New host records for Nearctic and Neotropical spider wasps (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) Author Kurczewski, Frank E. 1188 Converse Drive NE Atlanta, GA 30324 Author West, Rick C. 6365 Willowpark Way Sooke, BC, Canada V 9 Z 1 L 9 Author Waichert, Cecilia Departamento de Zoología, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade de Brasília Brasília, DF, 70910 - 900, Brazil text Insecta Mundi 2024 2024-03-01 2024 34 1 32 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10793331 1942-1354 10793331 853E1294-B73D-43B8-8D82-AFD2E0B00352 Entypus velutinus (Taschenberg) BRAZIL : Minas Gerais State , Lagoa Formosa; 1 July 2014 , 1615 PM ; L. Rabelo de Almeida. Host: Phoneutria nigriventer (Keyserling) ( Ctenidae ), adult or subadult female. The wasp stood beside and examined the immobilized Brazilian wandering spider with her antennae as it laid, dorsal side upward, on the ground ( Rabelo de Almeida 2014 ). BRAZIL : Minas Gerais State , Lagoa Formosa ; 29 November 2017 , 1745 PM ; L. Rabelo de Almeida. Host : Phoneutria nigriventer , adult or subadult female. The wasp stood next to and examined the immobilized Brazilian wandering spider with her antennae and mouthparts as it laid, dorsal side upward, on the ground and dragged it backwards, dorsal side upward, grasping its right chelicera with her mandibles ( Rabelo de Almeida 2017 ) . Phoneutria nigriventer ( Ctenidae ) is the first host record and new host family, genus, and species for Entypus velutinus .