Taxonomic study of the genus Atkinsonia Stainton, 1859 (Lepidoptera, Stathmopodidae) in China, with descriptions of two new species Author Wang, Shuxia Author Guan, Wei Author Sinev, Sergey Yu. text Zootaxa 2016 4208 1 journal volume 37548 10.11646/zootaxa.4208.1.2 a9de2133-2132-4df9-8a76-4769cfa8ace5 1175-5326 201993 045CE67F-3930-4714-B3D2-24358728CAA0 Atkinsonia brevisaccula sp. nov. ( Figs 8 , 16 ) Type material. Holotype , , CHINA : Yaxing Village ( 19°01′N , 109°24′E ), Nankai Town , Baisha County , Hainan Province , 321 m , , leg. Peixin Cong , Wei Guan and Sha Hu , genitalia slide No. GW 15034 . Paratypes : 1 ♂ , same data as holotype, genitalia slide No. GW 15035 ; 1 ♂ , Mt. Limu ( 19°09′N , 109°28′E ), Hainan Province , 700 m , 15.viii.2008 , leg. Bingbing Hu , genitalia slide No. GW 12324. Description. Adult ( Fig. 8 ) with wingspan 10.5¯13.0 mm. Head dark brown; occiput blackish brown. Labial palpus with first segment grayish white; second segment grayish white basally, deepening to dark brown distally; third segment dark brown. Antenna blackish brown, with metallic luster; basal 5/6 of flagellum with dense pectinate scaling on dorsal edge. Patagium ochreous. Thorax blackish brown except metathorax grayish white, ochreous laterally; tegula ochreous. Forewing ochreous, costal margin grayish brown along basal 5/6; with two longitudinal sub-parallel grayish brown streaks: one streak extending from basal 1/3 to 2/3 above fold, another streak from basal 1/3 to 3/4 below fold; cilia dark brown with red tinge, except ochreous at apex. Hindwing grayish brown, with longitudinal hyaline space beneath basal 2/5 of cell; cilia pale brown. Legs blackish brown. Abdomen dark brown on dorsal surface, grayish white on ventral surface; first tergite brown, third segment with white scales on lateral sides. Male genitalia ( Fig. 16 ). Uncus broad at base, gradually narrowed to apex, with densely spaced long hairs laterally; apex shallowly notched at middle, forming two small pointed posterolateral processes. Gnathos absent. Tegumen about twice length of uncus. Valva slightly narrowed basally, expanded medially, slightly narrowed towards rounded apex distally, with dense long hairs in distal 3/4; costa straight; transtilla elongate triangular; sacculus short, about 1/3 length of valva, narrow, with dense long scales ventrally. Saccus broad, about 1/3 length of uncus. Juxta sub-rounded, concave at middle on posterior margin; anellus lobes about same length as juxta, tapered, with long setae. Aedeagus about 1.2 times length of valva, basal 3/4 uniformly broad, distal 1/4 bilobed: dorsal lobe strong finger-like, ventral lobe triangular with pointed apex, longer than dorsal lobe; cornutus absent. Biology. Unknown. Distribution. China ( Hainan ). Diagnosis. This species is similar to A. ignipicta in the male genitalia by the uncus having two small posterolateral processes, the sacculus not reaching ventro-apex of the valva, and the anellus lobes about the same length as the juxta. It can be distinguished by the forewing having two longitudinal grayish brown streaks, and in the male genitalia by the sacculus about 1/3 the length of the valva, the juxta concave at middle posteriorly, and the aedeagus distally produced to two lobes. In A . ignipicta , the forewing has one broad longitudinal black band; the sacculus is about 3/5 the length of the valva, the juxta is straight on the posterior margin, and the aedeagus is not bilobed distally. Etymology. This specific name is derived from the Latin prefix brevi - and saccullus , referring to the short sacculus.