A new species of Psammonitocrella Huys, 2009 (Copepoda, Harpacticoida, Ameiridae) from California (USA), with a discussion of the relationship between Psammonitocrella and Parastenocarididae
Corgosinho, Paulo Henrique Costa
Department of General Biology, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, 39401 - 089, Montes Claros, Brazil
Kihara, Terue Cristina
Senckenberg am Meer Wilhelmshaven, Abt. Deutsches Zentrum fuer Marine Biodiversitaet, DZMB, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Suedstrand 44, 26382, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Arbizu, Pedro Martinez
Senckenberg am Meer Wilhelmshaven, Abt. Deutsches Zentrum fuer Marine Biodiversitaet, DZMB, German Centre for Marine Biodiversity Research, Suedstrand 44, 26382, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
journal article
Psammonitocrella Huys, 2009
Diagnosis amended.
. Body small, slender, and cylindrical, without distinct demarcation between prosome and urosome. Integument weakly chitinized, with or without lateral cuticular windows on P2-P3-bearing somites (presence of these cuticular windows is uncertain for
P. longifurcata
P. boultoni
); hyaline posterior fringe of all somites smooth. First pedigerous somite incorporated into cephalosome. Prosome ornamented only with sensilla; Ur ornamented with rows of small spinules. Genital (Ur2) and Ur3 separated in female; GF with single large copulatory pore, wide copulatory duct, and two small semicircular seminal receptacles; single small genital aperture covered by fused reduced P6, without armature or ornamentation. Telson unornamented or ornamented with small spinules and tube pores. Anal operculum unornamented or ornamented with small spinules, wide and convex, not reaching or reaching posterior end of anal somite. Fu slender, tapering distally or cylindrical, slightly divergent, longer than anal somite, with long tube pores in
P. kumeyaayi
sp. nov.; seta VII inserted subdistally, close to inner margin, less than half the ramus length; outer setae I and II inserted on the proximal half of Fu; seta III on the same plane as seta VII; seta VI minute; seta V without breaking plane; seta IV longer, as long as or shorter than ramus. A1 long and slender, eight-segmented in female, 10-segmented, haplocer, and geniculate in male; without seta on short first segment in female, with a seta on the first segment in male. A2 composed of coxa, basis, two-segmented enp and one-segmented exp; exp armed with three setae. Md with narrow cutting edge and two-segmented uniramous palp; basis unarmed; enp with three to five apical setae. Mx1 with praecoxal arthrite armed with three distal claws, one or two minute oral setae, and one or two accessory aboral setae; coxa with two or three apical setae; basis with two to four apical setae; enp present or absent. Mx2 with syncoxal endite armed with a single element, or endite absent; basal endite armed with three elements; enp1 drawn out into a claw, with an accessory seta; remaining endopodal segment represented by one or two setae. Basis of P1 with unmodified inner spine in male, and with or without outer seta; without any other sexual dimorphism in swimming legs; basis of P2 with or without outer seta. Enp of P1 three-segmented; enp of P2 and P3 one- or two-segmented, of P4 reduced to small knob or completely absent; P1enp1 unarmed, long, reaching distal margin of exp2 or nearly as long as exp1; P1enp2 unarmed, longer than enp3; P1enp3 with outer seta, with or without geniculation, inner seta probably geniculated in all species; if enp of P2 and P3 two-segmented, then first segment unarmed, second segment with one apical seta. All swimming legs with three-segmented exps; exopodal segments of P2-P4 subequal in length; P1-P4exp1 without inner seta; exp2 of P1 without outer spine and with inner seta; exp2 of P2 and P3 with inner seta and outer spine; exp2 of P4 with or without outer spine and with inner seta; exp3 of P1 with two outer spines, two geniculate distal setae, and without inner armature; P2-P4exp3 without outer spine; P2-P3exp3 with or without inner apical seta; inner apical seta of P4exp3 may be transformed into a spine. P5 similar in both sexes; fused to somite or free; with or without recognizable endopodal lobe, and with recognizable exopodal lobe, or exp one-segmented; endopodal lobe (if present) armed with one or two elements; exopodal lobe or exp with four, three, two or only one seta.
Type species.
Psammonitocrella boultoni
Rouch, 1992.
Other species.
Psammonitocrella longifurcata
Rouch, 1992;
P. kumeyaayi
sp. nov.
Table 1.
Setal formulae of the swimming legs as hypothesized to occur in the ground pattern of the genus. Roman numerals represent spines; Arabic numerals represent setae.
Legs |
Basis |
Exopod |
Endopod |
P1 |
1-I |
I-0, 0-1, II-2-0 |
0-0, 0-0, 0-I+1*-0 |
P2 |
1-0 |
I-0, I-1, 0-I+2**-0 |
0-0, 0-1-0+ |
P3 |
1-0 |
I-0, I-1, 0-I+1-0 |
0-0, 0-1-0+ |
P4 |
1-0 |
I-0, I-1++, 0-I+1-I# |
Knob## |
*2 setae in
P. kumeyaayi
sp. nov; distal outer seta geniculate. **I+1 in
P. boultoni
P. kumeyaayi
sp. nov. +one-segmented in
P. longifurcata
; 0-1-0. ++0-1 in
P. kumeyaayi
sp. nov. #0-I+1-0 in
P. longifurcata
. ##Absent in
P. kumeyaayi
sp. nov. and in
P. longifurcata