Tortonian teleost otoliths from northern Italy: taxonomic synthesis and stratigraphic significance Author Lin, Chien-Hsiang D39077E1-7025-4118-B258-C4A896E63E2A urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: D 39077 E 1 - 7025 - 4118 - B 258 - C 4 A 896 E 63 E 2 A & Corresponding author: chlin. otolith @ gmail. com; r 97 b 41028 @ gmail. com Author Brzobohatý, Rostislav A354D828-3D07-46F5-9D27-4F9D7B208F12 Email: rosta @ sci. muni. cz & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: A 354 D 828 - 3 D 07 - 46 F 5 - 9 D 27 - 4 F 9 D 7 B 208 F 12 Author Nolf, Dirk 6BCC71A0-1BEE-4BC0-BDFC-D070609DEFAB Email: dirk. nolf @ scarlet. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 6 BCC 71 A 0 - 1 BEE- 4 BC 0 - BDFC-D 070609 DEFAB Author Girone, Angela B4212D22-1D1B-48E9-8ABB-C1D1E05573EF Email: angela. girone @ uniba. it & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 4212 D 22 - 1 D 1 B- 48 E 9 - 8 ABB-C 1 D 1 E 05573 EF text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-05-23 322 1 44 journal article 22102 10.5852/ejt.2017.322 2922dbf4-12ec-49d4-ac36-565434419f51 2118-9773 3829305 Family Paralepididae Bonaparte, 1835 A paralepidid otolith from Sant’Agata Fossili ( Fig. 4O ) is characterised by a very elongate shape, by a large ostial colliculum reaching to the antero-dorsal rim, and by a swollen ventral area. It shows much similarity with otoliths of the Recent genus Lestrolepis (see Smale et al . 1995 : pl. 16, figs C1, C2; Lin & Chang 2012 : pls 9, 77). However, the available specimen is too worn for an unambiguous generic attribution. Another paralepidid otolith ( Fig. 4H ), which is clearly different from the above-mentioned specimen, can be referred to the genus Paralepis (see Girone et al . 2010 : fig. 6), but the preservation status does not allow any specific attribution.