Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis sp. n. (Hymenoptera, Halictidae) from ChinaAuthorMurao, RyukiAuthorTadauchi, OsamuAuthorHuan-li, XutextZooKeys20133052132 article (Pachyceble) henanensis Muraosp. n.
Figs 1-18, 21
Type material.
Holotype: ♂, CHINA, Henan Prov., Xinxiang, Mt. Guanshan, Dongling Village,
, alt. 942m, 8. vii. 2011 (O. Tadauchi leg., ELKU: Code No. BeeFTadauchi01022, illustrated in Figs 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13-18, 21). Paratypes: [CHINA] 5♀1♂, same locality as the holotype, 9. vii. 2011 (O. Tadauchi, ELKU: Code Nos. BeeFTadauchi01015-01019 (♀), BeeFTadauchi01020 (♂); No. 01015 illustrated in Fig. 10, No. 01016 in Figs 11, 12, No. 01019 in Figs 2, 4, 6, No. 01020 in Fig. 8); 1♂, same locality as the holotype, 7. vii. 2011 (O. Tadauchi, ELKU: Code No. BeeFTadauchi01021).
Type depository.The holotype and one female paratype (Code No. BeeFTadauchi01019) are deposited in the Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University (Beijing, China), and the remaining paratypes are in ELKU.Etymology.The specific name is derived from the type locality, Henan Province of China.Collecting sites.All specimens were collected from along a sightseeing road at Guanshang National Geopark (Fig. 24).Distribution.China (Henan Province).Diagnosis.
This species seems most closely related to the Trans-Palaearctic species
Seladonia (Pachyceble) tumulorum
and the Holarctic species
Seladonia (Pachyceble) confusa
in having similar body sculptures and male genitalia. However, it differs these allied species by the following key:
Seladonia (Pachyceble) tumulorum
Fig. 10
Seladonia (Pachyceble) confusa
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
Fig. 22
Seladonia (Pachyceble) tumulorum
21, 23
Fig. 23
Seladonia (Pachyceble) confusa
Fig. 21
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
Based on the published works of
Dawut and Tadauchi (2003)
Ebmer (2005)
Pesenko (2006)
Pesenko and Wu (1997)
, and the specimens examined for this study,
species is also separated from the other Chinese species by the combination of following characters: HL/HW ratio= 0.88-0.90 in female; inner hind tibial spur of female with slender 7-8 teeth; upper gonostylus of male genitalia with slender medial lobe; and lower gonostylus of it long and large.
Male. Coloration. Head and mesosoma dark metallic green, metasoma black. Clypeus on lower half, and labrum yellow. Mandible outer surface dark
on basal 2/3, reddish brown apically. Scape and pedicel blackish brown; flagellomere dark yellowish brown on lower side, blackish brown on upper side. Tegula yellowish translucent. All coxae and trochanters black; fore and middle femora mostly yellow; hind femur mostly black except for apical 1/4; all tibiae and tarsi yellow. Wings transparent, veins and stigma pale yellowish. Metasomal terga narrowly yellowish brown translucent apically.
Pilosity. Body hairs whitish to pale yellowish. Head and mesosoma covered with elect fine branched hairs. Lateral surface of pronotum covered with thin tomentum. T1 basolaterally with dense, whitish appressed hairs, remaining areas with fine erect branched hairs. Disc of T2-T5 with sparse simple hairs. Apical bands on metasomal terga interrupted on all segments. Metasomal sterna without special hair tufts. Disc of S1-S4 with simple and short hairs which gradually dense toward the apical parts.
Measurements (n = 3, unit mm): BL = 6.43-8.29 (7.57
1.00), WL = 5.86-7.29 (6.38
0.79); HL = 2.10-2.25 (2.15
0.09), HW = 1.95-2.13 (2.04
0.09), IOD = 0.35-0.39 (0.37
0.02), OOD = 0.39-0.40 (0.39
0.01), OCD = 0.32-0.35 (0.33
0.02), UOD = 1.23-1.32 (1.27
0.05), MOD = 1.27-1.39 (1.33
0.06), LOD = 0.97-1.06 (1.02
0.05), CAL = 0.88-1.00 (0.95
0.07), CPL = 0.45-0.58 (0.51
0.06), EL = 1.35-1.45 (1.38
0.06), EW = 0.60-0.65 (0.63
0.03), GW = 0.30-0.45 (0.38
0.08), F1L = 0.19-0.21 (0.20
0.01), F2L = 0.32-0.34 (0.33
0.01), F3L = 0.34-0.37 (0.35
0.02), F10L = 0.34-0.35 (0.34
0.01), F2W = 0.19-0.21 (0.20
0.01); MsW = 2.05-2.25 (2.13
0.10), SCL = 0.50 (0.50
0.00), MNL = 0.30-0.33 (0.32
0.01), PDL = 0.35-0.40 (0.38
0.03); MtW = 1.85-2.15 (1.98
Structure. Head nearly as long as wide; HW:HL = 1:1.05. Vertex rounded in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD = 1:0.96:0.77. IOD:OOD:OCD = 1:1.07:0.91. Ocellocular area and frons flat, dull, with reticulate PP. Paraocular area similar sculptures with ocellocular area and frons. Supraclypeus slightly convex with dense PP, IS smooth (IS = 0.2). CPL:CAL = 1:1.87. Clypeus gently elevated from middle to lower area, with dense PP, IS smooth (IS = 0.2-0.5). EW:GW = 1:0.61. Malar space short, 0.3 times as wide as mandible at base. Hypostoma distinctly striated. Mandible edentate. Labrum without basal elevation and distal process. Antenna long, reaching metasoma. F1-F3L:F10L:F2W = 1:1.70:1.81:1.75:1.04; flagellomere nearly flattened on lower side.Pronotal lateral ridge rounded, rather indistinct; lateral surface weakly rugulose below; lateral lobe apically rounded. Mesoscutum (Fig. 5) and mesoscutellum shiny, with dense PP over entire surface, IS smooth (IS = 0.2-0.8). Metanotum and mesepisternum dull and rugulose. SCL:MNL:PDL= 1:0.63:0.77. Propodeal dorsum (Fig. 7) slightly inclined, with distinct irregular sinuate ridges over entire surface. Propodeal side and shield densely punctured over entire surface, IS smooth (IS = 0.3-0.5). Hind tibia without basitibial plate. Inner hind tibial spur without distinct teeth. Hind tarsus slender.
Figures 1-6.
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
sp. n. 1-2 lateral habitus 3-4 head in frontal view 5 mesoscutum 6 propodeal dorsum. 1, 3, 5 male, holotype. 2, 4, 6 female paratype.
Discs of T1-T3 with dense PP over entire surface, IS smooth (IS = 0.5-1.0). S1-S4 distinctly tessellate over entire surface. S1-S4 apically nearly straight, S5 increasingly incurved. S6 (Fig. 13) with a distinct longitudinal median depression. S7-S8 (Fig. 14): S7 medially triangular, apex not exceeding S8; S8 medially slightly projecting, apex rounded with a few hairs as long as S8 itself.
Figures 13-17. Male of
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
sp. n., holotype. 13 6th metasomal sternum 14 7th and 8th metasomal sterna 15 genitalia in ventral view 16 genitalia in dorsal view 17 genitalia in lateral view. Scale bars: 13, 0.5 mm; 14-17, 0.2 mm.
(Figs 15-18, 21): gonobase short, ventral arm connected with each other in upper ends; gonocoxite nearly parallel-sided on inner and outer margins in dorsal view, with longitudinal striation in dorsal view, with fingerprint striation in lateral view; upper gonostylus with dense tuft of short hairs and another tuft of several long filament-like modified hairs ventrally, medial lobe slender with a few short hairs apically; lower gonostylus 2.3 times as long as wide, nearly as high as upper gonostylus, spatulate in lateral view, and with dense short hairs on inner surface; penis valve broad medially, with relatively long hairs along median line in dorsal view.
Female. As in male except as indicated.Coloration. Clypeus and all legs without yellow maculatons. Mandible dark reddish, remainder black. All segments of antenna dark brown.Pilosity
. Scopa well developed on hind femur to tibia, and S1-S3. Apical bands on metasomal terga interrupted on T1-T2, completed but narrow on T3-T4.
Measurements (n = 5): BL = 7.71-9.29 (8.60
0.60), WL = 6.43-7.86 (7.37
0.60); HL = 2.15-2.30 (2.25
0.06), HW = 2.40-2.60 (2.53
0.08), IOD = 0.35-0.42 (0.41
0.03), OOD = 0.45-0.52 (0.49
0.03), OCD = 0.35-0.42 (0.41
0.03), UOD = 1.52-1.65 (1.57
0.05), MOD = 1.66-1.81 (1.75
0.06), LOD = 1.42-1.55 (1.48
0.06), CAL = 0.85-0.90 (0.88
0.03), CPL = 0.45-0.50 (0.47
0.02), EL = 1.50-1.55 (1.53
0.03), EW = 0.65-0.75 (0.71
0.04), GW = 0.45-0.65 (0.54
0.08), MsW = 2.40-2.60 (2.53
0.08), SCL = 0.50-0.55 (0.54
0.02), MNL = 0.30-0.35 (0.34
0.02), PDL = 0.35-0.40 (0.39
0.02); MtW = 2.50-2.85 (2.75
Structure. Head wider than long; HW:HL = 1:0.89. Vertex flat medially in frontal view. MOD:UOD:LOD = 1:0.90:0.85. IOD:OOD:OCD = 1:1.21:1.00. PP on supraclypeal area gradually becoming sparse to apically, IS = 0.5-1.0. CPL:CAL = 1:1.89. Clypeus nearly flat, its punctures sparser than in male, IS = 0.5-2.0. EW:GW = 1:0.76. Malar space linear. Hypostoma distinctly tessellate. Mandible bidentate. Labrum (Fig. 11): basal area of labrum 1.7 times as wide as long; basal elevation developed, triangle-shaped; distal process slender, slightly shorter than basal area (0.9 times), and without lateral projection; keel of distal process obtuse apically; labral fimbria acutely pointed at apex. Antenna short, its apically not reaching mesoscutellum as well as the other congeners.Lateral surface of pronotum finely punctuated, IS smooth. SCL:MNL:PDL = 1:0.62:0.72. Propodeal dorsum (Fig. 6) without smooth area. Propodeal side with dense PP on lateral slope, with weak rugulae on rest parts. Propodeal shield weakly tessellate, with sparse PP. Inner hind tibial spur (Fig. 12) with 7-8 slender teeth.Luster on T3-T4 duller than T1-T2. PP on T1 sparser than T2-T4; IS = 1-2.5 on T1, IS= 0.5 on T2-T4. Metasomal sterna flat, weakly tessellated over entire surface, and nearly straight apically.Variation. Male hypostoma striate in holotype, but nearly smooth in one paratype. In addition, male propodeal dorsum without smooth area (Fig. 7) in holotype, but with narrow and smooth area along posterior margin (Fig. 8) in two paratypes.
Figures 18-24. 18, 21 Male of
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
sp. n., holotype 19, 22 Male of
Seladonia (Pachyceble) tumulorum tumulorum
(Linnaeus) 20, 23 Male of
Seladonia (Pachyceble) confusa confusa
(Smith) 24 Collecting site of
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
sp. n., photograph by Dr. Satoshi Kamitani 18-20 gonostylus of male genitalia in dorsal view 21-23 lower gonostylus of male genitalia in lateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.
List of Chinese species of
Seladonia (Pachyceble)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) argilos
(Ebmer, 2005)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) confusa pelagia
(Ebmer, 1996)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) henanensis
Murao, sp. n.
Seladonia (Pachyceble) leucahenea leucahenea
(Ebmer, 1972)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) opacoviridis
(Ebmer, 2005)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) tibetana
, 1926)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) tumulorum ferripennis
(Cockerell, 1929)
Seladonia (Pachyceble) yunnanica
(Pesenko & Wu, 1997)
(Pachyceble) confusa alpina
(Alfken, 1907) and
Seladonia (Pachyceble) dorni
(Ebmer, 1982) are recorded from China (
Fan 1991
Niu et al. 2004
). However, these records not include in above list, in accordance with
Ebmer (2005)
Pesenko (2006)