Notes on Glaucocharis (Lepidoptera, Crambidae) from China, with descriptions of two new species Author Li, Wei-Chun text ZooKeys 2018 807 149 158 journal article 1313-2970-807-149 AEABBE0CD626422E9D7F919E29635F2F AEABBE0CD626422E9D7F919E29635F2F Glaucocharis sperlingi sp. n. Figs 1, 2, 7 Type material. Holotype ♂: CHINA: Mabian Dafengding National Nature Reserve, Mabian ( 28°51'N , 103°31'E ), Sichuan Province, 1100 m, 12.viii.2012, coll. Wei-Chun Li, prep. gen, WD16102 (JXAUM). Paratype, 1 ♂, with same locality as holotype and collected on 10.viii.2012 (JXAUM). Diagnosis. This new species is similar to Glaucocharis electra (Bleszynski) by having slender uncus and gnathos, and thin and long valva in the male genitalia. It can be distinguished by the basal process of the costa of the valva with two projections, the juxta ending with three spine-like projections, and the phallus with a line of tiny spine-like cornuti in the male genitalia (Fig. 7). In G. electra , the costa of the valva only has a single projection, the juxta is concave distally, and the phallus has only one cornutus ( Bleszynski 1965 : pl. 32 fig. 4). Description. Male adult (Figs 1, 2): Forewing length 5.5-6.0 mm. Frons and vertex pale brown. Labial palpus pale yellow on outer side except for brown base and tip, white ventrally. Maxillary palpus pale brown, white distally. Antenna pale brown and yellowish white in alternance on dorsal surface, pale yellow ventrally. Tegula and thorax white mixed with pale brown. Forewing white, sparsely covered with pale brown scales; antemedian line pale brown, straight except curved inward near costa; reniform stigma pale brown, small and ovate; postmedian line pale brown, arched outward; apex pale yellow, with white apical stripe; termen pale brown, with two black marginal spots; fringe pale brown mixed with white. Hindwing white, covered with pale brown scales along apex; fringe concolourous with forewing. Abdomen brown and white in alternance on dorsal surface. Legs white. Male genitalia (Fig. 7): Uncus slightly concave at two-thirds, tapering to pointed apex. Gnathos curved upward slightly, apex with triangular projection and small spine on dorsal and ventral margin, respectively. Tegumen approximately as long as gnathos. Valva broad basally, narrowed towards blunt apex; ventral margin indented at about three-fourths; costa with adjacent triangular and spine-like projections at base. Saccus well-developed, gently narrowed towards distal tip. Juxta anteriorly convex, slightly broadened in basal one-third, then narrowed towards tip, ending with three spine-like projections. Phallus slightly shorter than valva; tiny cornuti spine-like, placed in one line. Female unknown. Distribution. China (Sichuan). Natural history. Unknown except that the moths are in flight in early August and come to light. The habitat in which this species has been collected is located at 1100 m altitude, at the foot of the mountain. Most parts of the mountain are covered with trees belonging to families Lauraceae and Fagaceae (Fig. 10). Etymology. In honour of Professor Felix Sperling of the University of Alberta, Canada, who contributed profoundly to systematic research in entomology, and who maintains long-standing achievements as curator of the E. H. Strickland Entomological Museum ( Figures 1-6. Glaucocharis spp. 1, 3, 5 Adult in dorsal view 2, 4, 6 Head in lateral view 1, 2 G. sperlingi sp. n., male, holotype 3, 4 G. nussi sp. n., male, holotype 5, 6 G. castaneus Song & Chen, female.