10. Rosa L. Author I. Klášterský text 1968 Cambridge University Press Cambrdige Editor T. G. Tutin Editor V. H. Heywood Editor N. A. Burgess Editor D. M. Moore Editor D. H. Valentine Editor S. M. Valters Editor D. A. Webb Flora Europaea, Volume 2, Rosaceae to Umbelliferae 35 42 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.47067 (39-47). R. rubiginosa group. Erect shrubs up to 3-5 m. Prickles usually hooked or curved, sometimes mixed with acicles and glandular setae. Leaflets suborbicular, ovate, obovate or elliptical, rounded or cuneate at base, biserrate to compound-serrate, glabrous or somewhat pubescent, never tomentose, more or less densely glandular-viscid beneath, smelling of apples; teeth glandular. Pedicels glabrous or glandular-hispid. Flowers solitary or 2-3. Sepals pinnatifid, erect or deflexed after anthesis. Petals small, white or pink. Styles short or long, glabrous, villous or lanate. Fruit globose, ovoid or ellipsoid, glabrous or glandular-hispid. 1 Pedicels and hypanthium glabrous 2 Styles lanate or densely villous 3 Sepals deflexed and usually deciduous after anthesis; prickles usually mixed with acicles and glandular setae 4 Leaflets 10-30 x 10-20 mm, cuneate at base; prickles curved or straight, mixed with setae 43. caryophyllacea 4 Leaflets 8-12 x 6-10 nim, rounded at base; prickles curved or falcate, rarely mixed with setae 47. serafinii 3 Sepals erect and persistent after anthesis; stems without acicles and glandular setae 5 Prickles stout, curved or falcate; pedicels as long as or longer than fruit; stems up to 3-5 m 40. elliptica 5 Prickles slender, nearly straight; pedicels c. 1 as long as fruit; stems not more than 0-5 m 44. sicula 2 Styles glabrous or very sparsely villous 6 Leaflets 8-12 x 6-10 mm, rounded at base 47. serafinii 6 Leaflets 10-30 x 12-25 mm, cuneate at base 41. agrestis 1 Pedicels and hypanthium stipitate-glandular or glandular-pubescent 7 Styles glabrous or subglabrous 8 Leaflets cuneate at base 41. agrestis 8 Leaflets rounded at base 9 Prickles mixed with numerous setae and stipitate glands; stems not more than 0-5 m 46. turcica 9 Prickles not mixed with setae and stipitate glands; stems up to 3-5 m 42. micrantha 7 Styles villous or lanate 10 Prickles slender, usually not mixed with glandular setae and acicles 44. sicula 10 Prickles usually stout, mixed with glandular setae and acicles 11 Leaflets usually pubescent and glandular on the upper surface; styles lanate 12 Leaflets 7-15 x 5-15 mm, stems not more than 0-5 m 45. glutinosa 12 Leaflets 10-25 x 8-15 mm; stems up to 3 m 39. rubiginosa 11 Leaflets usually glabrous or subglabrous on the upper surface; styles villous 13 Pedicels usually less than 5 mm; sepals deflexed and deciduous after anthesis 46. turcica 13 Pedicels 10-15 mm; sepals erect and persistent after anthesis 39. rubiginosa