Phylogeny and systematics of the leafhopper subfamily Ledrinae (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) 2186 Author Jones, Joshua R. Author Deitz, Lewis L. text Zootaxa 2009 2009-08-06 2186 1 1 120 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2186.1.1 1175­5334 5311592 Genus Sichaea Stål (Pl. 4D, 6E, 11C, 17G) Sichaea Stål, 1866: 106 . Type species. Acocephalus missellus Stål, 1855: 98 . Synonymy. None. Description. Adapted from Linnavuori (1972) : “Small brown species. Body small and broad, anteriorly flattened. Head broader than pronotum, broadly spatulate, anterior margin lamellate. Face broad; anteclypeus tapering apicad, strongly swollen, shiny; frontoclypeus narrow and rather parallel-sided, moderately convex, irregularly rugose; genae strongly notched below eyes, episternum visible; lora narrow; ocellocular broad, antennae inserting much beyond eyes, antennal pits shallow, without any dorsal ledge. Crown slightly concave, anterior margin sharp and slightly upturned, disk irregularly punctate and longitudinally costate, ocelli absent or vestigial, coronal suture indistinct. Anterior tentorium branches reduced, membranous. Pronotum short and broad, lateral margins short, subparallel, carinate, anterior margin curvate, basal margin shallowly insinuated, disk densely and rather coarsely punctate and rugose. Scutellum with base shagreened and medially punctate, apex somewhat swollen and transversely rugose. Forewings coriaceous, strongly convex, densely and coarsely punctate, appendix absent, apical cells short, 3 closed apical cells. Legs short. Pro- and mesothoracic tibia only slightly flattened, gracile, not spinose, outer surface with a very indistinct longitudinal surface sulcus. Metathoracic femora rather short and flattened, apical macrosetae formula 2 + 0. Metathoracic tibia only slightly flattened, angular in section, rows I and II each with a line of stout macrosetae, rows III and IV with delicate macrosetae and short fine setae, apical margin of undersurface with a row macrosetae, tarsi setose. Male genitalia: Genital segment without macrosetae. Pygophore short and broad, sclerified; side lobes very short, triangular, without appendages. Anal tube broadly conical, short but extending beyond pygophore, sclerified. Valve rounded. Genital plates sharply triangular. Stylus elongate, apophysis short, digitate, preapical angle blunt, basal part narrowish. Connective small. Penis symmetrical, socle small, stem tubular, recurved dorsad, provided with apical processes, gonopore apical.” Species. [2]: missella (Stål); coriaria Stål. Range. South Africa (Caffraria; Durban, Natal; Terra Capensis; Umtentweni). Host plants. Unknown. Material examined. Sichaea sp. : 4 females , 1 (abdomen missing), South Africa , AMNH , JRJ _Led1_274, 474–477. Remarks. Linnavuori (1972) seemed somewhat hesitant to place Sichaea with Afrorubria , stating that it “resembles to some extent Afrorubria in the general habitus and in the male genitalia,” but then suggesting that it “possibly merits a tribe of its own” [within the Ledrinae ], because of its small size. As shown in the phylogenetic analysis, the two genera clearly belong together. Minor differences, such as the presence or absence of ocelli, are insignificant: in some examined specimens of Sichaea the ocelli were retained (in one specimen of the closely related undescribed “Genus 3,” they were completely absent). In all species of Afrorubrini they are small. Linnavuori’s concern about Sichaea ’s small size is resolved by the undescribed specimens, which were as small (Genus 2) and smaller (Genus 3). Linnavuori’s suggestion that the genus merited it own tribe applies to all the genera in this distinct group.