Descriptions of two new species of Phaecadophora Walsingham, 1900 (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae, Olethreutinae) from China Author Li, Yange Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710069, China Author Jing, Wenqing Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710069, China Author Hao, Shulian Tianjin Natural History Museum, Tianjin, 300201, China Author Yu, Haili Shaanxi Key Laboratory for Animal Conservation, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, 710069, China text ZooKeys 2023 2023-12-21 1187 223 236 journal article 1313-2970-1187-223 9B1CA3A4435B417982DE204771324B1C CF4334073C9858E9B3B5804A795B3FBF Phaecadophora dactylina Li & Yu sp. nov. Figs 1A, B , 2A-D , 3A , 4A-C , 5 , 6 Type materials. Holotype : ♂, China, Tibet: Motuo County, Beibengxiang, 29°19.00'N , 95°10.80'E , alt. 810 m, 13 Aug. 2017, Mujie Qi and Xiaofei Yang leg., genitalia slide no. YWX18220. Paratypes : China, Tibet: 3♂, same data as holotype except 29°14.40'N , 95°19.20'E , alt. 810-990 m, 12-13 Aug. 2017; 1♂, same data as holotype except 29°19.20'N , 95°19.20'E , alt. 1100 m, 10 Aug. 2017; 1♀, Nielamu County, 27°58.80'N , 85°58.20'E , alt. 1960 m, 6 Jul. 2019, Mujie Qi and Jiaqi Deng leg.; Yunnan Prov.: 1♂, 3♀, Tengchong County, Linjiapuzi, 25°17.40'N , 98°42.00'E , alt. 2140 m, 15 Aug. 2014, Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong leg. Diagnosis. The male of P. dactylina sp. nov. resembles P. fimbriata in appearance in having darker scaling in the forewing pattern, two hair pencils and long scales in the anal roll of hindwing, and the hindleg broadened. Dissection of the genitalia is necessary for identification. Conversely, the female can be readily separated from P. fimbriata in having the forewing pale brown suffused with tawny longitudinal markings. More diagnostic characters are found in the male and female genitalia. The male of P. dactylina sp. nov. can be distinguished by the apically furcated uncus, the valva adorned with a short finger-like prominence below the costa, a nearly bare basal region of the cucullus, and the absence of cornuti in the phallus. In contrast, P. fimbriata presents a hooked uncus, the valva devoid of prominences below the costa, and a spined ridge across the base of the cucullus, with the phallus bearing a short spine on the vesica. In the female genitalia, P. fimbriata exhibits the sterigma lacking posterior extensions, whereas in P. dactylina sp. nov., this structure manifests as two broad plates. Description. Male (Fig. 1A ) with forewing length 8.0-9.0 mm. Head (Fig. 2A, B ): vertex and upper frons with shaggy, pale gray-tawny scales (shiny gray distally), lower frons with gray-white appressed scales. Antenna gray-tawny, extending to middle of forewing costa. Ocellus well developed; chaetosema present. Labial palpus ascending, basal half white, distal part gray-white, gray-tawny to gray, medially dusted with a few black scales; median segment broadened distally; terminal segment a little slender, porrect. Figure 1. Adults of Phaecadophora spp. A P. dactylina sp. nov. (holotype, male) B P. dactylina sp. nov. (paratype, female) C P. vascularis sp. nov. (holotype, male). Scale bars: 2 mm. Figure 2. Heads of Phaecadophora spp. A, B P. dactylina sp. nov. (holotype, male) A lateral view B dorsal view C, D P. dactylina sp. nov. (paratype, female) C lateral view D dorsal view E, F P. vascularis sp. nov. (holotype, male) E lateral view F dorsal view. Thorax : fuscous basally, suffused with gray-white posteriorly. Hind tibia in male short, distally dilated by dense, long scales, creamy white, with a concolorous hair tuft on apical inner surface (Fig. 3A ); tarsus strongly broadened by dense scales dorsally; inner side of first segment forming a short, fuscous suffused with brown, scaled cavity; other tarsal segments creamy. Forewing subrectangular, slightly dilated towards termen, costa curved evenly, apex slightly produced, termen weakly oblique, tornus rounded; upperside fuscous, dusted with brown; pairs of strigulae on costa creamy, well-defined striae from them concolorous, extending longitudinally to termen and occupying halfway across the wing, partly confluent below distal half of costa; a double creamy streaks rising from base of wing, zigzagging between cell and 1A+2A to termen above tornus; cilia pale gray on upper part of termen, fuscous on lower part of termen, gray-white on tornus; underside brown, paler on costa, pairs of strigulae creamy, suffused with pale tawny, area of hindwing overlap white. Hindwing (Fig. 4A ) fuscous, paler basally, costal area of forewing overlap white; pecten (Fig. 4B ) distinct; with a series of long hair-scales between CuA1 and distal half of CuA2; anal region triangularly expanded, with pale tawny and fuscous long hair pencils (Fig. 4C ) in anal roll; anal roll narrowly folded upward, bearing long hair-scales on margin; cilia gray-white; underside brown. Figure 3. Hind tibiae in male of Phaecadophora spp. A P. dactylina sp. nov. (paratype) B P. vascularis sp. nov. (paratype). Figure 4. Male hindwings of Phaecadophora spp. A-C P. dactylina sp. nov. (paratype) A hindwing B cubital pecten C axillary hair pencils D-F P. vascularis sp. nov. (holotype) D hindwing E cubital pecten F axillary hair pencils. Female (Fig. 1B ) with forewing length 9.0-10.0 mm. Head (Fig. 2C, D ): vertex and upper frons rough, paler brown; scales shiny gray distally; lower frons with tawny appressed scales. Antenna brown, extending to middle of forewing costa. Ocellus well developed; chaetosema present. Labial palpus ascending, mostly pale brown, paler on inner surface and base; median segment expanded distally, terminal segment porrect, rather slender. Thorax : brown-fuscous. Legs normal. Forewing subrectangular, slightly dilated towards termen, costa curved evenly, termen straight, tornus rounded; upperside with upper 3/4 longitudinally, finely striped with tawny striae from concolorous pairs of costal strigulae and pale brown broken markings, slightly mottled, except a short streak on outer edge of cell; area below 1A+2A and CuA1 fuscous, suffused with blackish fuscous, upper edge wavy, produced at middle of fold and base of CuA1; cilia fuscous, suffused with brown; underside tawny, pairs of strigulae on costa tawny, area of hindwing overlap white. Hindwing brown-fuscous; costa area of forewing overlap white; pecten distinct; inner side unmodified; cilia pale brown, with brown-fuscous baseline; underside brown. Abdomen : male genitalia (Fig. 5A ) with tegumen high and narrow. Uncus slender, densely covered with spines; apex bifurcated, with short spines. Socius small, oval, densely covered with spines. Gnathos membranous, forming a broad band. Valva robust, curved, constricted beyond basal excavation, sacculus nearly half length of valva; a short prominence (Fig. 5B ) above the rim of basal excavation below costa, about half of uncus in length, finger-like, apex broadened, with short, dense spines; sacclus well defined, weakly spined, with only sparse, fine hairs beyond basal excavation and along ventral edge, and bearing a spine cluster on midlength of ventral edge; cucullus somewhat elongately triangular, basal 1/3 naked except for strongly protruding ventroproximal base which bears dense, short bristles and a tuft of long bristles apically (Fig. 5C ), these long bristles longer than uncus; distal 2/3 of cucullus with dense spines. Phallus short, straight, without cornuti. Female genitalia (Fig. 6A ) with papillae anales narrow, densely setose. Anterior apophysis a little longer than posterior apophysis. Sterigma (Fig. 6B ) derived from a raised spinulose fold encircling ostium, with a dorsal notch and posterior portion on each side produced into a broad plate. Colliculum about 1/3 times of length of ductus bursae, strongly sclerotized, caudally wrench-like, abruptly narrowed below, the rest of ductus bursae membranous, ductus seminalis originating posterior to midlength. Corpus bursae ovoid, granulated; signa (Fig. 6C ) two, double-folded, roughly equal in size, generally leaf-like. Figure 5. Male genitalia of Phaecadophora dactylina sp. nov. (holotype) A male genitalia B costal prominence of valva C ventral prominence of cucullus. Scale bars: 1 mm. Figure 6. Female genitalia of Phaecadophora dactylina sp. nov. (paratype) A female genitalia B sterigma and colliculum C signum. Scale bars: 1 mm. Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin dactylinus (= finger-like), referring to the shape of costal prominence of the valva in the male genitalia.