The Andean Goblin Spiders Of The New Genera Paradysderina And Semidysderina (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Platnick, Norman I. Author Dupérré, Nadine text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2011 2011-12-30 2011 364 1 121 journal article 10.1206/771.1 0003-0090 10114211 Semidysderina kochalkai , new species Figures 827–839 TYPES: Male holotype and female allotype taken at an elevation of 15,700 ft at a lake at Río Tucurinca , Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta , Magdalena , Colombia ( Mar. 16, 1975 ; J. Kochalka ), deposited in AMNH (PBI_OON 37100) . ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a patronym in honor of John Kochalka, pioneering collector of the spiders of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. DIAGNOSIS: Both sexes can easily be recognized by their smooth, shiny sternum with few reticulations (fig. 829). The genitalia are very similar to those of S. donachui , but males have shorter dorsal and ventral abdominal scuta and females have much longer genitalic apodemes (figs. 838, 839). MALE (PBI_OON 37100, figs. 827–833): Total length 2.16. Elevated portion of pars cephalica appears reticulate. Chilum small, triangular. Sternum surface smooth. Anterior ledge of paturon with small tubercle on inner margin. Endites with ventral process wide, distal portion flattened, sinuous, with anteromedially directed tip. Leg spination: femora: I p0-0-2, r0-1-0, II p0-0-2; tibiae I, II v4-4-1p; metatarsi: I v2-2-1p, II v2-2-0. Embolus with ventral projection at about half its length; cymbium fused with bulb but with clearly defined seam between, seam more visible on prolateral side than on retrolateral side. FEMALE (PBI_OON 37100, figs. 834– 839): Total length 2.40. Postepigastric scutum only around epigastric furrow. Leg spination: femora: I p0-0-2, r0-1-1, II p0-0- 2, r0-1-0; tibiae: I v4-4-22, II v4-4-1p; metatarsi I, II v2-2- 1p. Posterior margin or atrium sinuous; anterior genitalic process slightly expanded at base; apodemes long, thick. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: Colombia : Magdalena : Loma Cebolleta, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, May 9, 1975 , terrestrial bromeliads, elev. 11,500 ft (J. Kochalka, AMNH PBI_OON 37103), 28. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia .