 , T. Ihle leg., coll. A. Becher, ZSM , München, slide 12067 male, GB. Paratypes . MYANMAR : 1 male Upper Burma : Htawgaw. 6000 ft , Capt. A.E. Swann / Brit. Mus. 1923 488, coll. NHM ( BMNH , London) (identification by photo); CHINA : 1 male , Prov. Yunnan, Baoshan, Mt. Gaoligong, 2100 m , 10, vii.2011 , C.H.Yi. leg., genitalia prep. HHL-2905-1; 1 female , Prov. Yunnan, Pur, Lai Yang river, 1600 m , , C.H.Yi. leg., genitalia prep. FIGURES 1–10. Pantheinae spp., structure of head (1 4), imagines (5 10). 1, 5, 6— Pantheaforma ihlei (5—male, holotype, Thailand, genitalia prep. 12067 GB; 6—female, paratype, China, genitalia prep. HHL-2795-2); 2, 7, 8— Chrisotea zhangi (7—male, 8—female, China); 3, 9— Panthea coenobita (9—male, Germany); 4, 10— Trichosea ludifica (10—male, Germany). FIGURES 11–12. Pantheinae spp., male genitalia. 11— Pantheaforma ihlei , holotype, genitalia prep. 12067GB (Thailand); 12— P. ihlei , paratype, China, genitalia prep. HHL-2795-1; 13— Chrisotea zhangi , genitalia prep. VSK (China). HHL-2795-2; 1 female , Deqin, 850 m , 10.viii.2010 , H.X.Ou leg, genitalia prep. HHL-2795-2. All in coll. of Southwest Forestry University, Kunmin, China ( SWFU ). Diagnosis. As diagnosed for the genus. No one species of Pantheinae similar to the new species. The diagnostic feature of the new species is blackish-brown with green-ochre patches ground colouration of the thorax and forewing, greenish-ochre orbicular and reniform stigmata, separated by black patch; brown-ochre patch in the apical area and black subtornal streak. Description. Adult ( Figs. 1, 5, 6 ). Wingspan 45 46 mm . Head and thorax covered with brown and green-ochre scales; tegulae and patagia bordered with black; abdomen dark-grey, with blackish crest. Ground colour of forewing dark green-ochre with black elements of wing pattern; costal area paler, with black bases of subbasal, medial and antemedial fascias; basal and subbasal field blackish; subbasal line black, outlined by greenish-ochre; orbicular greenish-ochre, indistinct; medial line wide, black, outlined by greenish-ochre; reniform greenish-ochre, with whitish centre; cell between orbicular and reniform black; antemedial line thin, waved, black; subterminal field brown with greenish-ochre, with blackish subtornal mark; subterminal line indistinct, dentate; subterminal field pale greenish-ochre pale, with prominent pale subapical patch; terminal line as black dots; cilia blackish, interrupted by green-ochre on veins. Hindwing pale yellowish-grey, with traceable discal spot and distinct medial line and terminal band; cilia greyish. Male and female genitalia ( Fig. 11, 12 , 17) as described for the genus. Etymology. The species name is dedicated to Thomas Ihle, Thailand , Chiang Mai, the famous Lepidoptera collector in South East Asia . Distribution and bionomy . The new species is known from type-localities in Northern Thailand (Chiang Mai Prov.), Northern Myanmar and Southwest China (Prov. Yunnan). The species has been collected in forested mountain regions on elevation range 850 2100 m . Flight period: May August. Note. The holotype of Pantheaforma ihlei sp. n. has been illustrated by Kononenko & Pinratana (2013) as “Genus & sp. unidentified).