Diversity, distribution and taxonomy of the Australian agathidine genera Camptothlipsis Enderlein, Lytopylus Foerster and Therophilus Wesmael (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae) Author Stevens, Nicholas B. nick.stevens01@gmail.com Author Austin, Andrew D. andy.austin@adelaide.edu.au Author Jennings, John T. text Zootaxa 2011 2011-05-23 2887 1 1 49 https://biotaxa.org/Zootaxa/article/view/zootaxa.2887.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.2887.1.1 1175-5326 5285497 Camptothlipsis oliveri Stevens , n.sp. ( Figs 7A , 11A , 13A , 16A , 18A ) Diagnosis. Fore wing cell 1-Rs absent; labial palpomere 3 not significantly reduced, at least 0.5x length of labial palpomere 4; notauli distinctly scrobiculate; scutellar sulcus scrobiculate with 8 pits; sternalus distinctly scrobiculate and relatively long; propodeum extensively rugose-granulate, with distinct granulate sculpturing on T1 only, although faint granulate sculpturing sometimes on anterior T2. Body mostly yellow with varying amounts of brown on dorso-posterior metasoma. Description (female). Body length 4.6 (3.0–4.9) mm, ovipositor 3.5 (3.4–3.9) mm. Body mostly yellow except antenna dark brown; propodeal spiracle with dark margins; metasomal sternites pale yellow to white (metanotum, propodeum, mesepimeron, metapleuron and T1 sometimes entirely dark brown to black); T8 and T9 brown dorsally; metasomal spiracles with dark brown margins; ovipositor sheaths dark brown; fore and mid legs mostly yellow except tarsomeres dark brown; hind coxa, trochantellus and trochanter yellow (coxa sometimes mostly to entirely brown to black); hind femur mostly brown, with lighter shading distally; hind tibia with alternating pale yellow and brown bands; hind tarsomeres brown. Head width 0.9 (0.8–0.9) mm, length 0.5 mm , height 0.7 mm ; eye width 0.2 (0.15–0.2) mm, length 0.3 mm , height 0.4 mm ; head triangular in anterior view but not acutely so; inter-orbital distance 0.6 (0.4–0.6) mm; median ocellus diameter 0.06 mm ; distance between lateral ocelli and median ocellus 0.08 (0.06–0.08) mm; distance between lateral ocelli 0.13 (0.1–0.13) mm; broad rounded elevation between antennae, no distinct carinae extending posteriorly from posterior region of rounded elevation towards median ocellus; ante-ocular pit not well defined; antenna with 27 flagellomeres; width of clypeus 0.3 mm , height of clypeus 0.15 mm (0.12–0.15), lateral margins well defined; height of malar space 0.22 mm ; distance of ventral eye margin from latero-ventral margin of mouth 0.28 (0.23–0.28) mm; labial palpomere 3 length 0.5x labial palpomere 4 length (lengths 0.04 and 0.08 mm , respectively); labial palpomere 2 length 0.09 mm ; posterior margin of head, when viewed dorsally, slightly excavated, incursion 0.03 mm ; posterior genal margin distinctly carinate with no expansion ventro-posteriorly. Mesosomal width 0.9 (0.7–0.9) mm, length 2.1 (1.5–2.1) mm, height 1.2 (1.0–1.2) mm; setae of uniform length ( 0.06 mm ) and thickness overall, density generally greater laterally compared with dorsal surface, particularly on propleuron and metapleuron; antescutal depression with rounded anterior margin and associated setal fringe; subpronope indistinct with faint carinae bordering posteriorly; notauli distinctly scrobiculate; scutellar sulcus scrobiculate with 8 pits, medial carina most prominent, anterior margin relatively straight as is posterior margin, anterior wall sloped, posterior wall steep, nearly vertical; propodeal surface extensively rugose-granulate; propodeal spiracle round (diameter 0.02 mm ); suture line between metapleuron and propodeum delineated by faintly scrobiculate groove on granulate background; hind coxal cavities closed to metasomal foramen by hind coxal bridge (minimum width 0.03 mm ), with carinate margins; mesopleuron with deep sternalus which is distinctly scrobiculate and relatively long, posterior half straight and horizontal, anterior section with upward curve; metapleuron surface sculpturing smooth except for punctation associated with setae. Legs with basal lobe of all claws large and rounded; mid tibia with 3 apical and 7 preapical spines; preapical spines placed at intervals on the anterior surface in distal half of tibia; hind tibia with 5 apical and 15 preapical spines; preapical spines arranged in five rows beginning just basal to apical spines and extending along distal quarter of tibia; hind tibia in lateral view broader in apical one-third than basal one-third so tibia appears clavate. Fore and hind wings clear; fore wing maximum width 1.2 (1.0–1.3) mm, length 3.6 (2.6–4.0) mm; cell 1-Rs absent; most of M+Cu unpigmented; hind wing maximum width 0.7 (0.5–0.7) mm, length 3.4 (2.3–3.4) mm. Metasomal length 1.9 (1.4–2.9) mm, maximum width 0.9 (0.6–1.0) mm; median T1 surface sculpturing faintly granulate; T 1 in dorsal view quadrate in shape, length 0.5 (0.4–0.8) mm, anterior width 0.3 mm , posterior width 0.5 mm ; T2+3 surface smooth as is dorsal surface of remaining metasomal tergites (anterior region T2 sometimes faintly granulate), T2 medial transverse groove a faint curved depression; T2–T3 boundary a faint depression. Male. Same as female except for genitalia. Holotype : , ‘Berrimah N.T. August 1986 C. Wilson. ex Tortricidae on Sida acuta ’ (ANIC) . Paratypes : Northern Territory : 4 ♀ , 2 ♂ , same data as holotype ( ANIC , WINC ) ; Queensland : 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , N. Tamborine , 15.III.1955 , on low bushes grasslands, M.B. Wilson ( QMBA ) ; 1 ♀ , N. Tamborine , 16.III.1955 , sweeping bushes near rainforest, M.B. Wilson ( QMBA ) ; 1 ♀ , Ayr , 30.IX.1960 , R.D. Hughes ( ANIC ) ; 1 ♂ , Mount Beerwah , 5.V.1970 , Z. Liepa ( ANIC ) ; 16 ♀ , 4 ♂ , Brisbane , Long Pocket , I.1977 , I.D. Galloway ( BMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , beside Brisbane River , Tennyson , III.1977 , Malaise trap , I.D. Galloway ( QDPI ) ; 1 ♀ , Monto , 23.V.1977 , ex. lucerne, B.A. Franzmann , T3624 ( QDPI ) ; 1 ♂ , 4 km NW Kuranda , 16.V.1980 , I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC ) ; 2 ♂ , Davies Creek , 18 km SE Mareeba , 18.V.1980 , I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC ) ; 2 ♂ , Archer Creek , 15 km SW Ravenshoe , 20.V.1980 , I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC ) ; 1 ♀ , Price Creek , 3 km NW Mutchilba , 23.V.1980 , I.D. Naumann & J.C. Cardale ( ANIC ) ; 1 ♀ , D.P.I. Research Station , Gatton , 16–24.III.1981 , Malaise trap ( QDPI ) ; 1 ♀ , Indooroopilly site Q1, Malaise trap , 26.XI–3.XII.1982 ( QDPI ) . Comments. Camptothlipsis oliveri is distinguished from the five other undescribed Australian Camptothlipsis species examined by the pronounced scutellar sulcus with eight pits and the long and distinctly scrobiculate sternalus. The species has been collected from the Timorian, Torresian and northern Kosciuskan biogeographic regions ( Fig. 18A ) and was reared from an unidentified tortricid host feeding on the exotic plant spinyhead sida, Sida acuta Burm. f., in the Timorian region. This species is named after the senior author’s son Mr Oliver Finn Stevens. Diagnosis. Fore wing cell 1-Rs absent; labial palpomere 3 not significantly reduced, at least 0.5x length of labial palpomere 4; notauli distinctly scrobiculate; scutellar sulcus scrobiculate with 8 pits; sternalus distinctly scrobiculate and relatively long; propodeum extensively rugose-granulate, with distinct granulate sculpturing on T1 only, although faint granulate sculpturing sometimes on anterior T2. Body mostly yellow with varying amounts of brown on dorso-posterior metasoma.